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March 2020 Well-trained Bodies


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The time change and dark mornings have really messed me up. I completely forgot to do all my stretches, strength and push-up work this morning. I'll have to do that asap. Ds and I went for a nice walk this morning. It's sunny and relatively mild. Lots of snow has melted and the dead grass is popping up. I even saw a robin in the backyard. Spring is on the way!

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I've been in a bit of a slump recently due to poor sleep and irritating windy weather.  Felt back on top of things today: had a good 40-minute brisk walk at lunchtime, despite gusts that pushed me sideways at one point.  Came home and did the Heart 1 practice from my Empower Yoga series (the one with the jumping jacks).  Felt pretty good.

Tomorrow I intend to do the another good brisk walk at lunchtime, then Strength 1 yoga after work.  I've missed the good tides recently: after work tomorrow the tide will be the highest I've ever seen it, with very little beach for walking.  Oh well - I'll aim for Saturday morning.

A side-swipe of good news from Covid19 - I now have a new laptop, courtesy of my employer, so I can work from home if necessary.  Which will come in useful.

Edited by Laura Corin
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17 hours ago, wintermom said:

So sorry you're all going through this, Ivy. Big hugs! Hope your boys ditch the colds so you can visit your parents soon. I'm sure they are missing you all as well.

That's unfortunate with the CKD curriculum changes. Do you have an option to test with the old material, seeing as it's so short notice? If not, at least you'll be right on top of all the new curriculum if you plan to stay on and do some teaching. 

 I asked the chief instructor if we could do the old test, and he agreed, then the next time I was there he had changed his mind.  😞  But you're right about the teaching!

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17 hours ago, wintermom said:

The time change and dark mornings have really messed me up. I completely forgot to do all my stretches, strength and push-up work this morning. I'll have to do that asap. Ds and I went for a nice walk this morning. It's sunny and relatively mild. Lots of snow has melted and the dead grass is popping up. I even saw a robin in the backyard. Spring is on the way!


The time change is so annoying!  It definitely throws the kids for a loop, and, by extension, everybody else, haha.  And spring (otherwise known as summer, but with pollen) is here in a big way too.  Every surface outside is covered in yellow!

14 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

I've been in a bit of a slump recently due to poor sleep and irritating windy weather.  Felt back on top of things today: had a good 40-minute brisk walk at lunchtime, despite gusts that pushed me sideways at one point.  Came home and did the Heart 1 practice from my Empower Yoga series (the one with the jumping jacks).  Felt pretty good.

Tomorrow I intend to do the another good brisk walk at lunchtime, then Strength 1 yoga after work.  I've missed the good tides recently: after work tomorrow the tide will be the highest I've ever seen it, with very little beach for walking.  Oh well - I'll aim for Saturday morning.

A side-swipe of good news from Covid19 - I now have a new laptop, courtesy of my employer, so I can work from home if necessary.  Which will come in useful.


I'm glad you are bouncing back after your slump!  Having guests and having to socialize for that long would definitely have depleted my energy. 

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Yesterday morning I did 40 mins of CKD stuff (basically just going through the new curriculum belt-by-belt and hacking my way through it) and then 20 mins of interval running.  CKD class last night, which got my heart rate up pretty well and burned off some stress.  This morning is lifting and then possibly an afternoon run.

Does anyone have any experience with any swimming gear (leggings or shirts, etc) that would keep my a little bit warmer in the pool than a regular bathing suit?  As dumb as it sounds here in Florida, I really had a tough time with the pool temperature last year.  It rains almost every afternoon in the summer, which keeps the pool a lot cooler than you'd think and I just get so tense and can't warm up.  I know surfers and SUP-ers wear swim leggings and rash guard type things and some say they will keep you a little warmer but I'm wondering if that's true.  I love to swim, but am literally dreading this year's pool season because of how uncomfortable I was last year. 

@soror I'm glad things are getting a little better hormone and energy-wise.  You're so right that hormones (and sleep) have such a profound effect on the ability to eat moderately.

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2 minutes ago, IvyInFlorida said:


Does anyone have any experience with any swimming gear (leggings or shirts, etc) that would keep my a little bit warmer in the pool than a regular bathing suit?  As dumb as it sounds here in Florida, I really had a tough time with the pool temperature last year.  It rains almost every afternoon in the summer, which keeps the pool a lot cooler than you'd think and I just get so tense and can't warm up.  I know surfers and SUP-ers wear swim leggings and rash guard type things and some say they will keep you a little warmer but I'm wondering if that's true.  I love to swim, but am literally dreading this year's pool season because of how uncomfortable I was last year.

I had the same problem in Hong Kong - cold water after rain, until the air temp. warmed it up.  I didn't find that rash guards etc helped.  I ended up buying a short wet-suit (above the knee, above the elbow).  There are different weights - some are used by triathlon people so they are designed for swimming.  The one I had wasn't brilliant for swimming (I mostly used it for standing still in children's swimming classes) but I'm sure you can find better options.

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I enjoyed class last night. But I froze at the end. I seen we were being videotapped (I'm sure for promotion) and I couldn't think. We were practicing punch, elbow, knee combos with each other and I couldn't even think. I don't like being watched in general(why I loathe being in the main area of the gym) and am a bit of a perfectionist so don't want to look like an idiot. Sigh. Hopefully we get to move soon.

So, my periods have been 3 days since I can remember getting them after my last baby, whose 7. Now, this month, period itself was easy, no pains at all or the fatigue I sometimes get on my first day but it is still going on day 6, not heavy but I never have anything like this. My energy is better than it was last week but still not great, not for the increased sleep I've been getting. Mood is pretty good. I don't understand my body!

Yesterday I was mostly lazy (got sucked into a book).

Today's plan- lifting in the am and a walk

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9 minutes ago, soror said:

I enjoyed class last night. But I froze at the end. I seen we were being videotapped (I'm sure for promotion) and I couldn't think. We were practicing punch, elbow, knee combos with each other and I couldn't even think. I don't like being watched in general(why I loathe being in the main area of the gym) and am a bit of a perfectionist so don't want to look like an idiot. Sigh. Hopefully we get to move soon.

So, my periods have been 3 days since I can remember getting them after my last baby, whose 7. Now, this month, period itself was easy, no pains at all or the fatigue I sometimes get on my first day but it is still going on day 6, not heavy but I never have anything like this. My energy is better than it was last week but still not great, not for the increased sleep I've been getting. Mood is pretty good. I don't understand my body!

Yesterday I was mostly lazy (got sucked into a book).

Today's plan- lifting in the am and a walk


I wonder if the different progesterone cream you briefly used affected your period?  Ugh, 6 days.  If I get too far into day 4 I'm like, WTH body?!  But yay for no pain or awful fatigue!

I remember having such, such a hard time with the whole being watched/perfectionist part of martial arts.  I'm an INTJ and do NOT like to "perform" anything in front of anybody without knowing it will be A+.  In fact, I just remembered that last night, I was doing great with spinning kicks for 9 reps, then at the 10th my fav instructor walked up to check my form and my brain completely crashed and burned.  LOL.  Halfway through the movement I was like *abort, abort*!  It was so ridiculous I had to laugh.  It does get better, but I do hope you get to move soon.  I would not be comfortable in the middle of a gym like that!

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12 minutes ago, IvyInFlorida said:


I wonder if the different progesterone cream you briefly used affected your period?  Ugh, 6 days.  If I get too far into day 4 I'm like, WTH body?!  But yay for no pain or awful fatigue!

I remember having such, such a hard time with the whole being watched/perfectionist part of martial arts.  I'm an INTJ and do NOT like to "perform" anything in front of anybody without knowing it will be A+.  In fact, I just remembered that last night, I was doing great with spinning kicks for 9 reps, then at the 10th my fav instructor walked up to check my form and my brain completely crashed and burned.  LOL.  Halfway through the movement I was like *abort, abort*!  It was so ridiculous I had to laugh.  It does get better, but I do hope you get to move soon.  I would not be comfortable in the middle of a gym like that!

I don't think it was the cream, I only got a few days in way earlier in the month, it didn't do anything otherwise and I got normal (for me) periods on my other one many times. Yes, I hate, hate, hate performing. I really like him as an instructor though, thank goodness.

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Great job staying active, ladies!

I'm in a bit of a slump due to the season and time changes. I was in such a great routine, too. It's the weekly walk in the woods with friends this afternoon, so hopefully that will help me snap out of the poor mood. 

Besides the walk, I'm going to get out for some more vigorous movement this morning, as well as keep up with my strength, stretch and push-up work. 

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4 minutes ago, wintermom said:

Great job staying active, ladies!

I'm in a bit of a slump due to the season and time changes. I was in such a great routine, too. It's the weekly walk in the woods with friends this afternoon, so hopefully that will help me snap out of the poor mood. 

Besides the walk, I'm going to get out for some more vigorous movement this morning, as well as keep up with my strength, stretch and push-up work. 


Boo!  Dang, we have all been blah lately, haven't we?  I hope being outside will perk you up big time!

*virtual group hug*

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1 hour ago, wintermom said:

Great job staying active, ladies!

I'm in a bit of a slump due to the season and time changes. I was in such a great routine, too. It's the weekly walk in the woods with friends this afternoon, so hopefully that will help me snap out of the poor mood. 

Besides the walk, I'm going to get out for some more vigorous movement this morning, as well as keep up with my strength, stretch and push-up work. 

I'm sorry 😞 I so understand, it stinks. It is easy to tell others that it will be ok but really stinks when you are in the midst of it. It is horrible to want to be active but your body and outside factors getting in your way.

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Lifting done...felt blah but I got 'er done.

A bright note--a middle school friend of mine is coming up from South Florida this weekend!  She's an active type and was totally up for my suggestion that we spend Sunday morning hiking at the state park near my house and then go out for lunch.  YAY!  FRIEND TIME!

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1 hour ago, IvyInFlorida said:

Lifting done...felt blah but I got 'er done.

A bright note--a middle school friend of mine is coming up from South Florida this weekend!  She's an active type and was totally up for my suggestion that we spend Sunday morning hiking at the state park near my house and then go out for lunch.  YAY!  FRIEND TIME!

That is awesome, I hope you have a wonderful time!

I'm feeling blah too, not as bad as last week but far from feeling good. Mood is a mile better than last week but energy still not great. I took a pregnancy test today, negative. I started to exercise but couldn't finish it. Hoping for more energy later. Very anxious for the dr's appt. Sleep is pretty decent. I'm taking energy vitamins.

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@Laura Corin I'm glad you had a good day and that you're enjoying your yoga program!

@soror Hope you got good sleep last night too.


I did about 35 mins of running intervals yesterday afternoon, which was about 10 mins short of what it should have been.  But it was really hot out and my worn-out shoes were killing me.  No more long runs until I get new shoes!  And it is definitely time to start shifting into my hot-weather routine.  The only indoor workouts I do are CKD classes, so I do have to be intentional about what I'm doing and when once average highs get past the mid-80s. 

I'm waffling about whether I will work out this morning.  My brain wants to, but my body feels tight and crampy.  I may do light CKD practice if I am still rarin' to get out there by 8am, but most likely I will rest.  CKD class tonight.


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I had a nice walk in the woods with friends yesterday. It was sunny, but the spring run-off was already underway with lots of little "rivers" obstructing the trail. I tried to avoid the icy water, but ended up getting soaked in the end. Luckily, the body is really good about warming up things in direct contact (like socks), so my feet felt fine except for that initial shock of freezing water. I think the trick is to keep moving and stay mentally strong

@Laura Corin I understand much better how you can survive your polar bear swims now! I only had a brief "polar bear wade" in icy water and felt fine. I'm not saying I will actually do a polar bear swim in future, though! 😂

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Well, I think I need to stop by here more, as I've officially put my OT membership on suspension as we hunker down for the Coronavirus... 😭

I've got the P90X DVDs and all the equipment to go with it (including adjustable weights covered with dust!) from back years ago when I was lying to myself about being able to get workouts at home done... but I guess I was prepping for this!  Now I have to actually do it.  So keep me accountable, ladies!  I can't go from working out hard 5x a week to nothing.  Now to get dh to modify the pull-up bar I bought that stubbornly refuses to fit on any door in our old, non-standard house.  Fortunately, he's Mr. Fix-it, so he has a plan.  Will just have to start with one of the workouts that doesn't include it...

I also have a Bosu, which I love but have not even opened the package on (I've used them both at Pilates and OT classes). 

And I may finally find out if I can even come close to a pull-up!  I couldn't even do one of those back when they did the Presidential Fitness in school...

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So, the suggestion for the first day was Chest/Back plus Ab Ripper, but that requires the Pull-up bar, so I switched it with day 3, which is Arms/Shoulders plus Ab Ripper.  Got through that fine.  OT has me in really good shape, need to keep it that way.  I'm actually thinking of doing the "Doubles" way of doing it, which adds cardio on more days, as I'm used to doing some cardio with every workout.  I actually feel like I have energy that needs burning off.  Or maybe it's anxiety, with everything going on... I had been thinking about maybe going out for a run around the neighborhood instead, but just as I thought that it clouded over and started to pour buckets...  So I may try the Cardio dvd after dinner.

I will be happy to get back to OT when hopefully this has all passed.  I kept getting interrupted by kids calling.  And I'm generally distractable at home.  I think I'll get through stuff faster when I know what's coming up in each workout, though.  I spent some time messing with the adjustable weights and making sure I understood each exercise.  But OT is so much more efficient and I don't have to think!

Edited by Matryoshka
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@Matryoshka Way to go keeping up your workouts at home!  It's hard to get in a groove doing it from home, but once you do there are a lot of positives.  Have you tried subbing under-the-table-rows for pull-ups?  The more your legs are bent, the easier it is, and the straighter you keep them, the harder.  Legs straight and heels on the floor are the hardest.  It's not an exact sub for pull-ups but it'll def do until you get one.

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Warning: this will be a novel! 

So last night at class, I went back to the chief instructor's office to ask him how much it would be to add on my younger son, and he casually mentioned that the whole pricing structure was changing.  Currently, the first student in a family that signs up is a certain amount, then each additional family member is a significantly cheaper add-on amount.  My son was the first to sign on, and his homeschool special needs scholarship covers his fees, so--while still a financial stretch--I figured I would be able to handle my other son joining up.  With the new pricing structure, I will not even be able to afford myself!  To have all 3 of us, even with the scholarship, would be like a modest mortgage payment in our area every month.  Plus, there was a lady taking her black belt test last night, and she mentioned her testing fee, which almost made me faint.  Much higher than we were originally expecting.

I'm just so thrown for a loop by this.  Wow.  I expected to do this for life, and then I suddenly find out that I might not even be able to go any more after this month.

In some ways, the timing works out, I guess.  We are both really unhappy with the changes in the curriculum that just happened.  Basically it is now half as difficult to get a black belt, which makes all our work seem kind of cheap.  My older son is really mad that we will spend the entire next year "learning" stuff we already learned (because, under the new system, we have learned everything up to 2nd degree black belt).  I have also been sad that the extracurricular we do is not particularly conducive to him making friends his own age.  Being a rural homeschooler of an ASD kid means you have to be pretty choosy about that sort of thing to make sure you maximize the benefits and minimize the stresses, if that makes sense.  But I know he wants to be around boys his own age.

Still, after this long, martial arts has become such a part of my identity and will leave such a void, socially and emotionally.  The training has had such a positive impact on me.  And, jeez, there have been SO MANY big changes in my life since the new year, and here comes another one.  Yikes. 

ANYWAYS, I am going to email the chief instructor and get a more concrete breakdown of prices and find out when they will take effect (he was kind of vague) and how much bb fees have increased.  I was so shocked and honestly upset at how blase he was about this massive price increase that I didn't get all the details I should have.


Sigh.  Today's plan: will have to skip my workout due to an early morning grocery run, but we're headed back to my parents' place this afternoon and I'm sure I'll work my behind off doing all the stuff that has piled up since the last time I was there.  Also try to figure out how I will adjust my workout plan.  My son wants to get on a basketball team, but that'll have to wait until after this virus stuff calms down.  We've had 2 cases in the county just across the river and now basically everything is shut down until at least April.


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@Matryoshka  Great job altering your exercise routine so quickly! Please check-in when you can and we'll keep cheering you on! 

I got in a couple of great walks today - both in sunshine! The forecast was for rain all day, so it was really nice that we had sun instead. My first walk was to our local store 'Bulk Barn,' which is primarily bulk food items. It wasn't busy, as open food containers is not so popular in our current covid panic. Our city just had it's first confirmed case, and within 2 days the entire school system in the province is shutting down for 3 weeks. 

The second walk was in the woods with 2 friends. That was really great.  I also increased my daily push-up count to 15. I was going to jump from 10 to 20, but my body cried out, "No way!" I chose to listen to my body. 😄 

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@IvyInFlorida  I am SO SORRY about your martial arts program crazy changes. So disappointing for you all! I would definitely talk with your head instructor and see if you can stay at your pay level at least until you get your black belts. I cannot imagine a small service business hiking up prices so much without warning and expect everyone to be fine with it. They risk a lot of clients quitting, IMO. 

As far as personal identity, don't even worry about that. You and your dc will find something new to get excited about. I spent 13 years doing martial arts, and I thought I would be completely lost without it. Nope. I filled the time really quickly with other things that have become just as fun and socially rewarding, not to mention easier on my body. It would be a lot nicer for you and your ds if you could finish on a high note of that black belt, though. You have worked so hard! ((hugs))

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1 hour ago, wintermom said:

@IvyInFlorida  I am SO SORRY about your martial arts program crazy changes. So disappointing for you all! I would definitely talk with your head instructor and see if you can stay at your pay level at least until you get your black belts. I cannot imagine a small service business hiking up prices so much without warning and expect everyone to be fine with it. They risk a lot of clients quitting, IMO. 

As far as personal identity, don't even worry about that. You and your dc will find something new to get excited about. I spent 13 years doing martial arts, and I thought I would be completely lost without it. Nope. I filled the time really quickly with other things that have become just as fun and socially rewarding, not to mention easier on my body. It would be a lot nicer for you and your ds if you could finish on a high note of that black belt, though. You have worked so hard! ((hugs))


1 hour ago, wintermom said:

@Matryoshka  Great job altering your exercise routine so quickly! Please check-in when you can and we'll keep cheering you on! 

I got in a couple of great walks today - both in sunshine! The forecast was for rain all day, so it was really nice that we had sun instead. My first walk was to our local store 'Bulk Barn,' which is primarily bulk food items. It wasn't busy, as open food containers is not so popular in our current covid panic. Our city just had it's first confirmed case, and within 2 days the entire school system in the province is shutting down for 3 weeks. 

The second walk was in the woods with 2 friends. That was really great.  I also increased my daily push-up count to 15. I was going to jump from 10 to 20, but my body cried out, "No way!" I chose to listen to my body. 😄 

I'm jealous you got sun! We have a forecast of rain all day and it is holding true so far. Good job getting in your push-ups and listening to your body.

2 hours ago, sassenach said:

I’m avoiding the gym (#covidlife) so I went for a run for the first time in a year. I am SO SORE. Clearly, the elliptical is not the same as a neighborhood jog. OMG. 


LOL, no they are not the same!

6 hours ago, IvyInFlorida said:

Warning: this will be a novel! 

So last night at class, I went back to the chief instructor's office to ask him how much it would be to add on my younger son, and he casually mentioned that the whole pricing structure was changing.  Currently, the first student in a family that signs up is a certain amount, then each additional family member is a significantly cheaper add-on amount.  My son was the first to sign on, and his homeschool special needs scholarship covers his fees, so--while still a financial stretch--I figured I would be able to handle my other son joining up.  With the new pricing structure, I will not even be able to afford myself!  To have all 3 of us, even with the scholarship, would be like a modest mortgage payment in our area every month.  Plus, there was a lady taking her black belt test last night, and she mentioned her testing fee, which almost made me faint.  Much higher than we were originally expecting.

I'm just so thrown for a loop by this.  Wow.  I expected to do this for life, and then I suddenly find out that I might not even be able to go any more after this month.

In some ways, the timing works out, I guess.  We are both really unhappy with the changes in the curriculum that just happened.  Basically it is now half as difficult to get a black belt, which makes all our work seem kind of cheap.  My older son is really mad that we will spend the entire next year "learning" stuff we already learned (because, under the new system, we have learned everything up to 2nd degree black belt).  I have also been sad that the extracurricular we do is not particularly conducive to him making friends his own age.  Being a rural homeschooler of an ASD kid means you have to be pretty choosy about that sort of thing to make sure you maximize the benefits and minimize the stresses, if that makes sense.  But I know he wants to be around boys his own age.

Still, after this long, martial arts has become such a part of my identity and will leave such a void, socially and emotionally.  The training has had such a positive impact on me.  And, jeez, there have been SO MANY big changes in my life since the new year, and here comes another one.  Yikes. 

ANYWAYS, I am going to email the chief instructor and get a more concrete breakdown of prices and find out when they will take effect (he was kind of vague) and how much bb fees have increased.  I was so shocked and honestly upset at how blase he was about this massive price increase that I didn't get all the details I should have.


Sigh.  Today's plan: will have to skip my workout due to an early morning grocery run, but we're headed back to my parents' place this afternoon and I'm sure I'll work my behind off doing all the stuff that has piled up since the last time I was there.  Also try to figure out how I will adjust my workout plan.  My son wants to get on a basketball team, but that'll have to wait until after this virus stuff calms down.  We've had 2 cases in the county just across the river and now basically everything is shut down until at least April.


Ivy, I'm so very sorry for the changes to your MA school, I would be very upset as well. I hope there is a way to work it out or some peace for you moving forward on a different path.

19 hours ago, Matryoshka said:

So, the suggestion for the first day was Chest/Back plus Ab Ripper, but that requires the Pull-up bar, so I switched it with day 3, which is Arms/Shoulders plus Ab Ripper.  Got through that fine.  OT has me in really good shape, need to keep it that way.  I'm actually thinking of doing the "Doubles" way of doing it, which adds cardio on more days, as I'm used to doing some cardio with every workout.  I actually feel like I have energy that needs burning off.  Or maybe it's anxiety, with everything going on... I had been thinking about maybe going out for a run around the neighborhood instead, but just as I thought that it clouded over and started to pour buckets...  So I may try the Cardio dvd after dinner.

I will be happy to get back to OT when hopefully this has all passed.  I kept getting interrupted by kids calling.  And I'm generally distractable at home.  I think I'll get through stuff faster when I know what's coming up in each workout, though.  I spent some time messing with the adjustable weights and making sure I understood each exercise.  But OT is so much more efficient and I don't have to think!

I did the p90x years ago, it was a good workout, I never wanted to add on since every day was 60-90 min but I had all small children then. When are you planning on working out? I generally try to check in the mornings before and after my workouts, starts me off thinking about my plans. I never used the adjustable dumbbells I just had various weights here (I've since gotten rid of), I'm sure it will take a bit to get in the groove of it but since you have more experience now I'm sure you'll get the hang of it.

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I'm bummed out as my indoor tennis league cancelled matches until mid-April. I'm not understanding the reasoning, as there are maximum 24 people in the dome at one time and we are spread out all over the courts. Are they worried the virus will spread on the tennis balls themselves? Totally nuts!

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wintermom- I'm sorry about tennis, I know that has to be a huge disappointment 😞

I lifted this morning and it went better than it has all week. I cam home and did 20 min BodyCombat and 10 min Yoga. My upper back and shoulders are feeling really tight though. 

I'm still sleeping better than I have, best sleep since I started tracking in the fall but I had 2 nights I spiked into high oxygen variations. I've never had that at all, I think it is due to allergies. I'm sure that is not helping with feeling tired either.

I'm considering pulling the kids from TKD and skipping weekday busy gym visits. 

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2 hours ago, soror said:

wintermom- I'm sorry about tennis, I know that has to be a huge disappointment 😞

I lifted this morning and it went better than it has all week. I cam home and did 20 min BodyCombat and 10 min Yoga. My upper back and shoulders are feeling really tight though. 

I'm still sleeping better than I have, best sleep since I started tracking in the fall but I had 2 nights I spiked into high oxygen variations. I've never had that at all, I think it is due to allergies. I'm sure that is not helping with feeling tired either.

I'm considering pulling the kids from TKD and skipping weekday busy gym visits. 

Yes, it was disappointing to miss the tennis match, but brilliant dh booked a court and contacted friends so we have an even better match set up for Monday evening!!! 😁

So great your sleep has improved! Great job getting in all your cool work-outs.

Hope your upper back and shoulders feel better soon. You could try some adapted cat/cow stretches. Just do them while resting your bottom on your feet to prevent hinging at your lower back. Focus on bringing your chest up, and try not to hinge at your neck.

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I got finished my new favourite slush/ice trail activity. I wear my heavy-duty hiking boots with crampons and use my poles. I try to run up all the hills and walk on the flat parts. It feels a little like skate skiing as far as intensity goes, but it's not quite as fun because there are no downhill parts when I can just glide and rest. It's a good full-body work-out and sort of extends the "skiing" season. 😉


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6 hours ago, wintermom said:

@IvyInFlorida  I am SO SORRY about your martial arts program crazy changes. So disappointing for you all! I would definitely talk with your head instructor and see if you can stay at your pay level at least until you get your black belts. I cannot imagine a small service business hiking up prices so much without warning and expect everyone to be fine with it. They risk a lot of clients quitting, IMO. 

As far as personal identity, don't even worry about that. You and your dc will find something new to get excited about. I spent 13 years doing martial arts, and I thought I would be completely lost without it. Nope. I filled the time really quickly with other things that have become just as fun and socially rewarding, not to mention easier on my body. It would be a lot nicer for you and your ds if you could finish on a high note of that black belt, though. You have worked so hard! ((hugs))


I appreciate the encouragement, thank you!  Yes, I def think they will lose people.  There's a family of 6, and on a testing month, it would be about $1000 for them!!! 

I did talk to the instructor a little, and it seems like, unless he changes things (which happens), we should be able to go at least through black belt.

Boo about the tennis!

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4 hours ago, soror said:

wintermom- I'm sorry about tennis, I know that has to be a huge disappointment 😞

I lifted this morning and it went better than it has all week. I cam home and did 20 min BodyCombat and 10 min Yoga. My upper back and shoulders are feeling really tight though. 

I'm still sleeping better than I have, best sleep since I started tracking in the fall but I had 2 nights I spiked into high oxygen variations. I've never had that at all, I think it is due to allergies. I'm sure that is not helping with feeling tired either.

I'm considering pulling the kids from TKD and skipping weekday busy gym visits. 


I'm glad you had a good gym session!

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On 3/12/2020 at 3:45 AM, IvyInFlorida said:

Does anyone have any experience with any swimming gear (leggings or shirts, etc) that would keep my a little bit warmer in the pool than a regular bathing suit?  As dumb as it sounds here in Florida, I really had a tough time with the pool temperature last year.  It rains almost every afternoon in the summer, which keeps the pool a lot cooler than you'd think and I just get so tense and can't warm up.  I know surfers and SUP-ers wear swim leggings and rash guard type things and some say they will keep you a little warmer but I'm wondering if that's true.  I love to swim, but am literally dreading this year's pool season because of how uncomfortable I was last year. 

I have tried: a full-body sun protection suit (sort of like a thin wetsuit; not for heat but for SPF factor)...swim leggings, rash guards, etc.  I do like them for swimming in direct sun, kayaking, etc., because the sun is an issue for me.  If I were swimming in ocean, I'd use a wetsuit, but that's pretty restrictive for a pool.  I've noticed some people using compression suits; not sure about those.

This is just my experience: the leggings, rashguards, etc. don't necessarily keep you warmer (maybe a bit) and they create a lot of drag.  Interestingly, I have noticed the rashguards really seem to lock in body heat on a hot day / direct sun - sometimes to the point of overheating.  

 It seems like the best results (for me - everyone's different) have been to warm up for 10 minutes and then swim at a pretty good pace for an hour.  The cold sets in when you: stop too long, have your shoulders out of the water while you rest on the wall, stop and have your head / shoulders out in the wind, get out for any reason.  If I have to stop, I tread water, at least, to keep body temp up or I just swim at a slower pace to keep going.  Once your body temp is up, you can swim a pretty long workout without getting cold.  But getting out into cold temps, wind, etc. - your body temp drops pretty quickly.  Take a hot shower afterwards!  Some people like parkas.  

All of the above is for a heated pool in light snow, an unheated pool in a bit warmer temps... So YMMV depending on how cold it is where you live!  Other times I've swum in really cold lakes and it's not the same story; those times I had to get out a lot sooner--

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@IvyInFlorida, so sorry about your CKD changes!  Hope they'll let the old rules/prices stand at least till you get your black belt!

@wintermom, glad to hear you got your tennis sorted.

@Laura Corin, things seem so normal where you are.   Has the Coronavirus panic passed you by thus far?

Didn't get to CardioX yesterday, but I did the P90X Plyometrics today.  A bit rough getting started, as the DVD I bought years ago, unused and still in a plastic sleeve, was totally corrupted.  😬 Fortunately, I found it on YouTube, and only had to suffer through random ads every 10 min or so, which was annoying, but I just kind of jogged in place through them to keep my heart rate up, and got through it more efficiently than the first one.  And the good news is that the workout did get my heart rate up enough to be registered by my FitBit as an "Aerobic workout".  Dh has not gotten to my pull-up bar yet, so unless he does I will likely do Legs & Back tomorrow (should be interesting after all the squats in the Plyometrics today, but again, OT seems to have me in really good shape, as it wasn't that bad), and hopefully the Cardio DVD as well.  And hopefully no more corrupted DVDs...  at least I know where to find them (with ads) if that happens again...

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1 hour ago, IvyInFlorida said:

Today's plan: 2 hr (ish) hike with a friend!  YAY!

Have fun!

Another good night of sleep and I actually woke up feeling awake, which is a vast improvement, not sure if it was time change or any other number of variables, but here's hoping that continues. My current sleep average is 7 hr 19 min!!! and Fitbit seems to underestimate (I've noticed I've had nights where I don't get up at all and it still shows me as having awake time). Now, I'm coming upon ovulation time and hoping that my progesterone cream helps enough the second half of the cycle to continue on with good sleep. 

I had hoped for a bike ride today but I'm not feeling that optimistic. It is looking like the forecast is now considerably cooler with clouds and a cold breeze. So, maybe we can manage a hike instead, we'll see.

My upper back and neck are even more sore and tight. I have no clue what I've done. I didn't do any new exercises. I'm sleeping in my own bed. I am going to do some yoga/stretching here in a bit.

Weekly recap- wasn't my best week and wasn't my worst. Hoping, as always, for a good week this week. I'm currently considering how to handle the virus and plans, need to talk to dh to see if we are on the same page. Currently looking at skipping the gym but doing the class with my friend as it was only her and I. Weather is looking spotty, warmer with lots of rain and some thunderstorms so walks will be played by ear. We've had so many storms lately and so much rain. Last week we had to hide out in the basement as a tornado was on the ground not far from us, it didn't do much but still you never know what will happen and those things change so quickly.

I'm planning some food prep for this week, my lunches last week really helped keep me full and satisfied in the afternoon and reduced my desire for snacking. This week I think I'll do sesame chicken, broccoli, peppers, carrots, and brown jasmine rice.

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@soror apparently Fitbit spots the times we awake momentarily (to check for sabre toothed tigers) but which we aren't aware of in the morning. 

Gentle yoga in the morning. Currently waiting for the wind to drop, then I'll NW and walk the dog.

Later I'll make a cream of roast cauliflower and celeriac soup with smoked paprika and tofu for this week's lunches.

Edited by Laura Corin
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16 minutes ago, Laura Corin said:

@soror apparently Fitbit spots the times we awake momentarily (to check for sabre toothed tigers) but which we aren't aware of in the morning. 

Gentle yoga in the morning. Currently waiting for the wind to drop, then I'll NW and walk the dog.

Later I'll make a cream of roast cauliflower and celeriac soup with smoked paprika and tofu for this week's lunches.

Enjoy your NW and walk with your dog! I'm going to get my pole fit up with rubber things so I can continue to hike with them when the snow melts. I'm liking the added upper-body work-out with the poles. I can also get my speed up a lot higher with poles, as I use them the same way I do while skiing. They are also handy when jumping over puddles! 

I'll be doing more nordic hiking on the icy trails today. It's sunny though a little colder than the last few days. 

You ladies have also inspired me to do more yoga/stretching!! My body is often crying out for it, but I don't always listen. 😉

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1 hour ago, Laura Corin said:

@soror apparently Fitbit spots the times we awake momentarily (to check for sabre toothed tigers) but which we aren't aware of in the morning. 

Gentle yoga in the morning. Currently waiting for the wind to drop, then I'll NW and walk the dog.

Later I'll make a cream of roast cauliflower and celeriac soup with smoked paprika and tofu for this week's lunches.

Ya, I'm just not worried about momentary wake ups I can't remember, without Fitbit I wouldn't even know it happened. 

48 minutes ago, wintermom said:

Enjoy your NW and walk with your dog! I'm going to get my pole fit up with rubber things so I can continue to hike with them when the snow melts. I'm liking the added upper-body work-out with the poles. I can also get my speed up a lot higher with poles, as I use them the same way I do while skiing. They are also handy when jumping over puddles! 

I'll be doing more nordic hiking on the icy trails today. It's sunny though a little colder than the last few days. 

You ladies have also inspired me to do more yoga/stretching!! My body is often crying out for it, but I don't always listen. 😉

I am glad you are stretching more, our bodies do need it, it just isn't as exciting as the hard-core strength and cardio work but still is a great benefit. 

I should so figure out the Nordic Walking thing as I know it would be more of a workout but it is like with running, you get vey much into it and there is all this about technique and such, with hiking and walking I don't have to think but just do it. Doesn't gt my HR up as much but I'm a big believer in the benefits of just walking.

Lunch plan, menu prep plans, are changing as I forgot I am out of soy sauce, can't believe my oversight!

Chicken Shwarma, Brown Rice, homemade hummus and quick pickled tomatoes and cucumbers (somewhat copying the Panera warm grain bowls)

I'm trying to keep up the bean intake anyway, they are good for me and filling.

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40 minutes ago, soror said:

Ya, I'm just not worried about momentary wake ups I can't remember, without Fitbit I wouldn't even know it happened. 

I am glad you are stretching more, our bodies do need it, it just isn't as exciting as the hard-core strength and cardio work but still is a great benefit. 

I should so figure out the Nordic Walking thing as I know it would be more of a workout but it is like with running, you get vey much into it and there is all this about technique and such, with hiking and walking I don't have to think but just do it. Doesn't gt my HR up as much but I'm a big believer in the benefits of just walking.

Lunch plan, menu prep plans, are changing as I forgot I am out of soy sauce, can't believe my oversight!

Chicken Shwarma, Brown Rice, homemade hummus and quick pickled tomatoes and cucumbers (somewhat copying the Panera warm grain bowls)

I'm trying to keep up the bean intake anyway, they are good for me and filling.

What technique with nordic walking are you concerned about? There are repetitive motions with the poles that may require doing the activity in moderation, but I don't know about any special technique besides angling the poles so that you benefit from more backwards/forwards forces rather than up and down. 

I watched a few instructional videos, and I do way more pushing action that is similar to skiing than any of the videos. I guess I'm doing improper technique according to the videos, but I like the 'nordic skiing style.' Then again, I'm walking on snow so I can dig the poles in a lot more than walking on pavements.

ETA: I just noticed a website that described some differences in pole technique. I use straps on my poles just like I was skiing. I push with the pole firmly and release the pole at the end. Apparently there is a technique where the poles have no straps and obviously no release. It seems to be very much a matter of choice in what you do.

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@soror Out of soy sauce?!  Noooo!  I love soy sauce.


I had a great time with my friend today.  We hiked and talked and went out for steak salads after.  Yum.  I am currently eating a big bowl of shrimp and veggies stir fry on noodles.  I am not a big fan of shrimp, but if I cook the heck out of them I can pretend they are rubbery bites of chicken...

My friend took a pic of me in front of the swinging bridge where we were hiking.  Excuse the squint--I always oversmile in pics, haha.  Perfect weather, no bugs...I couldn't have asked for a better morning! 


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@IvyInFlorida Gorgeous photo! And are those actual leaves on trees?! It looks so green there. Our outdoor colours right now are brown, shades of brown, dirty snow and dirty ice. 

My hike earlier today was wonderful. All the slush on the trails was frozen solid. I really appreciated my crampons on my boots. My ski poles didn't always stick in the ice too well.

I also did some more painting this afternoon. We'll have lots of time to get the painting done over the next 3 weeks as dh will be working from home, and we'll have all the dc at home as the schools, universities and public recreation facilities are shut down. 

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Got in CardioX around noon and then just finished doing Legs/Back.  Oops, just remembered I was supposed to add AbRipper.  Oh, well, I'm done!  Tomorrow is Kenpo, apparently.

Oh, and it turns out Legs/Back had some pull-ups, which I wasn't expecting, and dh hadn't finished adjusting the bar.  So he went off to do that while I did the workout (I did some bicep curls instead).  He finished it just as I was finishing it, and I tried a pull-up - and I could do one!! Chin over the bar from the floor! Holy freaking cow!!!  That was with a closer grip.  Tried one farther out, not so lucky.  Not sure if I could do more than one, but one is huuuuge!!  So, we'll see if I can progress with this...

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9 hours ago, Matryoshka said:

Got in CardioX around noon and then just finished doing Legs/Back.  Oops, just remembered I was supposed to add AbRipper.  Oh, well, I'm done!  Tomorrow is Kenpo, apparently.

Oh, and it turns out Legs/Back had some pull-ups, which I wasn't expecting, and dh hadn't finished adjusting the bar.  So he went off to do that while I did the workout (I did some bicep curls instead).  He finished it just as I was finishing it, and I tried a pull-up - and I could do one!! Chin over the bar from the floor! Holy freaking cow!!!  That was with a closer grip.  Tried one farther out, not so lucky.  Not sure if I could do more than one, but one is huuuuge!!  So, we'll see if I can progress with this...

Awesome job on the pull-ups!!!! Congrats!!! I really enjoyed the Kenpo one but it is slower pace.

9 hours ago, wintermom said:

@IvyInFlorida Gorgeous photo! And are those actual leaves on trees?! It looks so green there. Our outdoor colours right now are brown, shades of brown, dirty snow and dirty ice. 

My hike earlier today was wonderful. All the slush on the trails was frozen solid. I really appreciated my crampons on my boots. My ski poles didn't always stick in the ice too well.

I also did some more painting this afternoon. We'll have lots of time to get the painting done over the next 3 weeks as dh will be working from home, and we'll have all the dc at home as the schools, universities and public recreation facilities are shut down. 

Painting, painting all day long, are you tired of it yet!


Ivy- LOVE the pic glad you had a good time!


I didn't do much of anything yesterday- dh felt like being lazy (he's had a VERY long week) so I did some cleaning, meal prep, laundry, that's about it.

We made a run to the store after supper and I got home after bedtime totally messing up my sleep, a bad night now was like my good night before!

Plan on some exercise at home this am. Might have a class this afternoon with a friend, as mentioned this was just us and teacher before so this may go ahead and happen, IDK.

Oh, and weight maintained this week after the wonkyness of last week I was happy to see that. I'm trying to stay in the smooth spot of maintaining with enjoying treats here and there and putting forth as little energy thinking of it as I can.

Edited by soror
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9 hours ago, wintermom said:

@IvyInFlorida Gorgeous photo! And are those actual leaves on trees?! It looks so green there. Our outdoor colours right now are brown, shades of brown, dirty snow and dirty ice. 

My hike earlier today was wonderful. All the slush on the trails was frozen solid. I really appreciated my crampons on my boots. My ski poles didn't always stick in the ice too well.

I also did some more painting this afternoon. We'll have lots of time to get the painting done over the next 3 weeks as dh will be working from home, and we'll have all the dc at home as the schools, universities and public recreation facilities are shut down. 


Yep, everything is green and blooming!  Dogwoods, wild azaleas, redbud trees--it's a beautiful time in Florida.

That's neat that y'all will all be home getting a bunch done!

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8 hours ago, Matryoshka said:

Got in CardioX around noon and then just finished doing Legs/Back.  Oops, just remembered I was supposed to add AbRipper.  Oh, well, I'm done!  Tomorrow is Kenpo, apparently.

Oh, and it turns out Legs/Back had some pull-ups, which I wasn't expecting, and dh hadn't finished adjusting the bar.  So he went off to do that while I did the workout (I did some bicep curls instead).  He finished it just as I was finishing it, and I tried a pull-up - and I could do one!! Chin over the bar from the floor! Holy freaking cow!!!  That was with a closer grip.  Tried one farther out, not so lucky.  Not sure if I could do more than one, but one is huuuuge!!  So, we'll see if I can progress with this...


Yay, congrats!  Not only are you sticking with your home workouts, but a pull up is a major accomplishment!  Way to go!

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3 minutes ago, soror said:

Awesome job on the pull-ups!!!! Congrats!!! I really enjoyed the Kenpo one but it is slower pace.

Painting, painting all day long, are you tired of it yet!


Ivy- LOVE the pic glad you had a good time!


I didn't do much of anything yesterday- dh felt like being lazy (he's had a VERY long week) so I did some cleaning, meal prep, laundry, that's about it.

We made a run to the store after supper and I got home after bedtime totally messing up my sleep, a bad night now was like my good night before!

Plan on some exercise at home this am. Might have a class this afternoon with a friend, as mentioned this was just us and teacher before so this may go ahead and happen, IDK.


Thank you!  It was great.

I think cleaning, meal prep, laundry, and a trip to the store is getting a lot done on a Sunday!

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