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Tackling Friday Together, 9.15.23


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Good morning!

Dd is coming down today for us to visit my happy place, the gardens near the mountains. She's never been, so I hope she likes it! It will be nice to have a day with her. 

I'm meeting with a new student in just a bit. She is joining my pre-algebra class. She's been doing prealgebra at home, but the mom needs help teaching. Hopefully, she will transition well. 

Check in with y'all later! Have a great day!


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Friday! I love the weekends! No school, hooray! 

Boy is at school. I reminded him to ride the football bus; he forgot last week. 

I had coffee and breakfast. Got the Wordle in 4, breaking my streak of 3’s. 

Do Bible study
Housekeeping ✔️ 
Put gas in my car ✔️ 
Lunch with church friends ✔️ 
Send an AHG email ✔️ 
Football game ✔️ 
Check Ds’ work schedule!! ✔️ 


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Good morning!

Today we travel out of town for my mom's wedding. The offspring are staying home, so just DH & I are going. We're going to make an adventure of it, since we have to go. 

So, today:
....check the PreK bag and reload stuff for this week

....go do PreK/tutoring with my friend's kids
...watch the hummingbirds -- the migrate through our area, and we've got 3 feeders out for them, and have been having swarms at all 3 (right now I can see 6 on the one nearest the window, but it's been like that on all 3 feeders this morning)
...come home, DS has his virtual appt with the dietitian, she wants half the time w/him, half to talk to DH/I this time
...pack & hit the road (4.5 hour drive, we'll get there right on time for the 6 pm wedding rehearsal tonight)
...wedding rehearsal, dinner, bed

Tomorrow we're adventuring & then the wedding, Sunday driving home

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Howdie, happy Friday!

I'm stressing ... it's a tax deadline, and one of my clients' tax preparer still hasn't sent out some of the returns for approval.  The client is a nonprofit/government entity in the middle of an office move, so it may be difficult for them to sign the e-file authorizations on time.  Why is this MY headache?

I also have to make my personal tax estimate payments before the post office closes.

I'm also late on several time-sensitive wire transfers because (a) clients didn't pay their bill on time / (b) the banks didn't set up my online rights on time.  I emailed the clients who haven't paid, and one of them responded that he's sorry, but the payment lady (who was copied on my reminder) is out because her son just died unexpectedly.  Now I feel awful for giving them a hard time.  😞

I started the day cleaning the house for the maid, who is still here for at least a couple more hours, I guess.  Hopefully I won't have to hear her comments on what slobs my kids are.  I would love to go a whole day without being stressed or guilt-tripped about other people's failings.

Prioritizing is the challenge of today.  I did get a bunch of work out.  I hope I can start the weekend without bad feelings.


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We got about halfway there hoping for clearer skies as we went, but it was just too overcast. We will try another night. 

I've been working on lesson plans for next week. 

I drank a Coke Zero this afternoon, so the caffeine will keep me up longer tonight. I love it and Diet Pepsi. They are just an occasional treat I let myself have. 

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