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Tackling Wed 11-22 Together


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My mom called me early in hysterics about needing to move out by 12:30 pm today. I reassured her that was not so, turned up the heat, and dozed for a while. Making coffee now.

Kids are asleep. Dh went to Bible study and should be home soon. 


Pick up milk ✔️ 
Deposit checks ✔️ 

Finish painting ✔️ 
Wash paint off the floor ✔️ 
Begin moving Ds’ stuff back in. ✔️ 

Go visit and help my mom. Take Ds, if possible. 

Text a friend about plans for tomorrow evening. ✔️ 

Check Ds’ work schedule.

Dinner is coconut curry shrimp, rice, and green beans. Need limes and fresh basil. 

Edited by ScoutTN
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Good morning!

I slept in! Love the breaks for that. 

  • laundry   a load is in the dryer and another in the washer
  • bake cut-out cookies (fall-shaped cookies for a decorating contest tomorrow) a batch is in the freezer
  • tidy house
  • dust
  • floors
  • set tables for tomorrow
  • make a cooking plan for tomorrow
  • still need to research and plan an itinerary for this weekend
  • lesson plans for next week
  • watch something and relax
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Glad you were able to calm your mom down, @ScoutTN

Today I have:

....check if the kids actually turned in the assignment they were meant to turn in yesterday (make them do so, if not)
....find the recipe for the yams for tomorrow
....make the cranberry sauce for tomorrow so it can be chilling and such
....wash the fabric I bought yesterday (there was a fire next to the shop, so everything is still smoky smelling, faint, but there)
....figure out what time we want to go to Ren Fest on Friday
....dinner tonight is eating out, DS is taking his GF (he doesn't drive, and she's younger/her parents are more conservative, so it's a "double date" with us)
....watch Lego Masters tonight (and if we are not done with Loki, finish that, too)
....do the school prep ahead stuff I didn't do yesterday
....veg out

I think that's everything. 

Edited by TheReader
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Yall, I do not want to do anything today.   I went to bed at 6 something last night with a migraine.   I have so much crap to do today to get ready for tomorrow.   I’ve decided I’m not doing any of this for Christmas.  I’m just done.  I’ll make lasagna or something for ds and his gf for whenever they come for Christmas, but as for making anything else or holding a big Christmas here at my house, I am absolutely done.    My neck still hurts and keeps pinching.  I’m just freaking miserable.    And I’m really pissy right now.  

Grate cheese for Mac

Wash couch cover, dog bedding, my bedding

Vacuum living room, kitchen, dining 

Make dressing (sauté pepper and onion, mix eggs, throw together), stick in fridge 

Make sweet potatoes (mix everything, throw together, sans marshmallow), fridge 

Pick up turkey 

Thaw pecan pie

Fix deviled eggs

Prepare Mac n cheese, fridge 

Blow off leaves outside

Edited by WildflowerMom
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@WildflowerMomI hope you feel better soon!!

Good morning everyone!! I have all my desserts cooked except the cookies. The plan for today:


make cookies and frost half of them-dh doesn't like things with powdered sugar (too sweet he says)-done

paint some more

clean out the car-done

call my friend I couldn't reach yesterday-done


hang up some clothes-done

cook dinner-a sausage dish I think

Bible reading and prayer

clean the kitchen windows

clean the oven

clean the kitchen


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I got all the food chores done for today.  I’m telling dh to blow off the leaves.   At some point I have to go pick up the stupid turkey.    Things are washing.   The laundry will take a while, but it’s fine, not a headache.   I’m sitting down right now, drinking more coffee and about to grab a shower so I can run up the road for the turkey.  

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I went and picked up the smoked turkey and grabbed supper for dh and I.  Just salads so I stuck them in the fridge.  I went ahead and blew off the carport and sidewalk and front porch.   Took out trash.   Still need to vacuum, but I’ll probably just get dh to do that tomorrow right before everyone gets here.  I’m not cooking like this again.  

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Good Afternoon

@WildflowerMomhope you feel better soon 

Did donation run got rid of 3 boxes and 4 bags

picked up dog food

returned dog dishes that she kept knocking over. Replaced with a weighted one that doesn’t tip- we will see.

dh decided today he needed to check something in the kitchen plumbing question so  I will need to bake tonight- ugh

pup has been going down at night at midnight and waking at5:30-6:00. Hopefully she’ll work her way to 7 hours soon.



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sweet potato casserole is ready to go into the oven, just add toppings tomorrow and bake

cranberry sauce is done and in the fridge

got the other kid up, reminded them about the assignment

shelled pecans, enough for the sweet potatoes

fabric is in the dryer, smoke smell gone, yay! 

We leave in an hour to do our dinner date; the older 2 are staying home (their choice) and eating whatever. 

I am SO GLAD we aren't hosting this year. 

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Well, Ds’ room is basically done. He can sleep in it tonight. 

The gray paint is greener than I like. Wanted something with a bluer tone. 😐 But it’s done now. No more painting for several, possibly many, years! We’ll see what it looks like in the sunlight tomorrow. 

Still have legos and keepsakes heaped in my LR to sort and organize before moving them back in. 

Done with all that for today! 

Feeling guilty that I didn’t get over to see my mom today. 

Next up: make dinner

Not tackling anything except a book tonight! I did get to listen to a podcast while working this afternoon. 

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13 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:

@WildflowerMom It is totally fine to let off steam here! We all have those bad days when it’s all just too much. 

I love smoked turkey! Where did you get yours? 

Our fire and police depts do them every year to raise money for 'shop with a cop' for Christmas.    It saves a ton of time and energy just to let them do it.

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Everyone did end up going to dinner, which was fun. Glad we went! 

Came home, took the fabric out of the dryer and "folded" it

DH is doing some of the other prep he needed to do -- cook the frozen pie that was requested, boil the eggs so Middle can make deviled eggs tomorrow, and cook some chicken we took out yesterday that didn't get cooked

Heading up to finally finish Loki as soon as the pie comes out/chicken goes in the oven. 

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I forgot the last batch of cookies, so they are in the oven now. 

We are up to 13 for the meal, and dd’s gf will come after her family meal.

We now have more friends than family coming. My sister can’t come from KY until next weekend, and my brother-in-law asked to stay home because we’ll get together next weekend, too.
Ds has 3 friends from college coming because they couldn’t fly home so close to the semester’s end. I invited E and her family, too.

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