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Tackling Monday Together, 3.25.24


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Good morning! 

Next week is spring break, and I have just 5 weeks of my main homeschool classes after that! 

  • dh's breakfast packed along with lunch and dinner for the charter school tonight
  • coffee
  • Bible study
  • 4 Zoom sessions
  • possibly a 5th one with an individual student
  • Daddy coming for us to look at life alert systems online
  • Daddy stay for dinner
  • clean kitchen
  • tidy house
  • prep for tomorrow
  • never updated the big budget book, so need to do that
  • watch something and relax
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Good morning!  DS14 may have broken his butt yesterday in the game, so I'm waiting for that call to tell me he just cannot sit in class today.  Other than that...

  • figure out dinner
  • grocery shop
  • first astronomy class
  • RSVP our potluck dish
  • tidy the house
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Good morning! 
I have packed lunch and snack and dropped the boy at school. And made coffee.

Check storage unit? 
Double check ingredients ✔️ 
Possible grocery run ✔️ 
Work meeting ✔️ 
Buy grip tape
Drop off gear ✔️ 
Dinner is chx shwarma
Go watch Ds’ game

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Good Morning

Day 2 and snow still coming down. Schools, Universities and many businesses are closed.  We are in a winter storm warning and just a few miles away from the blizzard warning area. The visibility is low so we will stay put until Wednesday when it’s over.

So I guess Mother Nature is saying it’s time to start spring cleaning. Will start with bathrooms and then kitchen for today.

Meetings were cancelled

will take pup out for short breaks


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I spent the morning at walk-in care with ds.  And if this was any other community I probably would have sounded like the crazy parent asking, 'yes, but can he play on Saturday?"  But all the docs know him and have kids in sports/played them when they were young, so even though we were there for his spine they did a basic neuro test and kept making sure he didn't have a concussion every time we saw another person.

Good news: he's cleared to play.  No fractures. (and no concussion!)

Bad news: he's going to be in pain this week.  He can't be given much for relief, so he just has to deal and stand as needed.

I'm going to take a few minutes to enjoy a cup of tea before moving on to what needs to happen at home.

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6 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

@HomeAgain Oh no I am so sorry to hear your ds is in pain.  Good news he has no fractures or a concussion.  Is he at home resting?  Does ice or heating pad help at all?  Poor kiddo.

Yeah, school ends soon and it didn't seem wise to send him back to sit on a wooden chair.  I'll email his main teacher this afternoon and let her know that he might prefer standing tomorrow.

He says nothing helps, but also, he's a teen boy who is moody about his body not feeling right and missing ice time, on top of a sleepless night, so I'll take his complaining with just half a grain of salt.  Hopefully he can start feeling better by the morning.  I wouldn't be surprised to find him asleep this afternoon after the ibuprofen kicks in.

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Happy Monday!

The weekend wasn't long enough for all of the work I had to do.  Why does everything take longer than it's supposed to?  Why do I never get a project that doesn't have at least a few weird characteristics that cause delays?

Anyhoo.  I got all the projects started in the system, and some are almost done.  Others have long lists of data that I need to enter, in between putting out fires etc.  However, each time I send something out, I feel another weight lifted off my shoulders, so I hope to keep the momentum up.

The thing is, there's like 500 items of data I'm trying to keep in my head as I switch from Project A to Emergency B to Open Question C.  Which questions did I have to follow up on for each project?  I need to start an Excel file to keep track, or I'll be forgetting stuff and getting in trouble.

This is the kids' last week of Q3 at school, and some of their grades are scary.  They need to talk to the teachers.  I don't want to hear "I forgot" or some other excuse.  And I don't want to have to follow up ... both because I don't have time right now, and because they are 17 and need to be fully responsible for school stuff.

Kid2 also has an appointment after school for a summer job ... I think she needs to be fingerprinted or do a drug test or maybe both ... and I may or may not have to go with her.  I guess I'll bring my computer, kuz I can't take that long of a break today.

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First day of astronomy is done.  It's a condensed course, so the material is more than enough to do each week: 1-2 chapters, 2-3 activities/labs, 1 quiz, and 2 posts of various topics.  I noticed one of the weeks has the due dates adjusted to account for the K through 12 schools' spring break, which is rather nice.

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Dinner is made.
Some laundry folded and put away.

Got those done while listening to Close Reads podcast about The Hobbit.

Next up:
Do Bible study for tomorrow. ✔️ 
Eat dinner early or pack some to take to the game. ✔️ 
Put my stadium chair in the car. 


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Dh is really struggling with our taxes this year, even with Turbo Tax (or something similar). I suggested just paying H&R Block to do them, but he got angry at that idea. Seems like a no-brainer to me; totally worth $100 and a 20 minute appointment to not have to stress about it! I hope he resolves it soon and that the filing is done correctly. I know nothing about taxes anymore bc he has always preferred to do them. 


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9 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:

Dh is really struggling with our taxes this year, even with Turbo Tax (or something similar). I suggested just paying H&R Block to do them, but he got angry at that idea. Seems like a no-brainer to me; totally worth $100 and a 20 minute appointment to not have to stress about it! I hope he resolves it soon and that the filing is done correctly. 


My dh doesn't like the idea, either.  It is a guarantee to start a rant about the IRS making taxes more difficult than they need to be.  I hope yours finds a solution that works for him!

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Ds’ team lost their game, but they actually played well. Just overmatched. Ds did not seem frustrated or discouraged. 

I did a little job-hunting. Saw a couple that I will apply for. Need to do a slightly different resume and order copies of my undergrad and graduate school transcripts. 

Got a snack and some tea.
Next up: read! 


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