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Well-Trained Bodies - September


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4 minutes ago, Brittany1116 said:

My back and neck were inexplicably, terribly sore yesterday so I did a little with hand weights and called it a day. 

Sorry for your pain! Good call to take it easy. I wonder if some heat and some magnesium might also help ease it all up? I find magnesium an absolutely miraculous muscle relaxer. Another option is always BenGay or some liniment cream/spray. 

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32 minutes ago, Harriet Vane said:

Sorry for your pain! Good call to take it easy. I wonder if some heat and some magnesium might also help ease it all up? I find magnesium an absolutely miraculous muscle relaxer. Another option is always BenGay or some liniment cream/spray. 

Thank you. I did have an Epsom bath, applied Tiger Balm, and took half a muscle relaxer I have had since auto accident. Better today but still not 100%. 

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Just walked 20 minutes yesterday, BUT...since it was rainy all afternoon, I did it on the treadmill, and pushed myself a lot harder than when I'm outside, so I think that makes up for spending a little less time.

TKD class this evening, with dd13 leading warm-ups. I have to say, "Yes, ma'am" to all her directives in class, which I think she gets a small enjoyment out of.

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It was a good physical rest day, though I'm so tired from multiple wake-ups for the puppy. He's actually a great sleeper, it's all my fault as I don't fall asleep easily "on demand." 🤪

Dd and I took the older pup to agility in the evening. I ran a few patterns with him, though it's impossible to keep up. He's way too fast! 

Edited by wintermom
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20 minute walk, followed by almost 20 minutes of stretching. Also, got in some TKD pattern practice. I can grab any person in my household to watch me do it and make sure I get it right. Compared to the other students in the beginner class, it's almost like an unfair advantage.

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No exercise yesterday.  We drove down past the city to the cottage we are renting for the weekend. Apparently there was a problem with the city bypass,  so Google sent us - and seemingly a stream of other cars - along a weird suburban route that took ages. I was determined to enjoy the day, so I spent my time comparing architecture. 

Then on to the oldest continuously inhabited house in Scotland,  which was very interesting. They are an old Catholic family, so there was some good Jacobite history. The main gates have not been opened since the last Stuart monarch left. No photos  - constant rain.


Today - walking, we hope.

Edited by Laura Corin
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I've done 4 days of strength training this week. I finished the 2-week (10 workout) 20-minute program from Nourish, Move, Love. It took me 2.5 weeks as in the past 2 weeks I've only managed 3-4 workouts a week. I started the 25-minute program yesterday. I like having something to follow as it means I don't have to think about it. I'm still modifying lower body work but I'm just thrilled to do anything. This trainer is easier than the previous one I was using. While I could modify the other one to work because it was harder it was a lot more to modify. I tried out a few other trainers but I didn't click with them. This one is chatty but I like her personality, the exercises used, and the organization of workouts.

My schedule has been much lighter the past 2 weeks with work which has been nice. Dd2's first week back hs'ing went really well. It is easier for me to schedule everything with her at home. I thought there is no way I could continue working while hs'ing, but now I'm thinking maybe I can make this work. 

With dd2 home I have more time in the morning to get my workout done. So, I've tweaked my schedule this week. I also decided that doing paperwork twice or so a week is more time-efficient than every day. I don't have much paperwork except at openings or closings so I'm using a couple of slower mornings a week to do paperwork, which gives me more time to exercise. If I don't exercise early I don't have the time and energy to get it done later.


Sleep is meh. I've got to do better about my bedtime. With things kind of crazy it has not been as steady. My stress level is better, which helps but my hormones are still wonky with peri. I'm averaging 6 hrs a night, when I need to average 7. Food is steadily improving with less stress and more focus on it. 

Today's plan: 

community walk- dd2's friend invited her to go so instead of dropping her off I'm going to do it with dd3 and her friend (afterwards I'm taking all the girls to the local comic con- our first such event)

I don't think I'll have time for strength training this morning but just maybe if I get it in gear.

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Yoga this morning. This weekend I'm going to try to get caught up on grading and get Mon-Wed school stuff planned out--and do my house chores. But it was nice to end last weekend with a walk with dh, so may try to fit that in again Sunday after dinner (or before dinner but after dropping dd off at foster home).

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@Soror Thanks for the detailed check in! Glad that your sleep is getting better and you are able to complete all those workouts! All the best figuring out a schedule that allows you to hs and work! 

@Laura Corin Have a wonderful time at the cottage! Thanks for the link to Traquair. So interesting!

@Harriet Vane I like those kinds of days, where getting together with a friend and walking can turn the day into a win!

@knitgrl That is so great you are practicing patterns at home and taking full advantage of local experts! You'll pick things up far quicker that way! 

@Ali in OR Great job getting in all your workouts! 


The baby puppy has a new sleep routine that is amazing. He sleep right through the night until 6am in his crate, then does his pee/poo, I give him a bit of food, and he joins us on the bed for another hour of sleep/bed time. It's so nice to get more sleep! 😊

I'm playing mixed doubles tennis later today, and I'll get in a dog walk in the woods. 

My body seems to be handling the 3-4x/wk tennis, and I'm fortunate enough to have great people to play with! If I can keep this up throughout the fall and winter, I'll be a very happy girl! 😀

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Lovely walk yesterday  - around six miles with gentle hills, which is in Husband's comfortable range. We are in the Borders, where the hills aren't so high.

The first picture looks back down the valley we walked up - this stream feeds the Tweed. The second shows local blackface sheep, who live year-round on the hill and teach each other, generation after generation, how to survive. It's called being 'hefted' to a particular piece of land. The stonework is a dry-stone shelter where they can huddle together. The shepherd checks on them, but they mostly look after themselves. 



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Legs yesterday and a tromp through the woods

I could mostly do all the exercises (bodyweight only) but glute bridges are still hard. I can do them on the floor but not very well when elevated. I found one legged ones hard too. I don't quite understand why this an issue. When I tried it before I couldn't lift myself at all, so there is improvement. 

Today is standing core and cardio+ walk

Pickleball finally has a schedule. It's been so erratic and last minute it has been very hard to make it. I'm going to aim for once a week.  

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Played some really fun ladies doubles tennis this afternoon! I've been feeling kind of sick and crappy, but I decided to go play tennis and hope for the best. I do feel better now!

The wee pup is down with a nasty parasite, but he's on the mend now and hopefully our other 2 dogs won't pick it up. 

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Friday - spent the morning in a nearby city working on our kitchen design. Then a fun afternoon working on my essay, followed by a 3-mile walk including a hill. I was then so tired I had to lie down and Husband finished making supper. I guess this busy, stressful week at work took more out of me than I realised. 

Saturday  - I plan on a complete rest day. I'll pick the last of the plums and gather some fallen apples, but otherwise just read and study.

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On 9/19/2023 at 8:26 AM, Ali in OR said:

Bodyweight circuit x2 then wake up yoga today, maybe a walk with dd this afternoon.

@Soror is a glute bridge like a bridge in yoga? I could see where that could bring about an unusual stretch, or at least stress some body parts that aren't usually stressed.

Yep- it seems to be the strain is in my lower back muscles that go across the top of my hips


4 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

Friday - spent the morning in a nearby city working on our kitchen design. Then a fun afternoon working on my essay, followed by a 3-mile walk including a hill. I was then so tired I had to lie down and Husband finished making supper. I guess this busy, stressful week at work took more out of me than I realised. 

Saturday  - I plan on a complete rest day. I'll pick the last of the plums and gather some fallen apples, but otherwise just read and study.

Stress is funny like that. It certainly isn't just mental.

@Harriet Vane enjoy your visits

@wintermom sorry you haven't been feeling well

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Let's see I last posted Tuesday- 

I did strength Mon, Tues, and Thurs (and will this morning too)- so 4 days this week

I played pickleball for 30 minutes and 1 hour on Thurs

I walked most of the days- longerish ones on Tues and Friday

My week wasn't bad but I had some stress in that I was bit by a client's dog on Tuesday evening. It's not a terrible bite- it just broke the skin a bit- but it's bruised terribly and I can count all the teeth marks. I've never been bitten by a dog and it was of course a bit unsettling. I had to figure out what to do after that. I was going to do nothing but then Mom said I needed a tetanus shot (turns out it had been 21 years so it's good I got one). I also reported the bite to the city so they could quarantine him. Supposedly the owner gave the dog it's rabies shot but what do you know it's due next month. 

Anyway, the tetanus shot gave me a low-grade fever and made me feel a bit blah but it was short-lived.

This is the first week of the regularly scheduled pickleball in the evening. I'm going to try and schedule my visits in the afternoon so I can take advantage and get some playing time. Play time is 2 hrs but I wasn't able to get the whole time any day due to my schedule, maybe next week.

I started a new strength training program by Nourish Move Love- a 2-week, 25-minute program. I finished Week 1 this week and am starting Week 2 today.

Working on food prep this weekend. I've GOT TO get back in the groove on this. 


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40 minutes ago, Soror said:

Let's see I last posted Tuesday- 

I did strength Mon, Tues, and Thurs (and will this morning too)- so 4 days this week

I played pickleball for 30 minutes and 1 hour on Thurs

I walked most of the days- longerish ones on Tues and Friday

My week wasn't bad but I had some stress in that I was bit by a client's dog on Tuesday evening. It's not a terrible bite- it just broke the skin a bit- but it's bruised terribly and I can count all the teeth marks. I've never been bitten by a dog and it was of course a bit unsettling. I had to figure out what to do after that. I was going to do nothing but then Mom said I needed a tetanus shot (turns out it had been 21 years so it's good I got one). I also reported the bite to the city so they could quarantine him. Supposedly the owner gave the dog it's rabies shot but what do you know it's due next month. 

Anyway, the tetanus shot gave me a low-grade fever and made me feel a bit blah but it was short-lived.

This is the first week of the regularly scheduled pickleball in the evening. I'm going to try and schedule my visits in the afternoon so I can take advantage and get some playing time. Play time is 2 hrs but I wasn't able to get the whole time any day due to my schedule, maybe next week.

I started a new strength training program by Nourish Move Love- a 2-week, 25-minute program. I finished Week 1 this week and am starting Week 2 today.

Working on food prep this weekend. I've GOT TO get back in the groove on this. 


I'm sorry to hear about the dog bite. That must have been a shock.

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Yoga this morning. I think this is the first day of fall, and we're going from sunny days in the 70's to what looks to be a week ahead of rainy days in the low 60's. So I got some of the patio cushions into the attic. The sofa cushions will stay in the dining area so when the sun comes back out next weekend (and through the rest of October) we can still go out on the patio and enjoy. Another weekend of schoolwork and house chores ahead.

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Friday, I only managed about 10 minutes of pattern practice, because that's all I had time for. Yesterday, I took the kids to soccer and walked around the field. Then I had to take the kids to the city for ds's music lessons, and because we had time to spare, we walked a few block to get to lunch, and then a few more to the children's museum. Overall, lots of walking on Saturday.

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14 hours ago, knitgrl said:

Friday, I only managed about 10 minutes of pattern practice, because that's all I had time for. Yesterday, I took the kids to soccer and walked around the field. Then I had to take the kids to the city for ds's music lessons, and because we had time to spare, we walked a few block to get to lunch, and then a few more to the children's museum. Overall, lots of walking on Saturday.

That sounds like a fun weekend for the kids.


Sun- Strength training and a 6-7 mile hike

That's by far the longest walk I've taken since my injury. In the Spring/early summer, we did around 3-4 miles and that was all I could do. I had some achiness at the end but I'm feeling ok today. The weird thing to me is that I'm so slow. My husband has always been slower than me but now I can't keep up with him. Now, this spring I was even slower so there is an improvement but I still don't get the mechanism that makes me slow now. I feel ok now when walking but I cannot walk quickly at all. (I can't run either ) However, my slow speed is actually good because although my husband can walk faster he gets winded more easily when he does so if we keep my pace he can handle it better. For years we hiked together but then for the last few I've had to make him go with me (so we rarely did it). With college and a different position at work, he sits a lot more and has put on weight which made it a lot more challenging and a lot less fun for him. Lately, he's been listening to hiking and backpacking podcasts on his commute to college and it has got him in the spirit of it again. It was his idea to do this hike. He had told me months ago he was telling some guy at work about how he likes to hike/walk and I kinda gently told him not anymore I can't get you to go with me. I think maybe that was a realization to him. Anyway, my injury is a blessing in this instance because right now we're limited by what I can do instead of what he can do and that helps make it easier on him and builds his confidence- he's not huffing trying to keep up with me- he was encouraging me when I get all slow and sore.

Today was planned lower body strength day. I'm going to move that to tomorrow to be cautious even though I'm not hurting today. I'm going to try and do some pickleball this afternoon. I scheduled my visits around open play time. I'll see how my lower body feels by this afternoon- I might have to skip it or just do a few games.


I upped my magnesium and my sleep is better. It occurred to me I hadn't tried a higher dose in ages so fingers crossed that continues. Food was better this weekend after a rough stressed week.

Edited by Soror
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