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Well-Trained Mind Academy registration

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I'm considering a WTMA world language course for my daughter for next year (she's going into ninth grade this fall). I'm brand-new to high school-level courses and I just saw that WTMA class registration opens in a week. (Wowza! I did not realize just how early registration for these classes would be!) Do the WTMA classes typically sell out super fast? Do I have to register at exactly 12:00 on Feb. 10th to get a spot, or are they the sort of classes that take months to fill? (I realize there are no guarantees either way; I'm just trying to get a sense of the general culture and what to expect.)

Additionally: Do people tend to have trouble getting a spot in the second year of a course? (I'd hate to take, say, Latin I or French I from WTMA, and then find out it's difficult to get a spot the next year, in Latin II or French II.... I'm hoping to pick one provider that we can use for all the years my daughter takes a world language.) 

I'd welcome any general advice you veterans have about WTMA or the registration process. Thank you so much!

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I don't think it fills up quickly but have no idea how things have changed with Covid. Usually, it is easier to get a spot in 2nd or 3rd year courses unless the number of classes is greatly reduced (3 to 1, for example).

My live class experience is a few years old now, but there are a LOT of options out there for foreign language depending on what your kid is like & what you are looking for in a class. 

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Returning families get to register a little early at WTMA, usually, so I think you are in pretty good shape to get a second year if you know you plan on continuing and register when it opens. 

I have become a big consumer of online classes and my advice is to do your research and planning and be ready to register when it opens. Some fill very quickly. Most providers seem to try to add classes to meet demand but the most highly recommended teachers do tend to fill quickly. If you are particular about teachers and scheduling I wouldn’t advise putting it off.

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Returning families have a week ahead of the general sign-ups. They said that last year the waiting lists in February were all accommodated (sometimes twice through the list) before fall classes started. They expect to use the wait list to hire as needed, which does highlight the possibility of getting an unknown teacher. I noticed they already had a few new foreign language sections listed in the course catalog with TBDs for teacher and time.

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This year is unlike no other.  😞  I'd suggest being online asap. You may have to decide if you want to take your chances with the waiting lists in the hope that more sections open, or have alternative plans, depending on the language.  I seriously hope they, and other online providers, are being very careful with their refund policies for the year, that families are actually committing to these seats versus just camping out "in case."  

Generally for foreign language existing students don't have as much of a concern for the following years.  We did get our foreign language seat.

Edited by melmichigan
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We are a returning family and registration opened on Wednesday at 12 EST. There was so much traffic that the system crashed. They actually paused registration for several hours in the afternoon and early evening, and some point in the evening restored it. I am personally relieved I persisted through and got the class that I was trying to get. When I noticed that registration had been restored, there were no more seats left in class I wanted which around ten EST. 

They did say that students should add themselves to the waiting list and that historically, they have rotated through the entire wait lists for most classes. They said that they are committed to hiring to add additional sections of classes after they review waiting lists in February. I have seen them add sections as cohorts on students progress through so that there are seats to meet the needs of continuing students.

I know that you can't see the available seats right now.
French 1 - section 1 appears to have no open seats. 

French 2 - section 1 has 1 open seats

Both have a TBD section 2 for both classes. French 1 shows 10 of 15 seats open. 13 of 15 opens for French 2. This usually means that they are committed to hiring for this position.

I believe French has been offered longer than Latin at WTMA.

Latin 1 - Section 1 has 6 of 15 available, Section 2 12 of 15 available.
Latin 2 - no open seats.

All have higher level sections.

I have found that usually when a time has been determined, a provider will notify the existing registrations to see if anyone is interested in switching sections.

Hope this helps.


Edited by calbear
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3 hours ago, calbear said:

We are a returning family and registration opened on Wednesday at 12 EST. There was so much traffic that the system crashed. They actually paused registration for several hours in the afternoon and early evening, and some point in the evening restored it. I am personally relieved I persisted through and got the class that I was trying to get. When I noticed that registration had been restored, there were no more seats left in class I wanted which around ten EST. 

They did say that students should add themselves to the waiting list and that historically, they have rotated through the entire wait lists for most classes. They said that they are committed to hiring to add additional sections of classes after they review waiting lists in February. I have seen them add sections as cohorts on students progress through so that there are seats to meet the needs of continuing students.

I know that you can't see the available seats right now.
French 1 - section 1 on appears to have no open seats. 

French 2 - section 1 has 1 open seats

Both have a TBD section 2 for both classes. French 1 shows 10 of 15 seats open. 13 of 15 opens for French 2. This usually means that they are committed to hiring for this position.

I believe French has been offered longer than Latin at WTMA.

Latin 1 - Section 1 has 6 of 15 available, Section 2 12 of 15 available.
Latin 2 - no open seats.

All have higher level sections.

I have found that usually when a time has been determined, a provider will notify the existing registrations to see if anyone is interested in switching sections.

Hope this helps.


Thank you so much! This is very helpful, and I so appreciate your typing this out!!

Now I am a bit nervous, though; ugh. We were really hoping to get in that section of French I that is apparently already sold out. Well, I will be sure to register for the French I TBD section 2 as soon as registration opens up! I am encouraged to hear that they try to accommodate any waiting lists that emerge, and that they also try to accommodate continuing students. ::Fingers crossed!:: Thank you again!

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