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Tackling Monday Together, 3.18.24


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Good morning!

Back to the old grindstone...

  • dh is off to work with breakfast and lunch
  • 4 Zoom sessions
  • Bible study
  • make a phone call to Daddy's neurologist about moving his appointment up
  • prep for more school this week
  • meals
  • tidy house
  • clean kitchen
  • laundry
  • pay bills/update big budget book
  • watch something and relax
Edited by mom31257
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Good morning!

Boy to school ✔️ 
Coffee ✔️ 
Meal planning ✔️ 
Grocery ✔️ 
Tutor online ✔️ 
Take a meal to a friend with a badly broken arm ✔️ 
Pick up Rx
Remind Dh to pick up Ds ✔️ 
Tutor in person ✔️ 

Dinner is tofu stir fry and egg rolls. 

Edited by ScoutTN
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Good Morning

2 zoom meetings

reschedule vax apt with vet

Walk dog a couple times

clean produce 

make pear crisp or other recipe with pears

clean carpet


put gas in car

call nursery reserve berry plants 

edit a couple videos




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Good morning! I have a super busy day today. I am sure I won't get it all done.

Done or ongoing 

  • finished preparing for plumber
  • Took all morn8ng meds including Dupixent
  • Plumber is here and just found out leaking water stream down our driveway is city problem. Dh used a online complaint service our city uses to report it to the city months ago and they took their time and replied it wasn't their fault. I will have the plumber write out how he tested that it wasn't our fault.
  • Helping plumber as-needed 


To do and can't do most until plumber leaves

  • call all doctors, etc who weren't paid because of the insurance mess up that I took care of last week.
  • Call case manager 
  • Call my shoulder doctor's staff 
  • Call vascular surgeon re when my next appointment is 
  • Start calling home aid staff Agencies 
  • Call tricare express scripts re Advair issue 
  • Get either allergy or pulmonology appointment or both 
  • Make shopping list for publix and fresh market 
  • Pick up Enbrel at Publix 
  • Pick up medicine at Propst drugstore plus bring in my walker to see if they can fix it.  One of the tightening bolts is broken 
  • Talk w dh about plumbing issues -plumber told me my water heater is from 1989 and is a time bomb. Also, we need to replace w old water pressure valves/ shut of valves s8nce our water pressure isxway too high- over 85 so our new kitchen plumbing isn't even on warranty right now since max is 80 and he normally sets it at 65. That all costs about 5k.   And we also need 2 toilets replaced and one toilet tank reworked. I want the first part done before dh leaves for his long trip in early April. Last June, when he was on a business trip, the kitchen  flood disaster happened and dd1 helped a lot w thar. Now dd1  is about to have a baby just did and it didn't go well.
  • do some financial stuff


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Still behind on work.  Several client emergencies + 3 client calls today (so far).  Ugh.  Crank crank crank.

My kid signed up to work tomorrow's election ... but she decided at 4pm today that she's not going.  She says it's because she just found out that she has a math test on Wednesday.  Granted, working the polls is a super long day - no time to study for sure.  But I'm skeptical of her motives.  She's off recreational screens until at least Wednesday night.  😕

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  • call all doctors, etc who weren't paid because of the insurance mess of last week Doctors all done. I messaged on X Quest Diagnostics because their stupid computer system billing phone out me on hold twice and hung up w/out me reaching any humans.
  • Call case manager Not doing until Thursday at earlier since I have an telehealth appt w Concierge doctor on Wednesday afternoon
  • Call my shoulder doctor's staff left message
  • Call vascular surgeon re when my next appointment is tomorrow
  • Start calling home aid staff Agencies Talked briefly with women at TARCOG- a local govt agency that helps disabled and seniors (I qualify as both since I am 62 now). She was in a meeting and will be calling back
  • Call Tricare Express scripts regarding the Advair issue. My prescription expired in Oct.  Then I stupidly took the inhaler out of the purple tubing, and in putting it back in, I got it stuck and nonusable.  Got my concierge doctor to put in script to Publix and so I will get it tomorrow but in the meantime, I will probably have to use levalbuterol
  • Get either allergy or pulmonology appointment or both tomorrow
  • Make shopping list for publix and fresh market 
  • Pick up Enbrel at Publix 
  • Pick up medicine at Propst drugstore plus bring in my walker to see if they can fix it.  One of the tightening bolts is broken 
  • Talk w dh about plumbing issues -plumber told me my water heater is from 1989 and is a time bomb. Also, we need to replace w old water pressure valves/ shut of valves since our water pressure is way too high- over 85 so our new kitchen plumbing isn't even on warranty right now since max is 80 and he normally sets it at 65. That all costs about 5k.   And we also need 2 toilets replaced and one toilet tank reworked. I want the first part done before dh leaves for his long trip in early April. Last June, when he was on a business trip, the kitchen  flood disaster happened and dd1 helped a lot w that. Now dd1  is about to have a baby
  • do some financial stuff
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Dinner was good. Dh cleaned up. Dishwasher and laundry are running. 

Ds has a college visit tomorrow with his school, so no homework tonight. Possibly more due later in the week, but I am glad for a restful evening. 

I am enjoying my book! Having some hot tea and reading til I fall asleep.

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I got a call from the nurse of the shoulder surgeon and got a name of a surgeon who does that kind of surgery at UAB=so l.5 hours away. That was while I was at Publix, getting my Enbrel, and getting some food including an already roasted chicken which we only at half of and can eat again for another dinner. I made the easy dinner of leftover peas, Garlic couscous which takes only 8 minutes with our new induction stove, and fresh multigrain Italian bread with butter.  I had a green banana for dessert,  I do not like yellow bananas.\

Quest diagnostics really quickly answered my message on X (that is the way to get companies to do what you want) and I have messaged them back with all the particulars of the claim so they do not have to bother me again=just refile.

The lady from Tarcog called while I was getting into the car to get my walker fixed, retrieve prescription and go to Publix and get Enbrel and food.  I gave her my email address and she was going to send me two different directories of both home aid services and another one which was  a directory of all their services.  I am having issues with gmail today like it is not loading so I will see in the morning if it is here.  I am going to start getting ready to go to sleep- I didn't get enough last night.

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