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Does a Chrome Notebook really work for homeschool?

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When considering a new computer for a 6th grade homeschool student who doesn't game or do computer programming.... is the inexpensive Chrome Notebook a realistic option? I thought I would ask some experienced moms out there. We have had an old MacBook Pro and it finally gave out. Thank you for your input. 

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We've got a lot of chromebooks lying around and I bought a couple for my parents.  If you are already using Google Drive, with their word processing and spreadsheet and powerpoint programs, it will be seamless.  

The only thing I think might be superior with a Mac is editing movies and other artistic endeavors.  For example, I have a tablet and stylus that I connect to my chromebook, but because it lacks the drivers for a chromebook, I apparently can't take advantage of the full functionality of the product.  But because I'm using it only to write on a whiteboard and not to create art, it works for me.  

There are also online programming environments like python anywhere and Arduino Create.

Happily there is also now a skype extension for chrome.  

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We didn't know about them when we were homeschooling, but our youngest got one for college and it was great.  It would have been fine for homeschooling, unless there's a particular software you need to use that doesn't work on chromebooks I guess.

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  • 2 months later...

We have a great Windows desktop computer and a Chromebook. My daughter prefers m Chromebook for pretty much everything (except playing Minecraft) and I got tired of her taking it from me so I bought her one for her birthday. She'll use it to write a book she's working on and do online classes. She has an iPad that she prefers to use for digital art creation. We may have too many electronics. I think a Chromebook is great, so long as you go in with eyes wide open for what it will do and won't do.

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We have 2 desktops (one is windows 7).  Ds13 has a small laptop he uses at high school because the use MS Office and ds11 has a Chromebook.  He has only had it a month but he likes it.  The only disadvantages so far are that he can't download Netflix episodes to watch at work.  If he wants to play Minecraft he will have to use a desktop or the laptop we have with no battery.

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My kids use google classroom in school -- so all the apps they use are online. I notice problems with the google docs, spreadsheet, etc. but my kids have been able to complete their schoolwork with those apps (and occasional others as assigned by teacher -- but they have NEVER yet needed Microsoft Office or other hard drive based software) The only consideration for me would be having the ability to work "Offline" If you were going to be away from Internet for a time

(our local Internet went out when my son was a couple days away from science fair due. We went to Wendy's, downloaded the google doc for use offline, then went home and continued to work on it. We later uploaded it when Internet came back on.)

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We have several and have used them for years and they've been great. 

The only issue we have ever had is a college dual enrollment class that required a lockdown browser in order to take online tests. Student had to use a desktop in order to take the exams. She could also have chosen to go to the computer lab on campus to take the exams.

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My oldest who pretty much uses her computer for school.and searching meme's is very happy with the chrome book.  The schools here all use Google everything and give out Chromebooks.

It's not enough for my other daughter  who is into gaming, graphic design and coding.


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