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Tackling Tuesday 2-6-24


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Foggy this morning.  Hopefully we will see some sun later.

Up early because I can hear really loud cars or trucks before 6 am.  Sigh.  I have fans/air purifiers going to drown out street noise.  I don't know if I could sleep with ear plugs.

I have hurt my back sleeping in odd positions and it is been bothering me the last few days. 

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Good morning!

  • quick trip to the grocery store for eggs, yogurt, oatmeal.
  • stop by Target/Marshalls to look at gift wrap holders
  • violin (done)
  • workout (done)
  • work with ds on his science poster and maths.
  • dinner: black bean flautas, poblano & corn, rice, salad
  • meeting/possible beginning of activities for ds.  The group is planning something he's not interested in, so he may not go to the first activity.
  • possibly trade places with dh if ds starts with the second activity
  • finish up everything, head home around 10pm.

We may or may not be getting snow today, which will make travel slow and bleh.  I'm not looking forward to it.

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@mommyoffive I hope your day improves!

Ds is at school and I have coffee. We have sunshine, though clouds are forecast for later. 

Shower ✔️ 
Church - Bible study and then work on a project. ✔️ 

Pick up Ds? Dh did. 
Tutor this evening, online.
Dinner is ?


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@mommyoffive, I pray your back feels better. I'm sorry for the rough sleep!

I made dh some breakfast stuff last night so I could sleep in today.

My scalp is still dry, so I've got coconut oil on it now that I'll wash out soon. 

I'm not sure what time things are happening today. The car will need to be picked up, and I have a friend who said she can take me. I'll need to get it to ds, and this afternoon or evening is my most free time this week.

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Good morning all! 

DH is home, which is glorious. Went to school yesterday, and had a headache/"I'm getting sick" hit out of nowhere about 2 hrs into the day -- tried to figure out a way to be able to cancel the rest of the day and go home, couldn't think of anything, popped sudafed & ibuprofen & muddled through the rest of the day. Got home and slept for 3 hours straight while DH did the Monday night stuff. 

Because I felt awful, cancelled my PreK kid for today. Of course I woke up feeling....not good, but not awful....but I'm keeping him cancelled so I can rest, and in case it's anything contagious. 

Also, I had cancelled tomorrow's class b/c Jury Duty, but got an email that it got cancelled & I'm done, no need to appear, nor reschedule. Keeping class cancelled, in case I don't feel better by tomorrow. 

So, today's list:

....rest as needed so I can kick whatever this is - debate whether to go to the dr or not, take a covid test or not, etc. 
....help DS with psychology assignment he has - if he submits before midnight tomorrow, he gets extra credit
...make power points for 2nd grade  history to send out for tomorrow 
...make power point &/or video for 2nd grade science to send out for tomorrow 
...check w/the tutor mom if I do or don't have tutoring today - they may have garden club today so not sure
...if so, go tutor (or cancel her too? but I think it's probably okay if I go, we'll see....)
...check with DH who is in charge of dinner, figure that out, etc. 
....rest as needed, cook/eat dinner, veg out, etc. 
...somewhere in there, fold some clothes 

Have a good day, everyone! 

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Good Afternoon

groceries ordered and picked up

clean produce

rescheduled one meeting

practice gentle lead on pup 

doggie school tonight 

look at map figure alternate route to dog school- road construction. Followed the designated detour last week at it took us way out of the way.

clean our dog food area and bin. 


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Emailed out the assignments for the week to my 2nd grade parents


texted and cancelled the tutor girls today 

got up, woke up Middle for DH and passed along a message about his school stuff (we've agreed DH will run point on Middle, I will run point on DS)

checked in w/DS and made sure he's doing what he needs to be doing

taking some more medicine and eating some soup and then......? 


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Okay, booked a "save my spot" at the urgent care (we currently have no primary care doc, as the place we go keeps swapping out docs, so we end up using this affiliated urgent care instead most of the time....it's annoying and we need to find a new regular doctor)

DH will be home soon and we'll go

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