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Sister Wendy - who likes her books / DVDs?


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She is very avant garde or something, so I don't "teach" from her books. (Recently I looked up an artist & as I read, she was describing the way an artist drew nice full tocks! So I just skipped most of the commentary.)


However, if we are reading about an artist, I always look up Sister Wendy's examples & it seems she includes every artist in her book. She has very nice color examples, very representative of the artist's work and the particular art era, plus a good index.

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I used to like to watch them, back when they were first on....She sure does like the nudes, and she's not shy about telling you exactly what she likes about them, is she ("look at her plump bosom! so inviting!" or whatever)? But her enthusiasm is hard to match.


ETA: her enthusiasm about art. Not nudes. ;)

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She is very British, and very enthusiastic about her field. I have learned so much from her, I wish she had made hours and hours and HOURS of it.


Kiddo absorbed some of it. We just visited both the Gettys and he was very excited to see other works by people she mentioned (or works very like them in style), and understands that art means something other than what is noticed on the first glance.


When he saw that the Limbourg brothers's work was visiting, I thought he was going to pull my arm off to get to the building. He recognized it from Sister W.


You can find the vids used. The first one has very good pretty much G rated chats on cave paintings and the Egyptians. She does mention that one of the paid mourners was the head lady because of the state of her bust, compared to the other mourners, who are perter.

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Check your library for the DVDs--ours has a nice set, and it's even a small library.


Depending on your dc ages, you might want to preview the videos yourself first for anything you might not want to discuss at this time.:blushing:


Otherwise, Sister Wendy is a hoot!

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