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Tackling Saturday Together


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Good morning! 

It's raining here, and the heat index values are going to be in triple digits. It's going to be a stay at home day I think! 

I've had my medicine, and I'm enjoying a cup of decaf. 

  • meals
  • pay bills/update checking
  • sort some of the bills paperwork
  • prep for tutoring next week
  • research using a lamp where you don't have an outlet
  • clean/organize our bedroom
  • clean our bathroom
  • watch last week's sermon since we weren't there (started a new series)
  • watch something and relax
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Good morning!

DH is off at his exercise class, and I have a list of stuff:

....coffee - done
....clean bathrooms (downstairs, upstairs, mine)
....tidy the downstairs
....make the grocery list for tomorrow/this week
....meal plan for the week
....juice for lunch (leftovers for the kids)
....take DS to his friend's house for a movie
...grocery shop w/DH
....possibly somewhere in the mix, take Oldest to pick up a lego order  (or send him w/his google maps to do it himself...????)
....pick up DS, check the dance class schedule, see if we should go tonight??? 
....hopefully get some sewing time tonight sometime
...hopefully some family time

I'm posting here, and going to be good: I've had my coffee, goofed off on the computer, and now am going to clean my bathroom & the downstairs one, and tidy up, and then if that takes less than an hour, meal plan/grocery list. When that is all done (or an hour of work minimum) then I will reward myself with video game time in the quiet of the morning. 

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cleaned the downstairs bathroom, and mine

tidied downstairs except for books I need to find a home for - going to put DH in charge of that, as they are all the ones he took from various places to put under the couch to try and block the cat (didn't work) - he can return them to wherever he originally found them

made the meal plan for the week, and the meal plan part of the grocery list (need to write down pizza stuff but will need kids' input for that)

having a small snack and video gaming until DH gets home

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Good morning, everyone. I didn't sleep well, so just now getting up. Today's plan:

Work on the walls:caulk, spackle, paint-done

Take groceries to MIL-done


Clean the floors

Water the plants and birdbath-done

Dollar Store-done, but couldn't find my coupons 


Edited by math teacher
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My plans are changing. My daddy has Covid. He was exposed by a worker on the train last weekend, and he developed a sore throat and congestion over the last couple of days. He was tested this morning. The doctor didn't give him any medicines, but told him to drink lots of fluids, take D,C, and zinc, and to keep moving (not lay around). I'm going up to get some things from the store and take them to him. I've been saving an N95 mask in case I need to go in with anyone who has it, but he'll probably just want me to leave stuff on the porch and him get it and us just talk through the door. He doesn't feel too bad at this point. He has had the vaccine and a booster, so I am praying it will be mild! He'll be 85 week after next. 


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Good morning!

Amy, so sorry about your dad.  Praying for a mild case...

Dh and l are on the road.  My mom insisted we go somewhere, feels she's being well taken care of.  Her care team told us the same thing.  We guiltily accepted.  I have roughly four weeks before meetings,  etc. start for the new year.  

Not much on the to do list except drive today, stop for late lunch/early dinner before we reach our stop for the night.

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4 hours ago, mom31257 said:

My plans are changing. My daddy has Covid. He was exposed by a worker on the train last weekend, and he developed a sore throat and congestion over the last couple of days. He was tested this morning. The doctor didn't give him any medicines, but told him to drink lots of fluids, take D,C, and zinc, and to keep moving (not lay around). I'm going up to get some things from the store and take them to him. I've been saving an N95 mask in case I need to go in with anyone who has it, but he'll probably just want me to leave stuff on the porch and him get it and us just talk through the door. He doesn't feel too bad at this point. He has had the vaccine and a booster, so I am praying it will be mild! He'll be 85 week after next. 


So sorry!! Prayers for a light case and speedy recovery.

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Praying, Amy, for your dad. My grandma had it, and is doing well; still slow to get all her energy back, but otherwise it was very mild (she's 86). Praying the same for your dad. 

readinmom, I'm glad you are going and getting away. Enjoy the time! 


DH & I went to the grocery store, got that put away, took our naps/ate lunch/fed the kids, and now we are dropping off DS, taking Oldest to get his Lego, then come home and relax a little before we pick up DS. 

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Good afternoon!

Sorry about your dad’s illness!@mom31257 Praying for him to have a quick and full recovery! Glad you are close and can help him ad needed!

Dh and I just got home from our getaway. Nice place, pricey, but very nice. It rained the whole time we were there, so no hiking or swimming. Lounging on the porch swing listening to the rain and the creek was very relaxing, though. 

I need to figure out dinner, make sure the bathrooms get cleaned,  and go pick up our kids from friends’ who had them overnight. 

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Thank you, all!

We picked up some things and took them to him. We talked through the glass front door. He says his congestion is already better than the first day. We told him to keep his phone on. My dd told me to check in often because things can change quickly with older people. 

We left his house and went to Cleveland, TN. We took a stroll on Lee's campus, and then we called a friend to meet us for lunch. We shopped at Target and dh wanted to try Crumbl cookies. 

We are home now, so maybe I'll get some of my today list done. I'm going to call Daddy soon. 

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Howdie, happy Saturday!

I am cautiously back in the saddle today. 

I got a call from that sleep-over camp this morning, regarding their Covid policy.  My kids would be delayed going to camp, and then they would have to wear masks the entire time (I assume 24 hours since they would be sharing a cabin with others).  The refund policy allows for a full refund if you cancel due to Covid concerns, so I decided to just cancel.  I felt relieved immediately.  There were a whole list of individually minor concerns that were nagging at me.  Now those are gone, and I get to figure out how to keep the kids busy for the coming week.  🙂

Well, since we lost much of last week to Covid, we can just move various goals to this coming week.  We have so much to do!  House cleaning / home projects, summer homework, summer math review/prep, job training, driving practice, music practice, TKD practice, and so on.  I just need to force myself to keep on top of it.

Today, I have been doing some cleaning and laundry.  Aside from catching the laundry up, I have been helping my kids (especially youngest) clean their rooms.  Not sure why, but youngest, who is really messy, has decided she wants to get serious about this.  You wouldn't know by looking, but a lot of her mess has gotten cleaned up.  I hope she keeps up the momentum!

I also promised to start teaching her accounting today, so I should start that soon.

I need to work with my other kid on her Frog Watch and food diary reporting today.  At least that's the plan.

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Dinner is done, kitchen cleaned up, and a load of kitchen linens is washing.

Ds’ laundry is done and put away. He cleaned a bathroom. His room is a wreck, but he’s gaming with friends and I’ll let it go. He can do it Monday. 

Going to read and go to bed early.

Being away, even for just 24 hours, was refreshing. Need to build in more change of pace and scenery for me and Dh as well as for us as a family. 



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