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February 2020 Well-Trained Bodies


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19 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

Really good news!

It's sunny and windy here: lovely walk at lunchtime along the beach, while surfers caught baby waves.

I'll try to do a good yoga session this evening; tomorrow evening we will be preparing for another house viewing, so I might not have time for anything very long.  I printed out the materials for my 'power yoga' course for March - I'm quite excited.

How did the viewing go? How often is your power yoga course?

19 hours ago, wintermom said:

I got in a nice little skate ski this morning. It was icy and fast, so lots of double poling and tight leg muscles to stay upright. I will go for a hike in the woods this afternoon. I'm trying to get in lots of outdoor time before tomorrow, when we're supposed to get cold and lots more snow. Just a not-so-gentle reminder that it's still winter in the great white north! 😉

I'm so thrilled that my daily stretches and strength work from the physiotherapist has been working wonders with eliminating my upper back and neck pain! I don't think I'll need to go back for any more visits. Woo hoo!!

So glad to hear the back pain is gone, that is incredible.


On 2/25/2020 at 5:32 AM, IvyInFlorida said:

@Monica_in_Switzerland Glad you are better!  And yay for steady weight loss!  Good work!

@wintermom Yeah, the attacking and sparring parts of martial arts practice are def the hardest on the body.  I have to space out punching bag or air shield attacks like you do with skate skiing cause a little goes a long way, like you said!  My lower neck/shoulder/upper back get very sore and tense.  One of my goals for CKD is to become more relaxed in general and let the mechanics of the movements generate power rather than trying to hulk through it, plus relaxing mentally during sparring.  I think this will help a lot.

@soror How annoying about your progesterone this month, though I'm glad you got some sleep.  I hope your jury duty is short-lived...I've never ever been called for some reason but I can't imagine the extended sitting and waiting would be very enjoyable.


My HIIT workout was pretty great yesterday.  I did 40 sec on, 20 off, 8 rounds each of jump rope, kettlebell swings, and punching bag.  It's the first time I ever structured a workout like that and I felt like it was effective and interesting.  I had about 10 mins left to play with after so I went for a short run.  The swings were the hardest--I skipped 2 rounds in the middle.  CKD last night was kind of meh in terms of intensity...but since it was because we have several new students, I'm good with it!  CKD is my social outlet and I love it when we get new people.

I'm still pondering over the Lean Habits stuff.  Just because I can't follow the no snacks habit doesn't mean I want to discard the rest.  I would really really like the be able to develop the skill of eating just enough.  Last night, we were having a supper that I particularly like and, despite the fact that I "heard" my body say, ok, you're good now, I cleaned my plate anyways.  Of course I felt like I had rocks in my tummy during class after, ugh.  When I slip up, it is tempting to go back to the security of calorie counting/deficit eating, but I am determined to improve my relationship with food/maintain weight and energy without that. 

I have lifting on the schedule this morning, but it has been raining.  Hopefully my gym area is still dry.  It's supposed to storm all day, so that will probably be my only heavy activity today.  My sons are hoping the power will go out so they can spend the day doing Legos by lantern light, lol.

I've been doing the 45/15 on the stairmaster (well on the 15 I go down to level 1 or 2) it is a buttkicker. You know I think it is ok to have those times when you eat a bit *too* much and if you are always pulling back before full you will not make it back to maintenance. It is finding that sweet spot of just enough, so you have few of those desires to really eat too much (and of course especially not before TKD)! You can do this! One meal doesn't break anything.


I had a big carby vegetarian lunch with a couple little splurges and it didn't sit the best, lifting felt blah, but I got in there and got it done. I didn't even have the appetite for ice cream I planned after dinner for a Fat Tuesday splurge!

Today is yoga and Jury Duty is cancelled!!!

I did nothing much during the day yesterday other than a short walk, I had paperwork to do for Scouts which took way longer than it should have and what do you know they lost the paperwork I turned in, that they had verified in December was all there. UGH!!! And we had roofers here all day replacing the roof from hail damage, they are back today to finish.

Sleep again horrible, I went from high 70s- high 80s sleep score to low 70s, 69 last night. I'm reordering progesterone today. 

Today is a day of fasting. So nothing big activity wise other than yoga this am. Yoga yesterday am felt good, although frog pose is killing me. I could tell I had a lot more flexibility in the evening at the gym.

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1 hour ago, soror said:

How did the viewing go? How often is your power yoga course?


I had some more carbs and a few splurges for Fat Tuesday and was not feeling the best in my lifting last night. I did a vegetarian lunch and it didn't sit the best. I didn't even have the appetite for ice cream I planned after dinner for a Fat Tuesday splurge!

Today is yoga and Jury Duty is cancelled!!!

I did nothing much during the day yesterday other than a short walk, I had paperwork to do for Scouts which took way longer than it should have and what do you know they lost the paperwork I turned in, that they had verified in December was all there. UGH!!! And we had roofers here all day replacing the roof from hail damage, they are back today to finish.

Sleep again horrible, I went from high 70s- high 80s sleep score to low 70s, 69 last night. I'm reordering progesterone today. 

Today is a day of fasting. So nothing big activity wise other than yoga this am. Yoga yesterday am felt good, although frog pose is killing me. I could tell I had a lot more flexibility in the evening at the gym.

Viewing went really well.  We are on tenterhooks.  Husband said they seemed smitten.  They are coming back tomorrow, when the weather will be lovely. 

The Power Yoga course is every day for a month (online), but there are shorter and more stretchy sessions interspersed with faster and stronger ones.

Ugh for lost paperwork and bad sleep.  Hooray for cancelled jury duty.  We had the roofers here on Monday, just before the viewing thank goodness, to replace a slate lost in the wind.

Short walk with a friend before work.  Errands at lunchtime.  We are going out to dinner this evening, to keep the kitchen pristine for tomorrow's viewing.  I might do some yoga at work before going home to pick up Husband.

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@Laura Corin  Glad the home showing went really well. The yoga sounds great! 

@soror  Sorry your sleep is still poor. Hope things improve really soon! 

I got in a quick walk with the dog early this morning. It's a busy day and a snow storm is coming, so I don't know what other outdoor activity (besides snow shoveling) I'll be doing. 

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32 minutes ago, wintermom said:

It certainly can be. Yesterday I did a bunch of ice chopping, and that was a good upper body work-out. 😉 

I've only had to do serious (in our terms - shovelling in order to be able to get down the drive) shovelling two winters since we moved here eleven years ago.  It was before my fitness had improved and I thought I was going to die.

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18 minutes ago, Laura Corin said:

I've only had to do serious (in our terms - shovelling in order to be able to get down the drive) shovelling two winters since we moved here eleven years ago.  It was before my fitness had improved and I thought I was going to die.

A lot of people use snow blowers when there is a lot of snow, especially for wet, heavy snow. It can be too much exertion for some people. 

The worst bit of snow is at the end of the driveway after the snow plow goes by and leaves a heap of very heavy snow. That's a killer! 😱

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@wintermom Ice chopping!  You kill me with your winter activities!!!  🤣

@Laura Corin Sounds like things are heating up on the house front!  Very exciting!

@soror Yay for jury duty being cancelled, that's a relief I bet.  I'm sorry about your sleep.  I appreciate the continual encouragement about my eating stuff too.  It helps me negate my own not-always-so-nice self talk!

Have had a very stressful 24 hours (having aging parents is no walk in the park!) and generally feeling headachy and ugh.  But my CKD drill workout was productive this morning and eating has been pretty good.  Last night during class, we did a lot of quick-reaction type exercises that really emphasized how much I do need to practice being relaxed while CKD-ing.  Looking forward to weight lifting in the morning...as long as my area is dry.  The rain is just to the point of being ridiculous!  There was a 2 hour break in the rain this morning and I immediately canceled homeschool and booted the boys outside, dramatically yelling, "play!  Play while you can!!!"

Hoping to unwind and de-stress tonight.  Tension has settled in my shoulders and it's pretty uncomfortable. 

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17 minutes ago, IvyInFlorida said:

@wintermom Ice chopping!  You kill me with your winter activities!!!  🤣


This kind of winter activity should be called something like "Winter Insanity" as it's quite intense work. I'm actually breaking up the solid ice (2 - 6 inches thick) on the sidewalk and driveway into chunks, then I scoop them up with a shovel and throw them on top of the  3 foot snowbanks. It's not as hard as carrying calves, but I imagine that it's pretty close. 😂

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14 hours ago, IvyInFlorida said:

@wintermom Ice chopping!  You kill me with your winter activities!!!  🤣

@Laura Corin Sounds like things are heating up on the house front!  Very exciting!

@soror Yay for jury duty being cancelled, that's a relief I bet.  I'm sorry about your sleep.  I appreciate the continual encouragement about my eating stuff too.  It helps me negate my own not-always-so-nice self talk!

Have had a very stressful 24 hours (having aging parents is no walk in the park!) and generally feeling headachy and ugh.  But my CKD drill workout was productive this morning and eating has been pretty good.  Last night during class, we did a lot of quick-reaction type exercises that really emphasized how much I do need to practice being relaxed while CKD-ing.  Looking forward to weight lifting in the morning...as long as my area is dry.  The rain is just to the point of being ridiculous!  There was a 2 hour break in the rain this morning and I immediately canceled homeschool and booted the boys outside, dramatically yelling, "play!  Play while you can!!!"

Hoping to unwind and de-stress tonight.  Tension has settled in my shoulders and it's pretty uncomfortable. 

I'm so sorry for the stress 😞 My FIL passed away 2 yrs ago after a nearly 2 yr battle with cancer it takes a heavy toll, I hope you are getting some down time and things stabilize very soon 😞

14 hours ago, FarmingMomma said:

Day 77 of 80 Day Obsession, leg day

Three more Days!!!

21 hours ago, wintermom said:

@Laura Corin  Glad the home showing went really well. The yoga sounds great! 

@soror  Sorry your sleep is still poor. Hope things improve really soon! 

I got in a quick walk with the dog early this morning. It's a busy day and a snow storm is coming, so I don't know what other outdoor activity (besides snow shoveling) I'll be doing. 

Snow shoveling and ice picking are very hard, we rarely have enough that we have to mess with it but it is always a pain when we do. 

22 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

Viewing went really well.  We are on tenterhooks.  Husband said they seemed smitten.  They are coming back tomorrow, when the weather will be lovely. 

The Power Yoga course is every day for a month (online), but there are shorter and more stretchy sessions interspersed with faster and stronger ones.

Ugh for lost paperwork and bad sleep.  Hooray for cancelled jury duty.  We had the roofers here on Monday, just before the viewing thank goodness, to replace a slate lost in the wind.

Short walk with a friend before work.  Errands at lunchtime.  We are going out to dinner this evening, to keep the kitchen pristine for tomorrow's viewing.  I might do some yoga at work before going home to pick up Husband.

So, what did they think when they came back???

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So, I got a bit more sleep and a lot more deep sleep. I was awake at 2:50 and took forever to fall back asleep but that is better than the previous days, I upped the melatonin.

My mood is WRETCHED so excuse me if I come off like a grump, I'm trying.

Might go to yoga class this am.

Otherwise lifting and stairclimber tonight.

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6 minutes ago, soror said:

So, what did they think when they came back???

They are due in 27 minutes.  House is a sauna (to show them that it can be warm) weather is stunning, views are amazing, fingers and toes are crossed.

I'm sorry you feel grumpy.  Is there anything you can do to make yourself some space? 

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16 minutes ago, Laura Corin said:

They are due in 27 minutes.  House is a sauna (to show them that it can be warm) weather is stunning, views are amazing, fingers and toes are crossed.

I'm sorry you feel grumpy.  Is there anything you can do to make yourself some space? 

Oh, sounds like everything is ready and waiting!

I don't know. I'm going back to being more consistent with my old standby mood lifters- Omega 3s and b vitamins. I am torn between not wanting to see everyone and thinking being around people will help me. I had the entire day to myself as MIL kept the girls as I was supposed to have jury duty. I'm trying and thinking.

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16 minutes ago, Laura Corin said:

The viewers say they will make an offer on the house.  Fingers still very crossed that the figure works for us.

Oh, my, that is terribly exciting!!! How long until you know what they are offering???


Side note- new favorite breakfast- oven roasted sweet potatoes + scrambled eggs and a giant pile of spinach and carmelized onions. Yum!

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51 minutes ago, soror said:

Oh, my, that is terribly exciting!!! How long until you know what they are offering???


Side note- new favorite breakfast- oven roasted sweet potatoes + scrambled eggs and a giant pile of spinach and carmelized onions. Yum!

Breakfast sounds lovely.

Offers in Scotland have to be made through a solicitor, so it might not be until next week.

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It's a snow day today. We got freezing rain all last night, and now there are millions giant flakes of packing snow falling steadily. I'm going to tough it out, and go for a walk as the temperature is mild. Skiing and snowshoeing are in the future! 

I've been doing a pull-up every second day, mostly to test out whether it was a complete fluke that I did it. So far, I can still do it! Soror - maybe you should add in some ice chopping and chucking as well as nordic walking into you pull-up program for some added variety! 😂

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1 minute ago, IvyInFlorida said:

@wintermom Way to go on the pull ups!  I don't use the word empowering a lot because it's so overused, but truly, accomplishing a pull-up is very empowering.

I can't imagine.  I am enjoying how my biceps look these days, but pull ups are way beyond.

I had the dog with me today, so walked her before work and at lunchtime.  Unfortunately I can't shut the office door to do some yoga before book group, so I'll walk some more.  It's lovely out: sunny and crisp but cold and breezy. 

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2 minutes ago, IvyInFlorida said:

So, I'd like to experiment with whole grains other than oats (my GI tract doesn't take kindly to the soluble fiber in oats and barley, apparently).  What do y'all like (farro, millet, quinoa, etc) and how do y'all cook and use them?

I make quinoa, buckwheat, wholegrain couscous, freekeh and bulgur wheat.  I usually just cook them according to the instructions using stock/broth as the liquid.  Then I use them in salad or with other flavourful foods and sauces.

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I did a class it was good to get out. We had some good strength and flexibility work.

re: grains- I am pretty boring and there is not much available here. Brown Jasmine rice, quinoa, wild rice. I usally just cook with water.

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My friend and I went for a walk together in the early afternoon. It was snowing and blowing, and our faces were covered in wet snow by the end of the hour. There's a scene early in the Star Wars movie, "The Empire Strikes Back" where Luke Skywalker's face is covered in snow and ice, except that we had REAL ice and snow that made our skin red and cold. That was my friend and I today. 🥶  Not pleasant, other than the company! We both agreed that we wouldn't have ventured out if we hadn't been together. The best part was warming up together over tea and snacks afterwards. 


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Decently active day yesterday... I lifted weights in the morning.  Day 1 of my new training cycle and I felt pretty happy about exercise selection and the weights/sets/reps I was working with.  After lunch I worked at my parents, both housework and outdoor chores.  Food stuff seems to be going well.  I was glad to see this morning that I've maintained at 135 without calorie counting or going hungry. 

Today I'm planning on running intervals, since I'm a wimp and that's the only thing I want to do when it's 32 degrees out there (feel free to laugh, @wintermom lol!).  Then there's CKD tonight.


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Lifting last night. Decent, good considering how I've felt. I only did 5 minutes of intervals on stairclimber, just didn't feel like more.

Today's plan- am yoga.

MOrning- long walk at park by myself as girls will be gone. 

Nap, I woke up at 3:08 and couldn't go back to sleep.

I'm considering waiting on the progesterone, I need to get my hormone labs redone and don't want that to interfere. 

Anxiety/depression are really rearing up, trying to do what I can. I know exercise helps, so keeping with it, although staying home binging tv sounds better.

More paperwork drama, it is a big to do, all over mistakes other people made.

Glad to read you found maintenance and stress free Ivy.

Winter you are a better woman than me!

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1 hour ago, IvyInFlorida said:

@soror *big hugs*

Thanks I'll take all the hugs I can get!!


trying to keep to goodish food I can manage today's plans:

eggs w/ spinach roasted sweet potato

tuna cake w/ cabbage salad/braised cabbage, onions, carrots

tomato soup and grilled cheese

Plan to make some type of treat, just to figure out what.


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2 hours ago, IvyInFlorida said:

Decently active day yesterday... I lifted weights in the morning.  Day 1 of my new training cycle and I felt pretty happy about exercise selection and the weights/sets/reps I was working with.  After lunch I worked at my parents, both housework and outdoor chores.  Food stuff seems to be going well.  I was glad to see this morning that I've maintained at 135 without calorie counting or going hungry. 

Today I'm planning on running intervals, since I'm a wimp and that's the only thing I want to do when it's 32 degrees out there (feel free to laugh, @wintermom lol!).  Then there's CKD tonight.


Yay for weight staying steady!!  For me, 32 F would be perfect for running intervals as there is less sweating. Though it's easy to over-dress, and then have to shed clothes quickly as the body heats up. Enjoy your run!

1 hour ago, soror said:

Lifting last night. Decent, good considering how I've felt. I only did 5 minutes of intervals on stairclimber, just didn't feel like more.

Today's plan- am yoga.

MOrning- long walk at park by myself as girls will be gone. 

Nap, I woke up at 3:08 and couldn't go back to sleep.

I'm considering waiting on the progesterone, I need to get my hormone labs redone and don't want that to interfere. 

Anxiety/depression are really rearing up, trying to do what I can. I know exercise helps, so keeping with it, although staying home binging tv sounds better.

More paperwork drama, it is a big to do, all over mistakes other people made.

Glad to read you found maintenance and stress free Ivy.

Winter you are a better woman than me!

I sound like a crazier woman than you, that's for sure! 🤪  My friend suffers greatly from seasonal depression in the winter, and getting outside is one of the things that keeps life manageable. She also takes progesterone, and had to really fight to get that. She said that most of her doctors won't prescribe it. She found one that will. 

Big hugs to you, as you navigate through this rough period. (((hugs))) Spring is just around the corner! (at least that's what I keep telling myself)

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2 hours ago, wintermom said:

Yay for weight staying steady!!  For me, 32 F would be perfect for running intervals as there is less sweating. Though it's easy to over-dress, and then have to shed clothes quickly as the body heats up. Enjoy your run!

I sound like a crazier woman than you, that's for sure! 🤪  My friend suffers greatly from seasonal depression in the winter, and getting outside is one of the things that keeps life manageable. She also takes progesterone, and had to really fight to get that. She said that most of her doctors won't prescribe it. She found one that will. 

Big hugs to you, as you navigate through this rough period. (((hugs))) Spring is just around the corner! (at least that's what I keep telling myself)

Exercise and outside time really do help but it is sure hard to get motivated. I've done well with exercise, not as well as outside time as I would like. I have a good dr and already have an appointment scheduled for 3 weeks from today, I have to get thyroid bloodwork done anyway so I'll just ask her to throw on hormones. I was supposed to get my hormones checked in the fall but there was a changeover at the clinic here that does my blood draws and they would only do thyroid. I have to pay for these all out of my pocket now, which stinks. 

I did 45 min of BodyCombat this am, I forgot that is what I had planned, plus I was feeling like getting my HR up for some more endorphins would be helpful.

I decided to make Crunch Thai Peanut Salad to go with my tuna cakes for lunch, using some leftover wild rice in place of the half the quinoa.

Since I woke up so blooming early I know I'm going to be out of energy likely by lunch so I want to make sure I have a good meal to eat. 


And I sent in my Troop paperwork--AGAIN, if this doesn't take care of it I might really lose it. Dh evidently called to complain to our committee chair as I just got an email from him to the office (who lost my flipping paperwork). On one hand they have messed this up so many times in so many ways I think that is good, on the other hand I'm certain I'm already on the naughty list at the office I don't need to add to that. I know dh complained to him when he went over there in the first place as I shouldn't even have had to turn it in but that was messed up too (along with them not sending me the forms I need) it has been one mistake after another and I'm left with the aftermath. Thankfully our new executive is on the ball and the committee chair has helped me so much or I would have told them to shove it.



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1 hour ago, soror said:

Exercise and outside time really do help but it is sure hard to get motivated.

I find it really hard to get motivated to go to a gym. I prefer being outdoors, so that really helps. If I can combine my outdoor time with another errand or meeting someone, that really helps me get going. And daylight helps the most, especially sunshine! Going out in a dark, cold evening is SO hard.

I went for a very short snowshoe, then realized that the ski trails were nicely groomed so I switched to skate skiing. It was so lovely! Lots of fresh snow, sunshine and decent temps. 

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Yesterday I did day 78 of 80 Day Obsession, total body core, in addition to working cows most of the day and wracking up 26,000+ steps (11 miles).  My legs were DEAD.  This morning I did day 79, cardio core.  Just one day left in 80 D.O.! 

47 minutes ago, wintermom said:

I find it really hard to get motivated to go to a gym. I prefer being outdoors, so that really helps. If I can combine my outdoor time with another errand or meeting someone, that really helps me get going. And daylight helps the most, especially sunshine! Going out in a dark, cold evening is SO hard.

I went for a very short snowshoe, then realized that the ski trails were nicely groomed so I switched to skate skiing. It was so lovely! Lots of fresh snow, sunshine and decent temps. 


I'm with you @wintermom, I much prefer being outside.  I don't mind working out at home, but I don't think I could make myself go to a gym much even if I lived close enough to town for it to be feasible.  

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There was a leaving do at work so I was running around and didn't get a walk. I'm now so peopled out after the party.

But...we have a verbal offer for our house. And someone else serious viewed today. We may be able to push the offer a little higher, using the other viewer as leverage, but basically we are satisfied. They are prepared to work with our timing, as we can't complete on the new house yet because that house was partially owned by someone who died, so the will has to be proved. Shouldn't be a problem but might take a little time.

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53 minutes ago, wintermom said:

I find it really hard to get motivated to go to a gym. I prefer being outdoors, so that really helps. If I can combine my outdoor time with another errand or meeting someone, that really helps me get going. And daylight helps the most, especially sunshine! Going out in a dark, cold evening is SO hard.

I went for a very short snowshoe, then realized that the ski trails were nicely groomed so I switched to skate skiing. It was so lovely! Lots of fresh snow, sunshine and decent temps. 


5 minutes ago, FarmingMomma said:

Yesterday I did day 78 of 80 Day Obsession, total body core, in addition to working cows most of the day and wracking up 26,000+ steps (11 miles).  My legs were DEAD.  This morning I did day 79, cardio core.  Just one day left in 80 D.O.! 


I'm with you @wintermom, I much prefer being outside.  I don't mind working out at home, but I don't think I could make myself go to a gym much even if I lived close enough to town for it to be feasible.  

I actually am not a huge fan of the gym but I enjoy lifting weights and it works well to go when the kids do TKD next door. I only like to go on the weekend when I can go with my friend so we can visit. I do like going outside when the weather cooperates but I don't have much tolerance for bad weather these days.  Fighting depression doesn't help, going to the gym while they do TKD is easy, getting out the door when it is cold and nasty is much more effort. We are coming up to spring though.

And the paperwork saga continues, I just got another email, basically calling me a liar. Saying it was never turned in, there was no reciept. BUT I do in fact have that receipt and sent it to them 🙂

Farmingmom- you are kicking butt, are you going to celebrate finishing? 

wintermom glad you got some more fun outside.

1 hour ago, Laura Corin said:

There was a leaving do at work so I was running around and didn't get a walk. I'm now so peopled out after the party.

But...we have a verbal offer for our house. And someone else serious viewed today. We may be able to push the offer a little higher, using the other viewer as leverage, but basically we are satisfied. They are prepared to work with our timing, as we can't complete on the new house yet because that house was partially owned by someone who died, so the will has to be proved. Shouldn't be a problem but might take a little time.

That is wonderful, congrats!

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3 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

There was a leaving do at work so I was running around and didn't get a walk. I'm now so peopled out after the party.

But...we have a verbal offer for our house. And someone else serious viewed today. We may be able to push the offer a little higher, using the other viewer as leverage, but basically we are satisfied. They are prepared to work with our timing, as we can't complete on the new house yet because that house was partially owned by someone who died, so the will has to be proved. Shouldn't be a problem but might take a little time.

Woo hoo!!! That is so exciting for you! Hoping you get a really good price for your place! 

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8 hours ago, soror said:


I actually am not a huge fan of the gym but I enjoy lifting weights and it works well to go when the kids do TKD next door. I only like to go on the weekend when I can go with my friend so we can visit. I do like going outside when the weather cooperates but I don't have much tolerance for bad weather these days.  Fighting depression doesn't help, going to the gym while they do TKD is easy, getting out the door when it is cold and nasty is much more effort. We are coming up to spring though.

And the paperwork saga continues, I just got another email, basically calling me a liar. Saying it was never turned in, there was no reciept. BUT I do in fact have that receipt and sent it to them 🙂

Farmingmom- you are kicking butt, are you going to celebrate finishing? 

wintermom glad you got some more fun outside.

That is wonderful, congrats!


@soror that makes sense, if I had to take my kids to an activity next to a gym, I would definitely rather go to the gym than sit around waiting for them to be done.  

My celebration has mainly been buying myself some smaller jeans.  We had 4-H activities today and then more 4-H activities on Sunday, and we're going to start calving any day now, so not much time for celebrating.  The local rod and gun club is having their banquet and dance next weekend, so I'm trying to talk my husband into going so we can dance!


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@FarmingMomma wow, you rock!  That is a lot of activity! 

@Laura Corin yay, it sounds like things are falling into place!  Very exciting!  Also, I came across a recipe site that I thought you might like: Running on Real Food.  It's vegan only, but the recipes reminded me of you for some reason.  I love good recipe sites.

@soror I hope you got some sleep last night and will feel better today.  Thinking of you!


Not much to report over here, just doing the usual stuff that y'all can probably recite from memory by this point, lol.  Oh, I did notice in class last night that my spinning kicks have improved, thankfully.  I'm not getting nearly as dizzy after a whole set, plus balance, targeting, and power are better.  Now I just need to be able to work them in to the actual flow of sparring and air shield attacks...

Hope everyone has a relaxing, restfully productive Saturday.

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@FarmingMomma have a great time at the dance!

@soror I hope things are improving for you

@wintermom that sounds idyllic

@IvyInFlorida that website looks great!

I managed to Nordic Walk for the first time in ages today, we are now going to walk the dog, and I'll do some yoga when we get back. Power yoga month starts tomorrow.

We've accepted the offer for our house verbally. Now we need to arrange and coordinate dates. We are hoping to move in early May. This evening, we will tell the children that the deal has been done.


Edited by Laura Corin
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I did it ladies!!! This morning I finished day 80 of Beachbody's 80 Day Obsession!  In 13 weeks I've lost 8.25 inches and 8 pounds.  I've built a lot of muscle and dropped sizes in all of my clothing.  Thank you to all of you ladies for your support and encouragement, this extra bit of accountability has really helped me stick with it!

Tomorrow will be a rest day, and then I'm going to try a week of A Little More Obsessed.  We also should start calving any day now, so then I'll be on the intense rancher workout plan 😂

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2 hours ago, Laura Corin said:


I managed to Nordic Walk for the first time in ages today, we are now going to walk the dog, and I'll do some yoga when we get back. Power yoga month starts tomorrow.

We've accepted the offer for our house verbally. Now we need to arrange and coordinate dates. We are hoping to move in early May. This evening, we will tell the children that the deal has been done.


Awesome news about the house!!!  That is really exciting! Must be a relief.  Nice job on the Nordic walking. I feel like I'd doing this when I snowshoe with poles. 

2 minutes ago, FarmingMomma said:

I did it ladies!!! This morning I finished day 80 of Beachbody's 80 Day Obsession!  In 13 weeks I've lost 8.25 inches and 8 pounds.  I've built a lot of muscle and dropped sizes in all of my clothing.  Thank you to all of you ladies for your support and encouragement, this extra bit of accountability has really helped me stick with it!

Tomorrow will be a rest day, and then I'm going to try a week of A Little More Obsessed.  We also should start calving any day now, so then I'll be on the intense rancher workout plan 😂

Congratulations! That's wonderful all the benefits you've experienced.  Enjoy the calving!

7 hours ago, IvyInFlorida said:

Not much to report over here, just doing the usual stuff that y'all can probably recite from memory by this point, lol.  Oh, I did notice in class last night that my spinning kicks have improved, thankfully.  I'm not getting nearly as dizzy after a whole set, plus balance, targeting, and power are better.  Now I just need to be able to work them in to the actual flow of sparring and air shield attacks...

Hope everyone has a relaxing, restfully productive Saturday.

That's great your spinning kicks are improved! 

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17 hours ago, wintermom said:

I went on the most gorgeous snowshoe hike this morning. Lots of fresh snow, sunshine, no wind and fresh trails to break. I did a lot of bushwhacking for fun. 

I'll rest up this afternoon, and then dh and I play tennis in our league. Should be fun to play again. It's been a while. 

Beautiful , the snow is gorgeous in days like that 

17 hours ago, FarmingMomma said:

I did it ladies!!! This morning I finished day 80 of Beachbody's 80 Day Obsession!  In 13 weeks I've lost 8.25 inches and 8 pounds.  I've built a lot of muscle and dropped sizes in all of my clothing.  Thank you to all of you ladies for your support and encouragement, this extra bit of accountability has really helped me stick with it!

Tomorrow will be a rest day, and then I'm going to try a week of A Little More Obsessed.  We also should start calving any day now, so then I'll be on the intense rancher workout plan 😂

Congrats on the hard work and wonderful results, they were hard earned.i agree she should take you out to celebrate.

19 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

@FarmingMomma have a great time at the dance!

@soror I hope things are improving for you

@wintermom that sounds idyllic

@IvyInFlorida that website looks great!

I managed to Nordic Walk for the first time in ages today, we are now going to walk the dog, and I'll do some yoga when we get back. Power yoga month starts tomorrow.

We've accepted the offer for our house verbally. Now we need to arrange and coordinate dates. We are hoping to move in early May. This evening, we will tell the children that the deal has been done.


Congrats on the house selling! How far are you moving?

On 2/29/2020 at 4:55 AM, IvyInFlorida said:

@FarmingMomma wow, you rock!  That is a lot of activity! 

@Laura Corin yay, it sounds like things are falling into place!  Very exciting!  Also, I came across a recipe site that I thought you might like: Running on Real Food.  It's vegan only, but the recipes reminded me of you for some reason.  I love good recipe sites.

@soror I hope you got some sleep last night and will feel better today.  Thinking of you!


Not much to report over here, just doing the usual stuff that y'all can probably recite from memory by this point, lol.  Oh, I did notice in class last night that my spinning kicks have improved, thankfully.  I'm not getting nearly as dizzy after a whole set, plus balance, targeting, and power are better.  Now I just need to be able to work them in to the actual flow of sparring and air shield attacks...

Hope everyone has a relaxing, restfully productive Saturday.

Another skill you are conquering, I know that feels awesome.

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37 minutes ago, soror said:


Congrats on the house selling! How far are you moving?

Just 3.5 miles. We've accepted the offer but are still waiting to hear back again from the buyer. So not feeling quite secure. If all goes well, we may be able to move in May.

I hope you are doing better.

I woke too early and, very unusually, napped mid-morning. I hope to tidy out a couple of drawers this afternoon, do my first power yoga practice and walk the dog. 

Edited by Laura Corin
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