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Dog people—help

Mrs Tiggywinkle

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We just moved this week. Every day, my 8 year old golden retriever is pooping or peeing in her crate. She has been crate trained since 10 weeks and has never had an accident.  We are making sure she has hours of outside time.

Could it be behavioral/stress due to the move? What can I do?

our vet never returns anything but emergency calls, so I haven’t contacted them yet. She’s due for vaccine boosters and a physical next month.

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I’ve had dogs who wouldn’t go unless another dog had gone there recently.  I’d try taking her out to the area you want her to go and wiping her bottom with a warm to hot wet washcloth.  Mother dogs teach babies to go by licking their bottoms.  If she doesn’t quickly start going outside I’d make her a vet appointment immediately. 

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19 minutes ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle said:

She is still going to the bathroom outside.  
It is regular poop.

She is also eating and drinking normally and acting like herself.  She is actually crated less than she was before the move because we now have acreage for the dogs to run around on. 

We have a vet appointment in two weeks for her shots.

Unless things get worse I'd feel perfectly comfortable watching and waiting. It seems likely to me that it's stress related and that she will acclimate, hopefully within a few more days.

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