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Vaccine side effects and athletes?


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Has anyone here experienced or know someone who has experienced difficulties with athletic training post-vaccination?  Pfizer, second dose, if that matters.

While I don't really consider myself an "athlete," I am a runner and currently training for an ultra.  I am pretty early in the training cycle so running between 5-10 miles at a time.  I got my second Pfizer dose last Sunday morning.  That afternoon, I did my planned 8 mile hill-training run (which is the most challenging of my runs during this part of training) and felt normal.  Side effects kicked in the next morning so I did not run that day.  On days 3 and 4, I felt back to normal and attempted my runs.  Having had some side effects, I decided to take it easy with plans to run easy 5 miles each day.  On both days, I started out just fine but around mile 2, started feeling light headed.  So light headed that I had to stop and walk.  On day 3, I was able to rally and finish my run after walking for a bit.  On day 4, I could not recover and ended up cutting my run short.  I was light-headed enough both days that I worried about passing out.

Is this a thing?  Should I be concerned?  I am going to try again today but want to be sure I should not get this checked out.   

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While most side effects last for just a day or two, some people have side effects for a week. Getting a bit of a headache, fatigue, brain fog, lightheadness, etc. even without that level of exercise isn't terribly uncommon. I wouldn't worry too much yet.

That's a serious training regimen! 

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Having watched the vaccine thread, I think unfortunately having some degree of side-effects for a week is normal. I got mine on Sunday, too, and while I'm totally able to do all my normal stuff, I don't quite feel back to normal yet -- I still have a bit of a headache, for example. 

I know @regentrude has also mentioned being fatigued for a while. 

I have to say, I hope this shot protects us for more than a year 😛 . I don't think I'd enjoy doing this every year. 

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Just now, Not_a_Number said:

Having watched the vaccine thread, I think unfortunately having some degree of side-effects for a week is normal. I got mine on Sunday, too, and while I'm totally able to do all my normal stuff, I don't quite feel back to normal yet -- I still have a bit of a headache, for example. 

I know @regentrude has also mentioned being fatigued for a while. 

I have to say, I hope this shot protects us for more than a year 😛 . I don't think I'd enjoy doing this every year. 

Yeah, I have seen this in the vaccine thread too.  I just didn't know if it was concerning to otherwise feel perfectly normal but then have this odd thing happen when heart rate is elevated.  It sounds like my experience is within normal expectations.

And I agree!  If I have to vaccinate periodically and it will always trip up a full week (or more) of training, that is going to be a problem.  I really feel for people who have to be active as part of their jobs.  I can just adjust my training.....a landscape or road crew, etc... worker does not have that option.

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I am a hiker and very fit. Backpacked Grand Canyon in Mrach - and last week got winded walking up a gentle incline! It was a week post 2nd Pfizer.

Still notice effects after 10 days, when I am exerting myself slightly. Sitting at the computer, I don't feel a thing.

It is very strenuous for the body to fight intruders. I feel the same as I felt recovering from the flu. Give it time and be gentle with your body who is focusing on the more important task.

Edited by regentrude
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When I was preparing for my first dose I think I read not to exercise strenuously right before or after.  Maybe that affected it?

I was told not to schedule a mammogram until four weeks after the last shot so my thought is stuff is still going on internally even without outward signs..

Agreeing with others though that side effects last longer than a couple days.

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24 minutes ago, happi duck said:

I was told not to schedule a mammogram until four weeks after the last shot so my thought is stuff is still going on internally even without outward signs..

I mean, we know immunity takes 1-2 weeks to be fully built up, which obviously means something is happening for 1-2 weeks! 

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1 hour ago, Terabith said:

I'm over here thinking, "How can someone who is training for an ultramarathon NOT think of themselves as an athlete?"

Well, I haven't run it yet so.....  As someone who came into running later in life, I feel like an imposter most of the time.  I really only do it for health and sanity but got talked into this ultra by evil college friends.  I ran a marathon 6 years ago and nearly died so this may not end well.  Ha ha!

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2 hours ago, happi duck said:

When I was preparing for my first dose I think I read not to exercise strenuously right before or after.  Maybe that affected it?


Hmmm.  I missed that memo.  I heard to not schedule a mammogram but nothing about exercise.  Although, I do heart rate training staying completely in the aerobic zone so I don't consider my runs strenuous at this point in my training cycle.  But now I know that if we have to have boosters later to look into this.

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28 minutes ago, skimomma said:

Hmmm.  I missed that memo.  I heard to not schedule a mammogram but nothing about exercise.  Although, I do heart rate training staying completely in the aerobic zone so I don't consider my runs strenuous at this point in my training cycle.  But now I know that if we have to have boosters later to look into this.

I think it took me a bit to get back fully into my workouts. 

Also, off topic - but do you have any good links to learn basics of heart rate training for running? IF I get back into running (if SI joint and back cooperate) I would like to try doing it that way. I already have a heart rate monitor, plus an apple watch, I'm guessing there are apps to help?

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3 minutes ago, ktgrok said:

I think it took me a bit to get back fully into my workouts. 

Also, off topic - but do you have any good links to learn basics of heart rate training for running? IF I get back into running (if SI joint and back cooperate) I would like to try doing it that way. I already have a heart rate monitor, plus an apple watch, I'm guessing there are apps to help?

I am guessing there are good apps for this but I just keep an eye on my monitor to stay in the zone.  It was REALLY hard at first because I felt like I was running in slow motion.  My monitor has a feature where it will vibrate if I go over whatever number I set.  I found that obnoxious but I can see it would be useful for times when I cannot peek at my monitor.  But once you get the hang of it, you will start to recognize where you are without even looking.  I am still awaiting the magic day when I will suddenly get faster while staying under my threshold.  I found the Maffetone books useful.  I think he has websites now.

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4 minutes ago, skimomma said:

I am guessing there are good apps for this but I just keep an eye on my monitor to stay in the zone.  It was REALLY hard at first because I felt like I was running in slow motion.  My monitor has a feature where it will vibrate if I go over whatever number I set.  I found that obnoxious but I can see it would be useful for times when I cannot peek at my monitor.  But once you get the hang of it, you will start to recognize where you are without even looking.  I am still awaiting the magic day when I will suddenly get faster while staying under my threshold.  I found the Maffetone books useful.  I think he has websites now.

Ok, I need to see if mine will vibrate or alert me, I think so. Cause I'm clumsy enough that trying to look at my watch while running is a recipe for face planting, lol. It's funny to watch me try 🙂

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1 minute ago, ktgrok said:

Ok, I need to see if mine will vibrate or alert me, I think so. Cause I'm clumsy enough that trying to look at my watch while running is a recipe for face planting, lol. It's funny to watch me try 🙂

It probably will.  Mine is old and was a cheap no-frills version.  So if it has it, yours probably does too.  

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