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Tackling Friday Together


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Good morning!

Dh and I are going to the gardens today. Dd might want me to come up and help her with something later this afternoon. 

  • medicine
  • coffee
  • breakfast
  • go to the gardens
  • eat lunch out
  • post office
  • grocery outlet
  • stuff on master list until I hear from dd
  • maybe go up to Chattanooga
  • not sure what else
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Good morning! 
I could sleep in today, except I’m awake and couldn’t get back to sleep. Argh. I do enjoy the quiet house in the morning and being up before everyone else.


Mostly electronic chores and some cooking. Will post as I go.

Taking Ds to football this afternoon, most likely. Need to see if he plans to play airsoft tomorrow. 

Have a good day, y’all! 



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Good morning! 

Today I have:

...finish up the last minute "before we leave" stuff
...help DH pack
....lunch all together (this is the pitas I thought I was making yesterday)
...nap?? hopefully
...make sure the boys are all set for everything
...leave for the airport by 5 pm - will be gone till Tuesday, so not sure whether I'll be able to pop in or not 

Have a great day, weekend, etc.! 

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Good morning, everyone!! I will have some repeats from yesterday because I was lazy yesterday. Not many more days I can do that since school will be starting before long!! The plan:

Clean bathrooms


Reading Academy

Work in my classroom-done

Work in the living room: floors and touch up on chair rail




Clean off kitchen counters


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@TheReader  Have a great trip! How's your injury?

I have culled my inbox, paid all the bills and updated YNAB, logged yesterday's tutoring sessions, and sent an AHG email.
Talked to mom on the phone, but she was grouchy. 

Texted a friend about Ds' plans for tomorrow. 

Next up: some prep cooking

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3 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:

@TheReader  Have a great trip! How's your injury?


It's doing much better; I wear the brace which helps a ton - I've not had to take any ibuprofen or anything for it since. The swelling is gone, hasn't come back, and the bruise itself is fading. I cannot fence (waah) but other than that I'm able to do things normally. I'll sit out fencing next week, and then try while wearing the brace and see what happens. I *think* by then it should be fine....??? 

The guy I was fencing when it happened, when he learned of it last night, was so apologetic/felt so bad! I assured him it wasn't his fault, no hard feelings, it's a known risk of the sport, no worries. Just a fluke of bad timing in both of us hitting just the wrong spot at exactly the same time. 

I'll toss the brace in my carry on when I go through security at the airport, just to be safe (it is the kind with a metal splint thing in it, and I've read horror stories....). 

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Howdie, happy Friday!

I'm sore from yesterday, mostly just when I move, LOL.

We have people coming at 2pm, related to some nonprofits, to take some things we want to donate.  One of them knows our pup and he gets along with her great.  The other is a stranger.  So we'll see how this goes.

I am supposed to be doing client work and deciding which suits I want to donate.  But right now I am just procrastinating!  Well, it was a busy morning ....


  • Up until 3 or 4 doing laundry and such.
  • Some pup stuff.
  • Switched out the laundry.
  • Woke Kid1, made her breakfast & lunch & drove her to work.  I'm pretty sure she snuck back to bed when I went downstairs, giving me unnecessary stress, but we got there just on time.
  • Wordle (3), nerdle (3), quordle (9, whew again), worldle (1).
  • Ate fruit, took vitamins, drank water.
  • Some general house cleaning.
  • Some purging.
  • Cleaned out the filter from the washer, cleaned the gunky parts of the washer real well, etc.
  • Pup barfed at least 2x so I cleaned that up.
  • Caught up on emails, news, social media, and calendar.
  • Set alarms so I can try to snag kid1 another in-car driving lesson.
  • Emailed kid's bosses re schedule confusion.

To do:

  • Client work - most urgent - I need to respond to inquiries & decide whether to send an updated draft.  Why is this stressing me out?  They aren't easy questions?
  • Donations - I am supposed to pick out suits to donate.  I have 20 minutes before the nonprofit people arrive.  Not really feeling it!
  • Log into driving school website and try to snag an in-car lesson before the system bombs again.
  • Be sociable.
  • Yoga!  I wanted to do this in the morning, but got waylaid, and then I ate.  Ugh now I don't have time.  😕  Maybe later.
  • A little reading.
  • Eat veggies.
  • Pick up Kid1 from work.
  • Dinner out probably.
  • Whatever else gets done.
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We enjoyed the gardens. It is nice and shaded in most areas, and going early helps beat some of the heat. 

We stopped at a local sandwich shop that makes their own bread. The cranberry walnut was so good I had to buy a loaf to bring home. 

I started laundry and the dishwasher. 

I have been working on my master list items. Today I'm doing tentative lesson plans for the first semester for all my classes (schedule of which lessons each week).

I think I'm going to make a cup of decaf and have a slice of the bread! 

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Packed except for toiletries.  Need to see if the boys have the travel stuff in their bathroom....

We had a nice lunch all together, I'm going to help them cook a dinner before we leave, DH and I will probably eat a little of that vs. food at the airport. 

Time to relax for now. 

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Got Ds a sports physical. Scanned and uploaded it. He has to take a hard copy to the coach.
Ds failed the quick ete check. Definitely nearsighted. Made him an appt for a real eye exam.

Quick grocery stop to get 5 things. 
Helping Dd clean her room. 

Next up:
Take Ds to practice
More cooking when I can get the kitchen. All my people eat late lunch! Dinner is Asian slaw with chx. 


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Client got back to me, so now that is back in my lap.  😛  But I can wait to take the next step.

Dog shelter folks came and took our outdoor kennel and doghouse.  My pup was not amused, but nobody got eaten.

Other nonprofit person is currently in our basement looking over stuff we want to donate.  I helped load some into her vehicle.  Also picked put a couple piles of suits and loaded them into her car.

I was unsuccessful getting an in-car scheduled for my kid.  Third week in a row that their system bombed & I couldn't get an appointment.  I called their office.  They said if I call on Monday, they should be able to set us up with something.  Now I wish I'd called sooner!

Now I need to go pick up Kid1 from work.

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Everything is packed & ready. 

About to cook a quick early "eat when you are hungry" dinner with the boys, then we head out. I am *not* taking my laptop, so I'll see y'all when I get back Weds! 

All the neighbors and other emergency contacts have been alerted that they are in fact the emergency contacts 😉

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@TheReader, have a good trip! 

Dd called and her AC is out in her apartment again. The maintenance person is checking it. She is saying I shouldn't come up since it's hot. The guy did bring them a portable AC, but it's limited. 

I finished the lesson schedule for all the math classes. 

I had the coffee and bread. 

I put the towels in the dryer. 

I helped dh make a dessert mix he bought for himself since he's never really used the mixer. 

I'm about to start a load of sheets washing, then I'll empty the dishwasher. 

Dinner will be a little later tonight with the snacking we've all been doing. 

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