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What are your favorite 5 dinner meals?

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Vietnamese Chicken (recipe is in the Kitchen social group!)

Egyptian Rice

Spaghetti or Chilli

BBQ Chicken with Ceasar Salad

Salmon Patties with Aioli Sauce (basically mayo with crushed garlic)


I like them mostly because my kids like them!

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Pre-vegetarian days:


1. fried chicken w/ mashed potatoes, gravy and steamed veggies

2. fully loaded homemade pizza

3. chicken, artichoke hearts, garlic and mushrooms sauteed in butter served over rice

4. lasagna

5. anything mexican (nachos, tacos, toastadas, enchiladas, etc.)


Now that we are vegitarians trying to work our way to vegan :D I like:


1. seitan pot roast

2. vegetable brown fried rice

3. meatless spaghetti sauce, bread, salad

4. loaded veggie sandwiches with soup

5. anything mexican with vegan substitutes

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Chicken Delight Casserole served over rice and some vegetables on the side

Meatloaf w/ mashed potatoes and a couple of vegetables

Ham Steaks w/ mac-n-cheese and/or deviled eggs and green bean casserole

Barbeque Spare Ribs (in the crockpot), cheese potatoes and a vegetable or two

English Muffin Pizzas (English Muffins, tomato paste and mozzarella cheese)


No matter what I am having I always serve applesauce as a side item. My younger ds is an extremely picky eater. If nothing else, I know he'll eat the applesauce.

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The standard favorites:


Spaghetti (I usually try to steam and puree veggies to add to the sauce and use whole wheat noodles)


Sloppy Joes



More interesting favorites that our family enjoy:

Thai Chicken Salad

French Dip Subs

Gnocchi with Sausage and Spinach

Pesto Chicken and Pepper Wraps

Sesame Pork Ribs (crockpot) and Yakisoba noodles

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I really don't enjoy food prep of any kind, so we're pretty simple here:


Crock pot Italian chicken...chicken breasts with tomato sauce and Italian spices thrown in, usually served with rice and green veggie.


Eggs...cooked many ways, some on purpose.


Meatloaf...served with rice and veggies


Crock pot roast with potatoes, onion, and carrots thrown in, and I save the broth for


Beans cooked in the broth.


Oh, and pizza soup....in a large pot, just pizza sauce with cooked ground meat, perhaps some sausage, shrooms, olives, served with moz cheese on top, and, yes, rice. :001_smile:

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