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Tackling Tuesday - 11/21


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hello, friends! Let's do this. Are we onto Thanksgiving Prep, or still regular things? 

Here at my house:

....kids up & out on time -- they have class today, then are done
....remember to print something they need for class, before they leave
....figure out dinner???
....take DS shopping for the GF, and help him wrap if need be
.....prep another grade for the last week of school this semester
.....fencing drills
.....cook/eat/go to fencing
.....come home, go to bed

Have a great day everyone!

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Good morning!

  • Finish 12 page paper/turn it in
  • air up my tires
  • bake pie
  • class/knit one ornament
  • dinner: leftovers
  • laundry
  • take ds to his activities
  • second dinner: please, more leftovers so we can get some breathing room in the fridge!
  • make the cheesecake/let it sit overnight in the cooler

Dh is going out this morning to see if he can find fennel bulb for the salad and herbs for the meal.  I have the last bit of rosemary and thyme growing, but I have no sage.  It's too delicate.  I'm also keeping an eye on the weather - we'll either get more than the storm they're promising or a lot less of it, but either way I need to have as much prepped as possible in case we lose power.  I'll be putting the extra freezer packs in tonight so we have a bit of a back up.  It's a busy day.  I'm really hoping that because one of ds's activities is meeting outside tonight (it was 28 degrees when I took him to school!) he'll opt out and I get an extra two hours at home.

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Slight change of plans -- I'll drop the kids off, go to the local quilt shop for their final-final close out sale, hit the grocery store for one last grocery run before Thursday, pick the kids up, come home, resume the list. Probably that bumps "quilting' off the list, which is fine. 

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Good morning!! Today, I will start on the Thanksgiving desserts. Plans include:

make pumpkin pie-done

bake at least one of the cakes-carrot cake in the oven, also made the cranberry cake

get paint lightened some more and start painting-started. but I think it's still too dark

drop off donations-done

continue mopping-got about one third done yesterday-been using a cleaner that hasn't been doing a good job, so I'm having to spend more time at it-done

Bible reading and prayer

pick up some things for mother in law and deliver them-done

clean the car interior

make a dentist appointment

call a friend-called but no answer-try again tomorrow




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Good morning!

I woke early, usual school time, went back to sleep and slept way late with weird dreams. It’s rainy and dreary here. Sipping tea bc I am out of cream for my coffee. Ugh.

No TG prep here bc I am not cooking. I did pull out the ground lamb to thaw for the shepherd’s pie tonight. And the shrimp for tomorrow night. 

Call mom ✔️ 
Log tutoring sessions ✔️ 
Work on Ds’ room ✔️ 
Wash sheets and vacuum in Dd’s room. ✔️ 
Grocery (Get Dd to go?!)

Dd should be home by midday, though she’s planned to spend the afternoon with a friend.  

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Good morning! 

I got distracted several times yesterday and never made it to the thread. Hope everyone is having a great week! 

We did a lot of work in the yard yesterday with the leaves, and we've had really high winds and some rain since. I'm sure there are a lot more leaves down now.

Ds comes home sometime this afternoon! 

  • sleep in
  • coffee
  • breakfast
  • clean out a few things
  • bake apple pie cake   
  • laundry
  • grading/recording
  • lesson plans
  • grocery store for a few more things
  • bake sugar cookie cut-outs for decorating contest Thursday
  • dinner
  • make an itinerary for the trip this weekend with the kids
  • watch something and relax






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Good Afternoon

  • picked up groceries. surprised that the store was rather quiet.
  • Talked to President of Group from last night. They were looking for advice and directions.
  • Turkey breast in fridge
  • need to do laundry
  • house clean
  • go to Mills Fleet Farm for dog food and return a couple items. Want to go before the holiday rush.
  • Find fun show to watch
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Scored a HUGE haul at the local quilt shop -- 29 yards of fabric (25.5 yds regular, 3.5 yds of 108" wide backing), a Laura Heine collage pattern (gingerbread house), and 2 free patterns -- under $200! Which is still a lot of $$ but WAY less than it would have been! 

Picked up the kids from class - their 2nd one was cancelled, w/o notice, so grabbed them and then grocery shopped. That went well, but crowded.  I *think* I got everything we could need between now and the weekend. I hope! 

Next up, lunch, maybe nap, and then prep 2nd grade stuff for week after next. 

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Prescription stuff done, including picking up mine that I forgot yesterday.

One coat of trim done. I think only the doors and doorways need a second coat. Will do that and touch up the ceiling (where the painter’s tape peeled the paint 😠) tomorrow. 

Dd is home! ❤️ I sent her and Ds to my mom’s to visit and help with projects. They will pick up grocery items on the way home.

Having a snack.

Then starting dinner prep. 

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After I got home with the groceries, and I looked at putting them in the crowded, disorganized pantry, I decided cleaning it out was way overdue. 

Everything is out, and I've culled quite a few items. I still have too much I need to put in there. It doubles as storage for all the occasionally used cookware items. There is a lot of that. The kitchen in this house didn't have nearly the cabinet storage our previous one did. When you have looked at houses for days not finding anything you like in a good area, things like that become less and less a priority. 

Ds hasn't left coming home yet, so I need to figure out if he'll be here for dinner or not. 

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Dinner was good, though the shepherd’s pie was not as good as usual bc I was out of tomato paste. I cheated and had a teeny, tiny bowl of ice cream. Breyer’s mint chocolate chip - my favorite. 

Finished my library book. A good middle grade book. Still have stacks of books on my night table to choose from. 😎 

I put some blankets and a pillow on the sofa for Ds. 

Hoping to get up early tomorrow and finish painting, so headed to bed early.

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