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Tackling Wednesday Together, 12.13.23


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Dh and Ds are off to work, but ds left his lunch cooler here. He said he'll run by and get it. Thankfully, he only works 5 minutes away. I have classes all day. 

  • shower and get dressed in elf shirt and hat; Today is the last day for the homeschool classes, so I'm doing Christmas games on Zoom. 
  • 5 Zoom sessions
  • meals
  • do more trig for a student tomorrow
  • go to the bank
  • tidy house
  • make a list of what I have left to do for Christmas (a lot!)
  • watch something and relax
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Good morning!

Boy is at school. Told me that he didn’t need to study for tomorrow’s Chemistry exam bc he knows the material. He has a D in the online gradebook. No, Ds, I am not giving you the Amazon password so that you can watch a movie in study hall. ☹️🙄😠 

Too awake from the cold and from arguing go back to bed now. Having coffee.

Pick up milk ✔️ 
Write Christmas cards
Wrap gifts ✔️ 
Make cookie-baking grocery list ✔️ 

Remind Dh to set up the parental controls on Ds’ laptop

Check on mom

Dinner is leftovers? Dh and Dd have choir practice and will have to eat early or late. 

Read, lots of time to read today. 😊

Edited by ScoutTN
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Morning, all. 

Today I have:

....probably go run by a friend's house and drop off a little gift (for the girls I see on Friday mornings)
....if I do that, go by the nursery gift shop and finish up shopping for my out-of-state best friend, so I can mail her family's gift box
....*maybe* then also go by and return a thing/things for the kids, buy different stuff/finish up their in-person shopping
....regardless of all the above, get their TeeTurtle order in so it will be here on time
....make the list/chart/etc of who has what, how much has been spent, what budget remains for each of them, etc. (DH usually does this, but this year is all clothes, so he punted to me, which I love, but I'm much less organized with the $ side of things)

....help the kids study some more for history exam
....try not to worry that the history prof has not posted grades for anything, assume the kids did well, and will finish strong in there
....any other free time, work on my friend's quilt - would like to get it finished before she heads to Mexico for the winter (she leaves Jan 1)
....grocery shop tonight??? Not sure, b/c normally this is done while we take DS to church; he has no church tonight, so....????
....veg out, go to bed

Oh, ha, figure out dinner. That's probably on me....probably I'll make the jar bean soup i got just to have something easy, but we'll see. 

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Happy Wednesday!

Still working on urgent client stuff.  Hoping to finish before I get any more nastygrams.


  • Slept, yay!  (But only about 4-5 hours.)
  • Woke up, yay!
  • Took out the garbage.
  • Kids to school on time, yay!
  • Walked the dog - day 10 in a row.  Got yesterday's mail.
  • Ate an apple, took vitamins.
  • A little reading.
  • Sent out a couple of client emails.
  • Caught up on emails, calendar, news, social media, and electronic school stuff.

To do:

  • Yoga etc.
  • Lots more client work.
  • Eat veggies, drink water.
  • Fill out forms for kids' upcoming planned absences so their work will be accepted.
  • A little house cleaning, a little more reading.
  • Set up blood donation appointment for myself and my kid.
  • Place an Amazon order for coffee & Christmas.
  • Whatever else gets done.
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Annoyed by work stuff. I handled something poorly. Letting other people’s poor decisions get to me. Not really important enough to bother sharing my thoughts. Ugh.

Finished a book.

Gonna get dressed and head out to do errands. 

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Good Afternoon

time outside with pup

Got new water dish for pup especially for long ear dogs. She was excited and used it.

dropped a couple boxes and tree stand at goodwill

went to fleet farm got more dog food, gate food container which needs exchanging cause latch broken

no meetings today

the road in front of our house is all ice. Take drive later to see if park roads are better. Looking for area to walk, I hate walking on ice.

laundry going

Clean up dining room


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Dh is working on fixing the front storm door, so he will not get to Ds’ laptop today.

Dd is getting my cold; no choir for her tonight. Dinner is chx noodle soup at her request.

Not gonna get to mom’s today. 

Getting a snack and doing some quiet, at home things. Mostly resting.

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Was able to get in for a follow up with the oral surgeon post extraction. I had a couple of bone fragments work themselves out. All is healing well. 

Stopped at the thrift store and found something eldest needed to get before a trip. 

Filed some paperwork and gave the dog a bath. He is now all fresh and in his new sweater from the thrift store, it was $1. The other sweater I got him is too big, but it too was only $1, so no big loss. 

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Picked up Ds. 
Made soup.
Culled my inbox.

Cancelled on two events for tomorrow; staying home as much as possible.

Added things to the grocery list. Gonna pick up an order tomorrow morning and run into Sprouts for one thing.

Lounging under my heavy faux fur throw blanket that was my favorite Christmas gift from last year, from Dh’s younger sister.

Nothing is gone off my Amazon wish list. (jammies, books, and sweaters) ☹️ As usual, my immediate family will get me stuff I don’t need or like, that I will return or thrift. I am really not hard to buy for. 😐


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@ScoutTN and @TheReader, I made a ground beef dish tonight because I picked some up on reduced sale this afternoon. Something I do is brown it with chopped onion, drain it, and add worcestershire and ketchup. I make a box of deluxe mac and cheese and add the meat to it after I've added the cheese.  I always hold out some pasta and beef for myself since I can't have the cheese. I add a little more ketchup so it won't be dry. Ds ate half of the whole thing tonight. 

I took a nap this afternoon, which felt good considering how late I have stayed up the last few nights! 

I still need to get some work done and some laundry, but the kitchen is already clean. 

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Would any of you be open to us having a Zoom meeting for a Christmas party? I would love to meet more of you, even if it can't be in person. Getting a time that works for everyone might be challenging and easier after the holidays, but I'm willing if you are. I could set it up and private message the zoom link and info. 

Any thoughts? And I totally understand if it's a no. 


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Thanks, y'all! Made spaghetti (which I don't love, but the family does). It was a hit! 

@mom31257, gosh, I would love that! 

DH & I are both fighting the "can it just be Christmas already??" grumpies. Not fun when it's both of us at the same time. :sigh: We're heading out shortly to grocery shop, hopefully that time together doing normal, mundane stuff will cheer us both up.  (how is that our life now, that getting away to grocery shop is a chance to cheer up? LOL!)

We still don't even have a tree, and at this point I'm thinking why bother. Except it *will* cheer me up, but is it worth it for a week??? :sigh: 

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