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Walsh Case Closed

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I was living in Florida when all that happened a long time ago. It is so heartbreaking.



So was I, and it happened not far from where we were. I was in jr. high at the time. I have never, ever forgotten that. I think that was the moment I realized there really were monsters in the world.

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What a heartbreaking, needless tragedy. Thank goodness the truth the Walshes can finally know truth. It's heinous and unforgivable, yet they overcame the unthinkable and made their personal tragedy become a mission to save and help other families in similar predicaments. Adam Walsh has a legacy which lives on in some many other families' lives.

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That family has been so much, and John Walsh and his wife have somehow managed to turn their family tragedy into "America's Most Wanted", which has helped to capture so many of these criminals.


Thank God there are some resolutions to these things. God bless their family.


I have always admired John for being able to bring good from absolute evil. I am glad the family finally has answers.

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