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Does anyone use Progesterone cream?

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I am not going to spill my whole story unless I get a reply..but briefly it has been great for my moods, but caused late periods and possible weight gain. anyone BTDT?


I just bought some on our annual trip to the US and it wasn't cheap! I haven't started using it yet - I'm hoping it will increase my non-existent libido. Any pointers?

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I just bought some on our annual trip to the US and it wasn't cheap! I haven't started using it yet - I'm hoping it will increase my non-existent libido. Any pointers?


I think it might help you..although that wasn't my issue at all. Make sure you don't over use it. A pea sized amount for about 10 days a month. Have you read up on it?


It really helped my issues, which were anxiety and rage, but then I started to think it was making me gain a little weight, so I went off it and my rage and anxiety came right back.

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I think it might help you..although that wasn't my issue at all. Make sure you don't over use it. A pea sized amount for about 10 days a month. Have you read up on it?


It really helped my issues, which were anxiety and rage, but then I started to think it was making me gain a little weight, so I went off it and my rage and anxiety came right back.


PS: I have to go to bed soon, but I will check this post inthe AM. Or you can PM me.

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I am not going to spill my whole story unless I get a reply..but briefly it has been great for my moods, but caused late periods and possible weight gain. anyone BTDT?


It has actually regulated my periods (I had a long, irregular cycle) and I don't think it has caused weight gain. however I take a very, very small dose- about 1/4 of what is on the label. Any more and I am way too tired. But it works a miracle for taking the edge off PMS for me. I also only take it at night time- even though it supposedly only has a 12hour life in the body, that's not my experience.

Did you get any hormonal testing beforehand? I didnt, and I am ok with that- but it may be worth it if it has done that for you- it may not be what you need, or you may need oestrogen to balance it.

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It has actually regulated my periods (I had a long, irregular cycle) and I don't think it has caused weight gain. however I take a very, very small dose- about 1/4 of what is on the label. Any more and I am way too tired. But it works a miracle for taking the edge off PMS for me. I also only take it at night time- even though it supposedly only has a 12hour life in the body, that's not my experience.

Did you get any hormonal testing beforehand? I didnt, and I am ok with that- but it may be worth it if it has done that for you- it may not be what you need, or you may need oestrogen to balance it.


isn't it a miracle worker? I do think the time that I made my period go 45 days, I had taken too much. I took it for three weeks at ful dose because it was making me so happy. I think in January I will try to be really strict with my food habits and see if that is the real issue with the weight gain. I couldn't believe it when I went off that the smptoms came right back. DH thinks it is all psychological, but he is WAY wrong. It even took away most of my cramps. (in answer to your question, I did not get tested. I decided to try to self medicate first.)

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I used to use it but stopped because of weight gain and breast issues. They were extremely sore pre-period. I tested it out a few months and the months I used it they were so sore so I decided to stop. It did help with mood issues but I have been able to stop those with fish oil and a better diet(no sugar).


for pms, mood, rage, etc., etc. I've not used the cream consistently enough to give advice regarding it, but, I do agree with the fish oil and no sugar diet. I suffer from PCOS and pms issues and that kind of diet was encouraged. I was also encouraged to eat a lot of greens. I've not done too well with my optimum diet here lately, but know where I need to be. I just wanted to add some other things that I take that have helped me extremely well. I take Evening Primrose Oil, Stress B-Complex, Vitex and Brevail. Here is the website for Brevail: www.brevail.com. I started taking Brevail a couple of months ago and I've noticed such a difference! It has really helped with my PMS and emotional issues relating to hormones. I really think the Brevail has been a major help. Just fyi, it helped me to get a dosage schedule that worked best with my supplements. A midwife suggested the following for Vitex and B Complex:

- Vitex: 2 in the morning and one at night

- B Complex: one in the morning and one at night

These were two that she said work best like this. The others I just follow the dosage on the bottle or ask the health food store associate for help.


I just wanted to share my experience with you. Hope you find something that works for you!

Edited by Dianne-TX
Correction to the Vitex dosage. After reading over this again, I'm not completely sure about the Vitex dosage, so ask first.
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I used to use it but stopped because of weight gain and breast issues. They were extremely sore pre-period. I tested it out a few months and the months I used it they were so sore so I decided to stop. It did help with mood issues but I have been able to stop those with fish oil and a better diet(no sugar).


The breast soreness was bad at first with the cream, and apparently that is a common symptom at first- but it did pass and I don't generally get it any more at all, unless I go off the cream for too long and then start it again. I would put up with the sore breasts though for the sake of the soothing of the PMS. Weight gain- yes, I would find that a challenge, if it wasnt diet related.

If a better diet and supplements worked for me, I wouldn't use the cream, but I tried everything and the cream has been the one thing that really works.

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Geez, I was PROMISED the cream would be the land of milk and hunney and now I'm bummed! :)


I got it only for libido as I've had hormone testing and they are WAY wacked out but I'm also in menopause (or peri or whatever - I'm 48, what do you want?) and I just want my libido back. Well, I honestly could care less but DH would really like mine back. I've had a decent libido for ages but this last year the hormones have been wacky and I'm thinking menopause is the culprit.


Anyone else taking it for that? I have no PMS issues (other than one day - yesterday, thank you very much :)) where I feel like I am the world's slave and figure it all out by the end of the day. I've got to train the kids better to recognize the symptoms and sneak me some Motherwort. :) Or maybe just doctor my coffee with Havana Club. Which reminds me, we're out. :(

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...when I saw the "possibly leads to cancer" warning on it. (Only determined by the state of California, which I know can be overzealous on things like that, but, still!)


Anyone know why this is? Everything I've read points to it decreasing the risk of certain cancers, but, admittedly...I'm only reading things by folks who are strong proponents of it.


ETA: And this wasn't just on one particular brand, with certain additives in it...I picked up almost every progesterone tube they had and checked. (Local health food store).

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a year now. I get it from a compounding pharmacy and it's prescribed by my gyn. I've found it helps A LOT with my migraines, mood and libido if I keep my dose low enough. Through experimentation, we've discovered that too high a dose will cause breast soreness, lightheadedness and pms. I also take it all month long without a break and just taper the dose up after ovulation for about 10 days and back down the rest of the time.



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I am using it. I am still trying to get the amount regulated for me. The lower dose did not work for me. I get a prescription from my gyn for a compounded cream. They have helped my moods a great deal. I am still trying to work out how many days a month I need to use it. We don't think I am ovulating much anymore. I get cysts that burst. This helps control them. I was getting month long PMS. Now, much better. However, the cramping has increased at pms but my moods are way better. If my mind is more stable, I cam better able to deal with pain. I love the stuff, but am not totally regulated with things yet.

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I use it for 14 days per month for pms and it has worked amazingly on all my symptoms. My bloating is almost gone so my slacks actually fit better. The reason that it has the cancer warning is actually from the paraben which is a filler ingredient in some progest creams. A very small study found a link to cancer from paraben. It is in some creams and shampoos, too. Emerita makes a paraben free progest cream and I would think other companies do too.

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I've had extreme irritability and some depression for about 25 days per month for the last few months. I was desperate to resolve it without meds (anitdepressants) and I don't want to take progesterone. Here's what's worked wonderfully for me:

Yoga 20 min 3-4xweek


Walk in the sun almost everyday for at least 10 minutes to obtain vit D (one website said this must be done without sunglasses since vit D is absorbed through your eyes)


Omega-3 fatty acids 1 gm per day


Super B-complex vitamins by spring valley naturals


Magnesium 250 mg prior to bed


I hate exercise, but I think that, getting out in the sun and the Omega 3's have been the key (Vit B gave me more energy, magnesium & vit B didn't relieve irritability on their own).

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