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For those who do WW online,

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I am a self-disciplined person but having the on-line tracker etc. is just enough countability for me to have lost and kept off 60+ pounds for two years. BTW, I think it's the way we should all eat not just people trying to loose weight. My whole family, mostly unbeknown st to them, follow the plan! lol! It's a very reasonable to follow plan. The changes I have made I know I can maintain.


I think there are other on line programs that are free but so far I think the WW tracking program is the fastest (most computer efficient) time wise. If you have any specific questions I'd be happy to answer them.

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The Well-Trained Sparks is a private team you can join, and there are lots of other teams, too. People who use the same workouts, people who are the same age or the same profession, whatever.


It's free, and they provide as much or as little support as you wish. You can get daily (or more often) e-mailed articles, notices of activity on the team forums, and set up your own Sparkpage with blog.


Let me know if you'd like more information.


To join our team, register with Sparkpeople, log in, and follow this link:



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I've done it before. It helps you track points. Honestly, sparkpeople is better for free. (Unless they have done some serious updates to WW online.)




While I use WW successfully, I think the real success lies in the tracking which can easily be done with a notebook and pen. The WW forums are free and offer lots of tips and advice.


I definitely am not promoting WW on line as the only on line program or even the best, but it has worked for me (and my sister).


Oh and exercise . . . definitely exercise contributes to a healthy lifestyle.

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I found that the money I was paying for WW kept me using the program. I didn't stick with Sparkpeople. I also found that I did much better on the WW program when I went to the actual meetings. I'm thinking of rejoining for January to get to my next goal. The meetings are more expensive and we hit a place where $40 a month was just too much. But I lost more weight attending the meetings than doing it online alone.


Edited to add: After posting this, I realized that waiting was stupid. I rejoined Weight Watchers and attended a meeting at 8:00am this morning. :lol:

Edited by Night Elf
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I found that the money I was paying for WW kept me using the program. I didn't stick with Sparkpeople. I also found that I did much better on the WW program when I went to the actual meetings. I'm thinking of rejoining for January to get to my next goal. The meetings are more expensive and we hit a place where $40 a month was just too much. But I lost more weight attending the meetings than doing it online alone.


Edited to add: After posting this, I realized that waiting was stupid. I rejoined Weight Watchers and attended a meeting at 8:00am this morning. :lol:


I would love to go to a meeting but my small town doesn't have any (off and on over the years they have but not all the time).


I started WW two years ago three weeks before Christmas. It was hard but waiting for the perfect moment . . .well it'll never come.


You've inspired me to get back on the wagon today, after three days of recklessness (well not really recklessness just a bit of carelessness!:))

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Is it worth the $$? I was given some cash for Christmas and I want to do something for ME that's healthy. I hate meetings, so I was thinking that WW online might be a good thing.


Experiences? Thoughts?


Worked for me. I lost 13 pounds--my goal. Of course I gained back about 8 of that in the course of a year....:tongue_smilie: but I've still got the subscription and I plan to start back up...NOW.

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You've inspired me to get back on the wagon today, after three days of recklessness (well not really recklessness just a bit of carelessness!:))


Good for both of us then! My WW leader talked about lapses today which was quite appropriate considering I dropped out 9 months ago. I was kind of bummed because I've regained 10 lbs. of the 17 lbs. I lost with WW. I wanted to just start fresh today but she suggested I not deny myself the credit for keeping off the rest and not gaining even more. The ironic thing is that over the past 9 months, I've really made an effort at maintaining what I had lost but fell for the holiday foods starting with eating too much candy and cookies at Halloween. So I realized that accepting my holiday lapse was part of my journey and I'm not going to be disappointed. It's just a temporary thing because I don't normally eat that way.


I'm happy to be going to the meetings again. I'm proud of myself for just getting dressed and going this morning! :)

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I'm happy to be going to the meetings again. I'm proud of myself for just getting dressed and going this morning! :)


Good job! I went back today after years of being away. I reached lifetime after my first baby was born just in time to get pregnant again. I went a time or two in the past seven years, but haven't stuck with it. I'm determined to do it this time--my motivation has never been so high! Walking back in that door was so hard, though.

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