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Mortgage extra payment calculator


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I need help figuring out what calculator to use.  We are 3 years into a 15 year loan.  I started out making extra payments to get it paid off in 10 years.  Then I increased the extra payments by about $50.  Now I can't really figure out how much longer it will take to pay it off.  I am obsessing about this...surely there is a calculator that can help me with this.  

This  one  https://www.calculator.net/mortgage-payoff-calculator.html says  Use this calculator if the term length of the remaining loan is known and there is information on the original loan – good for new loans or preexisting loans that have never been supplemented with any external payments.

But I have been making extra payments all along.  

Thanks if you can help me.

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You can make one in Excel fairly easily.  I found the main benefit was the motivation.   Col A was the payment (it started as equal to the min. payment), Col B was the amount to Interest, Col C was the amount to Principal, Col D was the new balance.  At the top, I had the sum of all payments.   So, if I played around with the next payment I could see just how it lowered the total cost of the house.   At first the payment was a stretch for me.   But I saw that I added just the principal of the next payment, I'd be skipping an entire payment.  That was like $60.   I'd offer to send you mine, but I don't have a mortgage payment anymore.  

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