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Well-Trained Bodies November


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I didn't exercise all weekend. I had a nice (mostly) at home weekend. I didn't go anywhere at all yesterday. I did cleaning and decorating all day. I'm doing a lot of changing things up around the house and finding great enjoyment in it. 

Saturday I mostly watched Rings of Power and folded laundry and did some mending. (in between ferrying children)

I'm still not sleeping all night throwing off my mornings. I'm trying to motivate to do some exercise right now but keep thinking of cleaning or decorating I'd rather do. My mojo is a bit absent. I'm going to have to dial back my goals for sure. There are different seasons. 

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14 minutes ago, Soror said:

I'm trying to motivate to do some exercise right now but keep thinking of cleaning or decorating I'd rather do. My mojo is a bit absent. I'm going to have to dial back my goals for sure. There are different seasons. 

I'm in a similar spot - no motivation to exercise beyond the wonderfully relaxing dog walks. I'm just waiting for my energy to return. It usually does, but this season is dragging a bit.

I hope you feel more like your energetic self again really soon!! ☺️ Enjoy the decorating!

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I walked as planned last night, but then had to settle into my desk chair and force myself to do an assignment for one of my classes. I thought I had until Wednesday, but something told me to verify, and sure enough it was due by tonight. Since I have work today and yoga this evening, I figured I had better just get the darned thing submitted yesterday. (I've been dreading this one and procrastinating, which is kind of funny since it's a class about motivation.)

Then we had an unhappy text chain and phone call with our daughter, whose relationship apparently imploded in an unpleasant and somewhat unexpected way yesterday. 

So, all told, I didn't get a lot of sleep last night. 

I did my with-and-without-dog walk this morning, total of 4.2K. Since I started a little late and am scraping though the morning on very low energy, I just did about 15 minutes of somewhat random strength and stretching and called it done.

Yoga tonight, with more walking before and/or after to clock the daily steps.


Holiday Hustle 2022 Challenge: 173.0 of 550K
Walking Streak: 32

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I do not think the left image is my heaviest, but it was one of the only photos I could find that showed some of my weight. Then I took a pic today wearing the same shirt for comparison (of course the jeans are higher waisted and I have a ways to go to get quite where I want). But this is progress. I refused to wear this shirt in public til like a week ago. 


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16 hours ago, heartlikealion said:

I do not think the left image is my heaviest, but it was one of the only photos I could find that showed some of my weight. Then I took a pic today wearing the same shirt for comparison (of course the jeans are higher waisted and I have a ways to go to get quite where I want). But this is progress. I refused to wear this shirt in public til like a week ago. 


Looking wonderful girl! That is getting loose on you. 

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I'm still just being a busy bee around the house and quite enjoying it. Other than my (well-earned) lazy day Saturday I've hardly been sitting. Yesterday was dd3's bday, my baby is double digits! I took her shopping and did more decorating and cleaning around the house.

We're changing up all 3 of the girls' rooms. It started with dd1 getting a new bedroom set. Then I had to sell her old one and dd2 wanted a new bed and dresser for her room so I had to sell her old bed/dresser combo. DD3 wanted in on that. She had a bunk bed we sold that and she started using her old bed but really wanted a change. So, we found her a "new" set and she's went through her room getting rid of most of her toys as she don't hardly play with them. Oh, and I got a different kitchen table too. So, my house was finally emptied of the furniture I was selling (3 beds, a dresser, and table set) when we redid the other rooms. Now, I have an extra dresser and bedroom set for sale. If I had endless money this would be quicker but we are buying and selling used trying to end up spending the least we can so it takes some coordination. 

After we get the furniture settled I'll be painting- I need to paint dd3 and dd1's room and the great room. I'm also working on sprucing up the great room in addition to the bedrooms. I think I got a wall color picked out but am still shopping for a rug. And I decided to do some outdoor Christmas decorations this year. I picked up a few things while shopping with the girls that I'm excited to get out. I made a sign for my porch the other day.

On today's docket--- finish painting dd2's dresser (one more coat of paint and top coat to do then just install the knobs), sort through the old books dd3 doesn't want 😞 (what to keep and what to donate), maybe Christmas decoration, try to install some trim in the basement (this is usually dh's job but I borrowed my dad's finish nailer to try to give it a go), school with the girls, grocery shopping and pick up dd1. I've finally started my period so I feel rather icky. Blech

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I slept until my alarm this morning (5:30). Wow. I hope that means the stress level is down a bit. I know I awoke a couple of times during the night but my brain didn't jump to problem-solving mode. Yay!

Still sipping mocha which means it won't be a full 30 min of treadmill (dh is already up so I'll do that), but I know I'll make it up during the day. Leaf pick-up is tomorrow and dh did some leaf blowing in the dark last night, but I'll try to get home before dark to rake by hand a bit.

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Yoga last night, plus some time on the stationary bike and enough walking with and without dog to meet the day's step goal.

Truth be told, I'm feeling extremely tired and unenthusiastic about, well, everything. So it's all feeling like kind of a slog, and I'm doing the bare minimum, but I'm doing it.

I'm hoping the string of 5Ks and 10Ks I have lined up over the next few months will make things a little more fun.

Walked again this morning, total of about 4.3K, in some heavy drizzle. Given the damp conditions, I chose to stay inside for my 30 minutes of strength and stretching, greatly disappointing all three furry family members who consider patio time part of the morning routine. 

More walking and/or stationary biking later, as usual.


Holiday Hustle 2022 Challenge: 192.4 of 550K
Walking Streak: 33

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22 hours ago, heartlikealion said:

I do not think the left image is my heaviest, but it was one of the only photos I could find that showed some of my weight. Then I took a pic today wearing the same shirt for comparison (of course the jeans are higher waisted and I have a ways to go to get quite where I want). But this is progress. I refused to wear this shirt in public til like a week ago. 


You look great!

Three-mile walk this lunchtime.  My mum is poorly, so this evening I'm sitting with her at the care home.

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I actually slept all night for the first time in too long. I'm really hoping the hormonal shift gives me some decent sleep.

I knocked a few more items off my to do list yesterday. I got the trim in the basement bathroom and door (we had put in a new door and cabinets and the old trim was taken off but not put back). I also started work on dd's closet. 

Up today:

  • finish paneling in dd's closet so it's ready for caulk, trim, and paint
  • decorate front porch for Christmas
  • finish dd2's dresser - I got the last coat of paint and 1 coat of top coat. I did a second coat of top coat this morning and plan a 3rd at lunch time so she can put the handles on this evening.
  • clean and prep a dresser and list for sale

I'm quite enjoying the handy(wo)men jobs. Working so closely with dh and getting to help him on various things gave me the confidence to try some things out on my own. I'm far from a pro and am doing low stakes things to start off with but it is empowering. I've done lots and lots of painting but this is my first time with trim and walls. I used all manner of tools yesterday. The cut off saw, finish nailer, multi-tool, and the circular saw 🙂

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So, suddenly yesterday Lulu decided that she likes to walk. She's still stopping to sniff at least every third blade of grass, but she's mostly trotting along happily at a good pace and for a decent distance. If I were walking for speed, I'd probably leave her home, but she's done well with regular daily walks otherwise.

We took a spontaneous short walk in the later afternoon when she said she needed to go outside and then dragged me around for a while. Then we closed out the day with another 3K.

Walked about 4.4K this morning in chilly-for-Florida (mid-50s) weather. I was -- again -- running a little late and so settled for a quick 15 minutes of somewhat random arm and leg work. 

We'll see if I can keep the streak going and coax Lulu out for a good walk this evening.


Holiday Hustle 2022 Challenge: 199.7 of 550K
Walking Streak: 34

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@Laura Corin keep us updated on your mom 

@Soror that’s so cool about the tools. I want to learn more about tools myself. 

@Jenny in Florida so glad you have a walking buddy. 

@wintermom glad you enjoyed the conference 

@Harriet Vane and @Ali in OR sounds like you two have been very consistent. 

last night I did 35 min on the stationary bike. Our magazines are delayed but supposed to be delivered this week before schools let out for thanksgiving so I’m going to see if I can arrive at the office around the time they arrive and do as much delivering as I can before dd gets out of school. I skipped morning walks recently due to being either tired or really wanting to avoid the cold! 

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I did aaaaallllll the things today. PT this morning, which included adding more exercises. I showed up early to run on the elliptical as well. Then gyrotonics this afternoon, which was as helpful as it always is. I was excited in gyro as we did some work on core/abs, which I have not really tried to do since the pinched nerve. And then tonight, I hung on the teeter board--this time around, dh helped lower me down, though he did it way too fast and I may just keep trying to be brave about lowering myself, lol.

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32 min on bike. Magazines got delayed so I’ll add that to my steps tomorrow I guess. 

I really want a small waist size. Inches-wise it’s too wide and that’s extra noticeable to me because my chest is small. I sent back the corset because it appeared it was going to be too loose in the bust despite trying to tighten. Too many clothes assume your chest to waist ratio and just don’t work for me. 

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Walked/wandered for about 3.7K yesterday evening, which finished off the day's steps.

I then parked myself on the couch, where I was pinned down by both the dog and one of the cats and, therefore, clearly had no choice but to stay put and watch three hours of TV.

Walked 4.6K this morning. I was planning to exercise inside, since it's a little chilly (by Florida standards), but all three animals rebelled and we went out onto the patio, instead.

You know, I've always wanted to go try one of those goat yoga classes, where you do classes surrounded by/interacting with baby goats? Well, it's not entirely the same thing, but both Lulu and the cat Bartok like to keep me company while I'm on the exercise mat. Today, Lulu waited for me to be turned on my side, trying to work my way up into tabletop pose so I could get into downward dog, and she snuggled in under my arm and cuddled in next to me on the mat. 

I'll take it.

I told my husband last night when I was ensconced on the couch with the cat on my lap/chest and the dog snuggled next to my leg that the experience was the best thing that had happened to me in a very long time.


Holiday Hustle 2022 Challenge: 207.9 of 550K
Walking Streak: 35

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I'm back home, and trying to hit the ground running with work and home life after a busy 3 days away. I got in a lot of walking outdoors in the cold yesterday in Winnipeg. It was a really solid re-introduction to winter weather, and my body and mind responded with strength and determination. It was like an automatic reaction, where the body goes, "Oh ya, we're back to this again. I know what to do." Normally I face a more gradual introduction to winter weather, so jumping straight into -10 C with windchill had me a little scared. I had the right clothing, though, which makes a huge difference. While I was out in Winnipeg, we got a few inches of snow at home, but my first "shock" already happened in Winnipeg, so I'm totally fine now. 😉 

I had physiotherapy this morning, and then walked home from the session. Dh and I are taking the dogs out for a romp in the woods later today. 

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I walked 3.5 miles yesterday and today.  There was serious flooding yesterday  - one local house had its only access (a bridge) washed out. @wintermom the burn would have been some wild kayaking for you. The water level dropped by about a metre overnight. 

I slept for eight hours last night and Fitbit stopped scolding me for my poor sleep.

Edited by Laura Corin
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Rebirth yoga this morning. It showed up on my youtube home page so I did that.

I have some tests to grade but a relatively easy and short work week ahead. My kids come home midweek for Thanksgiving--and I am thankful for that. When youngest went off to school in September she thought she wouldn't come home since her winter break is in a few weeks, but by early November she wanted to come home. And that's a good use of my extra income--bringing them both home.

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The rain cleared and we have sunny, chilly weather - about 5 degrees C with a light breeze taking it lower. 

Husband and I took a walk - about 4 1/2 miles in all - on the beach then up a valley to a privately-owned early 19th century mansion that has a cafe in its former stable block.  We had a lovely meal and I asked the owner about catering Mum's funeral lunch.  We are now back and enjoying our first fire of the year - it's more for the atmosphere than the warmth, as most of the heat goes straight up the chimney.  I can't imagine how cold this house must have been when it was build around the turn of the 18th/19th century.

I am about to do my sun salutations before working on my third English essay of the semester, on Northanger Abbey.  Austen is one of my personal specialist subjects, so I'm looking forward to it.

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6 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

The rain cleared and we have sunny, chilly weather - about 5 degrees C with a light breeze taking it lower. 

Husband and I took a walk - about 4 1/2 miles in all - on the beach then up a valley to a privately-owned early 19th century mansion that has a cafe in its former stable block.  We had a lovely meal and I asked the owner about catering Mum's funeral lunch.  We are now back and enjoying our first fire of the year - it's more for the atmosphere than the warmth, as most of the heat goes straight up the chimney.  I can't imagine how cold this house must have been when it was build around the turn of the 18th/19th century.

I am about to do my sun salutations before working on my third English essay of the semester, on Northanger Abbey.  Austen is one of my personal specialist subjects, so I'm looking forward to it.

I loooooove Austen, and Northanger Abbey is one of my favorites. Simple and silly and delightfully pokes fun at the drama within the genre. British literature was my focus within my English major. I adore the version starring Felicity Jones. 

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10 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

The rain cleared and we have sunny, chilly weather - about 5 degrees C with a light breeze taking it lower. 

Husband and I took a walk - about 4 1/2 miles in all - on the beach then up a valley to a privately-owned early 19th century mansion that has a cafe in its former stable block.  We had a lovely meal and I asked the owner about catering Mum's funeral lunch.  We are now back and enjoying our first fire of the year - it's more for the atmosphere than the warmth, as most of the heat goes straight up the chimney.  I can't imagine how cold this house must have been when it was build around the turn of the 18th/19th century.

I am about to do my sun salutations before working on my third English essay of the semester, on Northanger Abbey.  Austen is one of my personal specialist subjects, so I'm looking forward to it.

Did I miss an update on your mom? What’s going on? 

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I think I missed updating over the weekend. The only thing out of the ordinary was that I logged a good number of steps participating in a Alice in Wonderland-themed virtual scavenger hunt. This is the first time my husband and I have done one of these, and we were surprised and pleased to discover pretty large crowds of people running all over downtown Orlando, many in costume, gleefully solving clues along with us. It took us a couple of hours to complete -- partly because we had to take a break to take a call from our daughter who is experiencing a bad break-up -- and we walked about three miles, total. 

I would absolutely do another, similar event.

Other than that, it's been the usual routine of morning and evening walks with some stationary biking to fill in. Saturday's yoga class was cancelled because the teacher was sick, so I did a video sequence from my other teacher's YouTube channel. 

Walked a total of about 4.4K this morning. It's been a somewhat frustrating and emotionally fraught morning, and I did not do any exercise beyond walking. I want to think I'll do something to make up for that, but the way this day has gone so far, it seems somewhat unlikely.


Holiday Hustle 2022 Challenge: 234.5 of 550K
Walking Streak: 38

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1 minute ago, Jenny in Florida said:

Walked a total of about 4.4K this morning. It's been a somewhat frustrating and emotionally fraught morning, and I did not do any exercise beyond walking. I want to think I'll do something to make up for that, but the way this day has gone so far, it seems somewhat unlikely.

Holiday Hustle 2022 Challenge: 234.5 of 550K
Walking Streak: 38

Aw I hope your day improves! The scavenger hunt sounds fun! 

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Dh and I played mixed doubles tennis on Saturday. It was really fun to get back on the court after a week. I'm still feeling the tennis elbow pain, but it's improving. I also went for long dog walks in off-leash parks Sat and Sun. That's about it for exercise, besides my physiotheraby weights and stretches. I'm still recovering from travel, I guess.

We'll take the dogs for their daily walk around noon. Dh rediscovered another off-leash dog park that we used to bring our previous dogs to 15 years ago. It's a little more open and more people (and dogs) go there. Puppy is equally as fun to watch at this park! ☺️

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Other than moving around some boxes in the garage to get at the one small box of Thanksgiving decorations, I never did do any additional exercise yesterday except for the usual evening walk (about 3.8K).

Today's not looking a whole lot better. I walked a total of 4.6K this morning and then got smacked with the beginnings of a bag headache (the kind with visual disturbances and queasiness). I took a big old dose of ibuprofen, slugged some Coke Zero for the caffeine, let my boss know I'd be starting work late and conked out on the couch until I had to get up for the one meeting I absolutely could not miss today. 

Assuming no other disaster hits, I will go to yoga tonight and walk before and/or after to log my remaining steps for the day.

I'm trying to make my peace with the fact that this is a holiday week and I may not check off every box every day.


Holiday Hustle 2022 Challenge: 243.6 of 550K
Walking Streak: 39

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20 hours ago, Jenny in Florida said:


I'm trying to make my peace with the fact that this is a holiday week and I may not check off every box every day.

A healthy perspective and a good reminder for us all.😎


Gyrotonics today for me. We focused more on abs this time and last time and it feels good.

Edited by Harriet Vane
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Didn’t move much at all today then went to trivia night and ate a poboy & water. Google estimate says it is roughly 550 calories. I walked around the store briefly to buy a few things then came home and talked myself into using the bike. I got 62 min/555 calories so I’d say I made up for that meal. My weight hasn’t really been going down so I’m trying harder to get moving. 

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