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Monday Tacklers, Come On In! 11.20.23


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Good morning-I'm spending too much time in the recliner today already-need to get started on the following:

paint-got it lightened, but it needs to be lighter still. I have to take some paint out of it, so there will be space for more white


errands???-done but will probably do more tomorrow



Bible reading and prayer

make a dentist appointment

mail and shred-done


cook for the freezer??

make a list of missing grades-done, it was a lot

Edited by math teacher
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Good morning! I am enjoying watching the birds at my feeders. Apparently the new food is a hit (with dried fruit and nuts in it) and my front yard is riotous with birds, despite an overcast sky. Sipping coffee and feeling the heat take the chill off the air in the house.


Mostly painting. Buy another gallon. Put a second coat on Ds’ walls. ✔️ Start the trim.

Strain and cool chx stock ✔️ 

Trader Joe’s ✔️ 

Tutor one student in the afternoon. They just texted to cancel. 

Dinner is eggroll in a bowl and fried rice. ✔️ 

Dd will be home tomorrow before lunch, so I want to make sure all Ds’ stuff is out of her room - piled on the LR sofa instead. I’ll wash the sheets tomorrow. 

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Good morning!

We are home from our tournament -- I fenced well and am pleased with that, though still came in last (small group in my events) both days. I am still happy with that though; the other fencers there were just genuinely better than me. It was tons of fun. 

DH came in near the bottom one day  (his toughest event), bottom in another (small group, he *maybe* could have come in ahead of one or so of the guys, but wasn't fencing well), but then in the one that "counts" the most for him he came in 8 out of 30! So, top 8 earned him a medal and the points he needs to qualify for Nationals next summer. Yay! Also he had to beat his "nemesis" to do it, and that was a huge "win" for him.  He came home with blisters, a snapped blade, several scrapes & new bruises that are relatively nasty, and declared it all totally worth it. 

So, yay for a good weekend! Now back to real life...

Today I have:

....make sure DS & Middle get their term papers finished & turned in
....laundry & unpack
....do some prep ahead stuff for school for the week after next
....help DS with whatever bday shopping he needs to finish for his gf
....nap for sure at some point
....figure out dinner??
....fencing drills
....ummm......not sure what else. I think that's about it....? 

Have a great day everyone! 


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Howdie, happy Monday!

I have lots of client work to do today.

But the main thing that will stress me out is parent-teacher conferences.  I signed up to meet with 5 teachers, more than ever.  I think the main thing I want to get out of the meetings is for the teachers to tell me what my kids should do to score well in their classes.  They don't have books for most classes, and when they do poorly on a test, they tell me it's because the study materials weren't what was tested or other excuse.  So, what should they be using to master the material that is going to be graded?  And what are the options for extra help should that be needed / wanted?

I will say (dare I say it out loud) that both kids worked hard on school work this weekend.  I hope that means they have figured out what they really need to do to score well, and also, that they care to do well.  Their Q1 grades were 1/6 of the annual results, so they can still get good grades if they clean up the other 5/6.

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 Second coat on. I am NOT a good painter, neither skilled nor knowledgable. Dh is better, but not amazing, and he is not really interested or available for this project. He has done some, but is not excited about it. 

The kids’ rooms will not be fabulous, but they will be fresh, with decent colors, and better than they were before by a lot.

Dd’s room only needs a lamp, a throw rug, and some more things on the walls. Two prints that need framing will have to wait until after Christmas. 

Going to eat breakfast and do some computer work before I start tackling the trim. 

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@math teacherThe paint will lighten up the paint. I have done it several times.

Good Morning

  • post office run   done
  • walgreens pick up photo gift    done
  • grocery pick up 3 frozen turkey breasts and fresh chicken breasts  done
  • 2 meetings today 1 really not looking forward to. One has a lot of politics and a leader that is well....... not.
  • Try to bake the chicken if time
  • time out with pup 
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Okay, got the history (Christmas around the world) stuff done for all grades. Got K stuff done for the week after next. Stopping there, b/c I'm *off* this week and don't feel like working. Ha. 

DS is working on his paper; I've consulted, and waiting for him to be ready for editing. 

Middle is on his own. 

I think DH figured out dinner???? I need to double check. 

I unpacked, and laundry is working. 

Going to do fencing drills and then veg out till DS  needs editing help. 

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Pharmacy says insurance has changed Rx formulary and will not pay for Ds’ medication. He has one day left and it cannot be stopped cold, must be tapered. 

Called the doc. Picking up samples tomorrow and have an appt. for next week. 

Next up: call the insurance company and argue with them.

How do they get to change coverage and not notify anyone?!! 😡😡😡

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Oh, that's frustrating! I hope you get it sorted, @ScoutTN


Checked in with DS -- he, my very dyslexic, "may never read" kid, taking dual credit classes at the cc with his older sibling, is 765 words in on his 1000 word term paper, and doing amazingly well. He's averaged 300-ish words a day over the weekend. On his own. With me not here. He continues to do well, popping down to ask me things like "can you help me find a source that covers this portion? I can't find enough info on that..." and such. 

Middle, who likely *will* in fact finish (hopefully??), had roughly a sentence done last night when we got home. Turned in the game project (due Friday) a day late. Slept most of today so far. Hopefully produces a passable paper by the end of tonight.  I am staying out of it. :sigh: 

Having a snack and puttering around until time to help DS edit....

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Insurance company rep was actually super helpful! She was knowledgeable and efficient.

Physician’s office will send in an authorization tomorrow and I can pick up samples enough to cover Ds for a couple of weeks.  With the holiday and a weekend, it will likely be Monday before I can fill the actual script. 


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Dinner ingredients are prepped. 

Took off all the tape from painting the walls. Will start taping for trim painting tomorrow early. Ds will likely not be back in his room til Thursday. But I think it will look so much better than before.

@HomeAgain The colors are similar to your Ds’ room. Gray walls and white trim. The bookcase is blue. I will post pics when we are done. 

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14 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:

Dinner ingredients are prepped. 

Took off all the tape from painting the walls. Will start taping for trim painting tomorrow early. Ds will likely not be back in his room til Thursday. But I think it will look so much better than before.

@HomeAgain The colors are similar to your Ds’ room. Gray walls and white trim. The bookcase is blue. I will post pics when we are done. 

I can't wait to see!  I never like painting but I'm always glad when it's done!

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Dinner is good. Filling and tasty! 

Settling in to read. Thinking about tomorrow. 

Dh is muttering and complaining bc I got some paint on the light switch and one of the outlets. Some. Not like I painted over them. His job was to take off the faceplates and/or tape. I am not a good, precise painter, especially with a roller. I told him that. He wouldn’t paint. If it had been up to him, there would have been zero change or improvement in the kids’ rooms. Putting on my headphones so I don’t have to listen to him complaining. ☹️😡😢☹️


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Read the food prep thread and decided again that I am happy not to be cooking a big dinner this year! I am too tired. Need energy, time, and money for other things. 

Enjoying the “Classical for Sleep” playlist on Amazon music. 

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DS got his paper finished, and submitted, for better or worse. I looked it over, edited, fixed the Works Cited, and have no idea if he'll make a passing grade or not. I am not 100% sure he answered what she was looking for (the prof), as I found the assignment confusing. But....maybe? it's well done and organized and hopefully will pass. 

Middle is about done, amazingly. I'm fixing the Works Cited for them too and they can submit when finished. B/C apparently "here is how you do an MLA Works Cited" is not sufficient (I was met with "I think I have all my sources, actually...." so they are sending it to me). Doing that, sending back to them, and going to bed. 

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