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Favorite Morphemes/Morphics program for Spelling/Vocabulary?


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I am looking for a full program for morpheme based spelling/vocabulary.
I do NOT want "hand a book to the kid, and walk away". I want something that gives me, as the teaching parent "a role to play" in my childrens learning. If it is interactive (between teacher and student) then all the better.

What are my options?

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Spelling Through Morphographs (for gr. 4-12) - it is extremely pricey -- you might call and let them know you're a homeschooler and see if they can cut you a deal, since you're not purchasing for a classroom; or, sometimes you can find it used at Amazon -- you need to first talk to McGraw-Hill Publishers to find out what components you need to make it work, as there are some teacher guide elements that are supplemental, and are NOT the full program guide

Stevenson Learning Materials -- while it is primarily a reading/English program, we successfully used the Basic Blue Spelling Manual as a stand-along component (i.e., we did not also need to use the Blue Reading Manual to be able to use the Basic Blue Spelling Manual) -- since you are at a very beginning level with the spelling (1st grade), then you may wish to get the Beginning Level Spelling manual and work through that, and then move to the Basic Blue Spelling Manual; unfortunately there are no sample pages for the Spelling; to order, go the List of Materials page, and a little over half-way down the page, in the Supplementary Materials section is the Basic Blue Spelling Manual, for $26.95 -- here is the online ordering page

Edited by Lori D.
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21 hours ago, Rosie_0801 said:

Apples and Pears includes morphology. I think it is overly writing intensive, so I had my daughter fingerspell most of the words.

Can anyone link me to where I can find this? I tried Rainbow Resource, Amazon and ChristianBook. I even looked on YouTube and Cathy Duffy but I can't find Apples and Pears anything anywhere.

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8 minutes ago, mathmarm said:

Can anyone link me to where I can find this? I tried Rainbow Resource, Amazon and ChristianBook. I even looked on YouTube and Cathy Duffy but I can't find Apples and Pears anything anywhere.


I believe that you can view full previews of the books by clicking on the individual books and then clicking the "look inside" link.

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12 minutes ago, Lori D. said:

Spelling Through Morphographs (for gr. 4-12) - it is extremely pricey -- you might call and let them know you're a homeschooler and see if they can cut you a deal, since you're not purchasing for a classroom; or, sometimes you can find it used at Amazon -- you need to first talk to McGraw-Hill Publishers to find out what components you need to make it work, as there are some teacher guide elements that are supplemental, and are NOT the full program guide

This is what I use - right now I'm taking my second child through it.  I bought it used on Amazon: teacher presentation book 1, teacher presentation book 2, and the student workbook.  At the time I bought it (6-7 years ago), I paid ~$30 for the first presentation book, ~$55 for the second presentation book, and ~$5 for the student workbook.  Since I've seen prices both lower and way higher for the presentation books - it fluctuates a lot, so it helps to start looking early - but right now it looks pretty good, around $30ish for the first presentation book and around $45-50ish for the second presentation book.  I've also seen a steady creep upward in the student workbook prices; I think I paid nearly $10 for the last ones I bought, which looks to be in line with the current prices.

I really love it.  It's been wonderful for my struggling spellers.  I'd say it is heavier on spelling than it is on vocabulary; I'm thinking of following it up with something more purely vocab-focused (I have Word Wealth and Word Wealth Jr on my shelf, from a rec on a thread here, but haven't done anything with them yet).  It's a year-long program, teacher-centric, but completely open-and-go.  (My oldest and I did the lackadaisical 2.5yr approach, which nevertheless had very good results; my middle and I are doing it at the suggested 1yr rate.) I feel like going through it has helped me learn how to teach spelling. 


Also, Words, by Marcia Henry, has a lot of good info and an interesting approach (albeit not open and go, which is why it is languishing on my shelf).

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10 hours ago, mathmarm said:

Has anyone used and able to give feedback on
Dynamic Literacy Word Build Foundations? Any idea how Word Build compares to Spelling through Morphographs?

They have an online version and if you are OK with ads, it's free:

You could try out the online version to see if you like it before buying the book version.

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On 2/7/2020 at 10:42 PM, mathmarm said:

Does Word Wealth Jr teach via morphics?

Sort of.  I flipped through it this weekend, and it has a little bit of everything.  It has straight thematic vocabulary lessons, it has special spelling lessons, it has special word-building lessons (which are more implicit than explicit morphics), plus a few more odds and ends.  It's meant for middle grades, and I think it will be a nice follow-up to Spelling through Morphographs for my middle girl.  Word Wealth, for high school, does thematic vocab for the first half of the book and word roots for the second half (again, more implicit than explicit morphics, but more systematic than WWJ), and will be a good follow-up to StM for my oldest (who is beyond WWJ).  Both WWJ and WW are very much focused on *vocabulary* in general, as opposed to any specific approach to vocabulary.

Another program that combines spelling and morphic-centric vocab is Megawords (gr 4-12). 

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  • 1 month later...

Has anyone used Spelling by Sound and Structure 7 and/or 8? It seems to be more morpheme based than phonics based. Initially we'd planned to just stop SbSS at 6 but now we're considering continuing on with Spelling by Sound and Structure 7 and 8 in the spirit of "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"

We've taught Spelling by Sound and Structure from the teachers manual without the student books. Is it feasible to do 7 and 8 this way as well or would we need a student text?

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  • 1 month later...
On 1/31/2020 at 6:08 PM, mathmarm said:

I am looking for a full program for morpheme based spelling/vocabulary.
I do NOT want "hand a book to the kid, and walk away". I want something that gives me, as the teaching parent "a role to play" in my childrens learning. If it is interactive (between teacher and student) then all the better.

What are my options?

Membean is offering FREE membership until Sept. Fabulous program. My kids have used it since sixth grade through their school. Both very different learners, both swear it was the best thing for learning vocabulary via Latin roots, morphemes. Self paced online. I have two teens now- both nailed the SATs near perfect scores. Even my math brained son (not a reading fan) knows Membean was one of the best programs out there. Was expensive for private families, in many school systems. Now free for everyone during COVID stay at home— generous give by teacher owned and run company- give it a try!  Nothing to lose. 

My kids also took Latin grades 5-12. 

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