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Tackling Sunday Together, 11.12.23


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Good morning! 

We have our last class at church and then the late service. 

I need to pick up a few things to make a salad. We are having dinner with dd and her gf. 

This afternoon will include grading some quizzes that came in yesterday/last night. I might start on lesson planning for the week after the break so I don't have much work to do during it. 

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Good morning! I went to sleep early and woke up early. Enjoying my hot coffee and watching the birds at my feeder as the house warms up.

I am going to early service today bc I want to see some friends who attend that one. Children’s ministry keeps me busy in one spot during Sunday school and I miss seeing certain people. 


Visit mom?

Check in with Ds about school and grades. ✔️ This was highly unsuccessful. 

Ride with Ds to drop off his schedule request.  Not spending more 1 on 1 time with him this afternoon. 

Think about the coming week. Need to make TG meal plans. 

Dinner is chx fajitas.


Edited by ScoutTN
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Happy Sunday!

I slept in, but I am feeling somewhat productive after a good night's sleep.  Here's hoping!

Yesterday I was talking to my kid about how I've had the blahs lately.  I need to fix that, kuz being unproductive / behind on things doesn't feel good at all.  There's obvious things I need to do - get back to a reasonable level of exercise and mindful nutrition.  I'm also thinking I have gone overboard on screen time.  I need to get back to only playing each type of game 1x per day, listening to far fewer true crime podcasts, scroll through social media less often, and use the saved time to get caught up on client and house things.  Discipline is the main thing for me, really.  I think I'm wired to be loosey-goosey about timelines and such.  Need to continually rein that in until I can retire!

I also think some of the dullness is because of my kids' stage of life in relation to me (or vice versa).  There isn't nearly as much for me to manage as a mom, and I'm used to managing.  I try to minimize my interference into things they should be managing, but then there's nothing comparable to take its place in my day.  I need to re-channel some of that mental energy into client work and other things more age-appropriate for me.

That brings up another thing.  While watching the Taylor Swift movie Friday night, I remembered how creative I used to be as a kid, to the point where I often thought I might make a career of it.  At some point, life things caused me to dial that way back, and I was mostly OK with that.  But as I get closer to being relatively irrelevant as a mom / prepping to retire as a professional, I feel like I should pick those things back up and see if there is any life still in them.  I probably won't have time for a while, but maybe I'll start playing with that after our Big Deadline in mid-December.

Back to today -


  • Ready for the day.
  • Ate a fruit.
  • Walked the dog & some other dog stuff.
  • Took vitamins.
  • Caught up on calendar, news, social media, emails, and electronic school stuff.
  • A little cleaning and other small tasks.

To do:

  • Yoga etc.
  • Eat veggies, drink lots of water.
  • Lots of client work.
  • Encourage the kids to catch up / keep up with school and household responsibilities.
  • May do a load of laundry.
  • Personal reading.
  • May try to do some purging with the kids.
  • Whatever else gets done.
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Good morning, ya'll. I'm pretty bummed about my sore throat-when will it end? For reference, last night I couldn't eat ice cream. I did just eat some rice pudding, and I have some soup ordered that was on sale at Albertson's. Still alternating Tylenol and ibuprofen round the clock. Skipping Meloxicam for now, so the ibuprofen is safe for me to take. Anyway, here's my plan for today:

prayer/Bible reading

pick up the groceries

finish the flashcards

put a pork butt in the crock pot

start my list of things to cook while DS is here

clean emptied shelves in ds's room

organize the pantry 

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Good Afternoon

Still monitoring pup we think she is doing better still praying..

moved her play yard to the front yard there are no oak trees in the front only evergreen trees, no pinecones

laundry going

ds wants feedback on his demo reel so watch that 

I see walgreens has half off photos, think might order an acrylic photo wall hang for bff with their dog on their sailboat for christmas gift.

Need to pick up a couple turkey breasts for thanksgiving. Nobody likes dark meat so might as well try just doing the breast, never done that before.


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@math teacher, my throat was very sore when I had acid reflux irritation. I wasn't having heartburn, but it was coming into my throat. An ENT doctor did a scope in the office through my nose and found it. 

Dinner was nice with dd. We played a new game, Quacks of Quedlinburg. 

I have a busy week ahead, so I'm going to make a detailed schedule tonight. 

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It's Monday now, but I am in rare form at the moment, LOL.  My boss had to go fill in for the night shift, so she's not here to bother me.  I took a nap and then got up to address a client issue that can't wait any longer.  Then I remembered some other things that shouldn't wait either.  So here I am!

I got one item out, and am ready to start the next one, but my brain wants to flit around for a bit.  I feel like this might be a good time to write a list of to-do's so I can try to prioritize.

  • Client 1 - a hopefully quick set of government reports drafted for client/investor review.
  • Client 2 - entering about 300 data points into our database.
  • Client 3 - entering about 150 data points into our database.
  • Personal - pay 4 bills and double check that a 4th one was paid (look for canceled check).
  • Personal - transfer cash to satisfy inter-household debts.
  • Personal - review and update automatic donation for one of my charities.
  • Client 2 - 2 packages of quarterly financials that I promised by 11/13.
  • Client 4 - send out draft bios to about 10 individuals for updating.
  • Client 4 - compile financial info needed for a colleague's report.2,
  • Clients 1, 5, 3 - update / review / finalize automated reminders for numerous periodic reports.
  • Clients 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - a pile of quarterly financials and 2023 annual projections / distribution advice due 11/15.
  • Client 6 - service request to correct an old typo in a government database.
  • Client 1 - entering about 150 data points into our database.
  • Process all the emails in my inboxes (currently over 800 in total) - file attachments, perform small to-dos, etc.
  • Continuing education - complete / document at least 40 hours for 2023 (about 10 already done but some need documentation).
  • Personal - Christmas shopping, Christmas cards (if I do them), decide if we're going to any Christmas-themed performances anywhere.
  • Personal - get caught up on whatever I "owe" my kids (financial incentives).

I'm sure there's more, but this should help me get started and be productive until I think of more!

Edited by SKL
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