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Well-Trained Bodies - September


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Just catching up after the weekend. It was busy, but I've also been trying to nap whenever I can to make up for lost sleep due to nightly puppy bathroom breaks.

I played mixed doubles tennis with friends on Saturday, and Sunday I went canoeing with some friends. It was lovely with the fall colours of leaves. One of the friends was in town for a couple weeks only - she's in Costa Rica normally. So nice to see her. I'll be visiting her in Costa Rica this winter. 

@Soror So sorry to hear about the dog bite. That is definitely stressful. Hope it heals quickly and there are no more dog issues in the future. Great job on your long walk, too!

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Started with 10 min yoga then did my bodyweight circuit x2. All with a bit of Labrador distraction--"rub my ears! rub my tummy! I want the mat! you're down on the ground again--let's wrestle! I want the mat! rub my ears!" And the cat watching it all and silently stewing under the sofa--not willing to join the circus but wanting an ear rub for himself.

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Sorry for the busyness and stress @Laura Corin  that sounds fun @Ali in OR but a little difficult to exercise. 


I've recovered well from our hike and even played pickleball 2 hours last night. It was so hot. It's summers last hoorah. This morning I did Core. My legs are still feeling a bit heavy so I opted to skip leg day again. I plan to do it tomorrow morning. 

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I just had strength training yesterday. I was gone all day and by the time I made it home, I was tired. I started my period yesterday which didn't help the fatigue. 

Today lower body strength + short walk this am

I'm taking the girls on a field trip so I should get in a decent amount of steps.

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20 min fitbymik cardio this morning. We have back to school night tonight which teachers work from 5:30-7:30--long day. I'm going to try to get home for an hour or so between school and that, and in a perfect world I'd take the dog out for a short walk during that time. We'll see how it goes. 

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I'm surviving the on-going puppy related sleep deprivation, but it's definitely impacting my work and leisure life. I don't have the extra energy to bother stretching before/after tennis, I'm walking less, and my joint pain is increased. I also haven't had the energy to get a x-ray and u/s of my hip joint, which needs to happen before I can start Physio. 

Other than that, I'm still enjoying playing tennis! It's just the pain afterwards, which also adds to sleep difficulty. Maybe writing this down will motivate me to go get the x-ray and u/s. 😉 

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Back at the gym this morning for weights and core. Saturday and Sunday I was driving so much and not able to fit in so much as a walk. Then Monday and Tuesday I fell into a pressure-driven work vortex--I should have gotten in some exercise but just didn't. It was good to be in the gym properly again this morning, and I hope to get in a walk in the glorious, crisp fall air.

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57 minutes ago, Ali in OR said:

I am so tired. Yesterday totally did me in. I was home for 25 min before going back to school for Back to School night. And then came home to prep for today. So tired. I'm going to do a 20 min dumbbell workout now.

I hate days like that. Good for you doing your workout, even though you don't feel like it.

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14 hours ago, knitgrl said:

TKD class. I am pretty sure I will be feeling it in my legs tomorrow. But, one of the black belts told me my pattern was perfect.

Great job! All your at-home work is probably paying off!

1 hour ago, Ali in OR said:

I am so tired. Yesterday totally did me in. I was home for 25 min before going back to school for Back to School night. And then came home to prep for today. So tired. I'm going to do a 20 min dumbbell workout now.

That must be totally exhausting to have to go back to school after putting in a full day. I hope that the workout helped you feel better. Exercise can be amazing that way. 

22 hours ago, Harriet Vane said:

Back at the gym this morning for weights and core. Saturday and Sunday I was driving so much and not able to fit in so much as a walk. Then Monday and Tuesday I fell into a pressure-driven work vortex--I should have gotten in some exercise but just didn't. It was good to be in the gym properly again this morning, and I hope to get in a walk in the glorious, crisp fall air.

Long days of driving and working are so hard on the body. Glad you were able to get back into the gym and also outdoors to walk. Getting outdoors is always my happy time! 

On 9/27/2023 at 7:21 AM, Soror said:

I just had strength training yesterday. I was gone all day and by the time I made it home, I was tired. I started my period yesterday which didn't help the fatigue. 

Today lower body strength + short walk this am

I'm taking the girls on a field trip so I should get in a decent amount of steps.

Great job with the strength training! Enjoy the field trip!!


I had a great walk in the woods with dh and the dogs yesterday. The leaves are starting to turn colour and it's so pretty! I'm playing some mixed doubles tennis this afternoon, which should be fun. 

I had a better rest last night, as dh took on the 6am puppy duty. I took full advantage and slept for 2 extra glorious hours! 


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I had a really good yoga class on Thursday -  did Wheel for the first time in years, overcame some fears to work on inversion variations and enjoyed a good, long Crow.  Just one of those days when everything comes together.

We have come to the Highlands to celebrate Husband's birthday. Today we just explored the town but tomorrow we plan a gentle five mile walk 

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On 9/28/2023 at 7:58 AM, Ali in OR said:

I am so tired. Yesterday totally did me in. I was home for 25 min before going back to school for Back to School night. And then came home to prep for today. So tired. I'm going to do a 20 min dumbbell workout now.

Those days stink, good for you working out anyway.


@Laura Corin happy bday to your hubby. Thanks for sharing the lovely sounds.


I last posted on Wednesday. 

Monday (today)- 40ish min strength training

Sunday- 15 min Power Yoga- heavily modified- 5.5 mile walk with dh. This was a paved trail for most of it but it was hot and hilly in parts. I got my heart rate up. 

Saturday- 30 ish min - full body strength training and lots of housecleaning

Friday- I don't think I did anything except maybe a bit of walking- I had lots of errands to run and some client visits

Thursday-  1 hr pickleball


I've had some pain this week. I think it's mostly due to the large amount of sitting on Tuesday (lots of driving and a work meeting). I also laid around when I got the chance (not enough!) because my period came and I was exhausted. I'm hoping for a slower week and more activity. I signed up for Walktober with the Parks Dept. I'm sure I won't break any records but hoping for some motivation.

I think I hit 4 days of strength training last week too. This week I'm aiming for 5. One week I'll get there. 


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