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Book a Week 2019 - BW51: Happy Birthday Arthur C Clarke

Robin M

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9 minutes ago, Junie said:

I am studying Spanish and I know a little tiny bit of French.  I am currently reading the Spanish translation of Because of Bethlehem by Max Lucado and I am planning to read El Hobbit. 🙂 I am hoping to read at least 4 books in Spanish next year.  The rest of the category will probably be rounded out with beginner readers in French.

I friended you. 🙂

Yay!  You'll see I have a whole Spanish shelf, if you're looking for ideas...  I had an ambition at one point to try to read in French, which I've only lightly studied but have picked up a lot of through Spanish-adjacency, working with French in the tech field (I can read a French computer manual no problem), and a bit of actual studying on the side.  It's all receptive and print-based, though - but that works okayish for reading.  I've read two whole books in French La toile de Charlotte (translation of Charlotte's Web) and L'Etranger, which seems more impressive, but it is short.  I was going to try La Peste, which I have read in English before, but only got about 30 pages in and then got distracted by shinier things.  I'm thinking of maybe trying to revive that challenge this year - maybe.  I'll plan on at least 10 books each in German and Spanish, but I'm fluent in those, so that's much less work than it seems.  Sourcing them is the harder part.  Much more effort to be working toward fluency in a language you're not fluent in yet!

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14 minutes ago, Matryoshka said:

Yay!  You'll see I have a whole Spanish shelf, if you're looking for ideas...  I had an ambition at one point to try to read in French, which I've only lightly studied but have picked up a lot of through Spanish-adjacency, working with French in the tech field (I can read a French computer manual no problem), and a bit of actual studying on the side.  It's all receptive and print-based, though - but that works okayish for reading.  I've read two whole books in French La toile de Charlotte (translation of Charlotte's Web) and L'Etranger, which seems more impressive, but it is short.  I was going to try La Peste, which I have read in English before, but only got about 30 pages in and then got distracted by shinier things.  I'm thinking of maybe trying to revive that challenge this year - maybe.  I'll plan on at least 10 books each in German and Spanish, but I'm fluent in those, so that's much less work than it seems.  Sourcing them is the harder part.  Much more effort to be working toward fluency in a language you're not fluent in yet!

I'll definitely check out your Spanish shelf, but I think I'm going to end up in the children's/YA section for this requirement.  Charlotte's Web might be a good choice if I can find it.  Is amazon a good source for books in Spanish or French?

The Max Lucado book that I'm reading in Spanish was chosen deliberately.  It's a book about The Christmas Story, so it's familiar material.  I've read some of his books in the past and he writes in very short sentences.  Often fragments, even.   I'm not understanding everything in the book -- maybe half -- but it's a start and it is helping to build my vocabulary.

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8 minutes ago, Junie said:

I'll definitely check out your Spanish shelf, but I think I'm going to end up in the children's/YA section for this requirement.  Charlotte's Web might be a good choice if I can find it.  Is amazon a good source for books in Spanish or French?

The Max Lucado book that I'm reading in Spanish was chosen deliberately.  It's a book about The Christmas Story, so it's familiar material.  I've read some of his books in the past and he writes in very short sentences.  Often fragments, even.   I'm not understanding everything in the book -- maybe half -- but it's a start and it is helping to build my vocabulary.

Reading children's/YA books, and ones you've already read in English, are both good ways to immerse yourself, read more fluently, and pick up more vocab by context rather than having to look everything up.  Google translate is great for single-word definitions (not sentences or phrases!), especially for Spanish where they seem to have uploaded a Spanish-Spanish dictionary - so often even if it doesn't have an English translation for a word (or just a bad one), they'll have a ton of fine-tuned definitions for the word in Spanish, just like you'd find in a regular dictionary.  I tend to look up rather obscure words, so that's super-useful for me!  Much better than having to flip through a huge print dictionary!

Spanish books are fairly easy to get on Amazon, but do look in your library too - I've been fairly lucky there.  I'm not sure about French, but I'd think they'd have a decent selection.  They used to have nothing in German, and now I'm having good luck there.

Edited by Matryoshka
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I vote to keep the name, but that's probably just my traddy instincts. "A Book a Week" is recognizable, familiar, and gets across the overarching challenge to read more, in an accountable way. It's true that it requires some explanation for the new and anxious that it's not a requirement for being part of this project, and that there are sub-challenges.

Maybe you could add more "levels" or variations, such as Book of the Month, or Uncountable Reading (e.g. poetry, magazines, etc. for those who prefer less bookbound reading)? Maybe a quarterly/seasonal invitation to the WTM Board at large, with an explanation of what exactly the thread is about?

I want to add that I'm grateful for the continuing public nature of this thread, both in its general visibility and in its continuing presence as part of the larger WTM community. These last few years there has been great temptation in my ecclesial life to ditch the grand public project, and thinking it all through has convinced me that Here Comes Everybody is the better choice of principle for most things in my life.

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11 hours ago, Matryoshka said:

Google translate is great for single-word definitions (not sentences or phrases

With the exception it seems of dead languages with a fixed canon. When I type in more than one Latin word, I generally get an accurate translation that often enough includes words I haven't yet typed in. Very convenient!

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35 minutes ago, Violet Crown said:

Please someone explain to me the difference(s) between LibraryThing and GoodReads. My books now exist on the former, and I see there are discussions of some sort. Is it that GR is primarily for reviewing books, and LT for keeping one's home library curated? 

I think so.....believe you can curate on GR but no idea how.

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5 hours ago, Violet Crown said:

I vote to keep the name, but that's probably just my traddy instincts. "A Book a Week" is recognizable, familiar, and gets across the overarching challenge to read more, in an accountable way. It's true that it requires some explanation for the new and anxious that it's not a requirement for being part of this project, and that there are sub-challenges.

Maybe you could add more "levels" or variations, such as Book of the Month, or Uncountable Reading (e.g. poetry, magazines, etc. for those who prefer less bookbound reading)? Maybe a quarterly/seasonal invitation to the WTM Board at large, with an explanation of what exactly the thread is about?

I want to add that I'm grateful for the continuing public nature of this thread, both in its general visibility and in its continuing presence as part of the larger WTM community. These last few years there has been great temptation in my ecclesial life to ditch the grand public project, and thinking it all through has convinced me that Here Comes Everybody is the better choice of principle for most things in my life.

Thank you for your words of wisdom and ideas.  I really appreciate both you and mum for the insights and keeping my feet on on the ground.  The thought was prompted by the changing decade and working on goals as well as the introductory thread for the new year.  Then I found this while pinterest browsing which sparked my imagination and I could see our group hanging out there .    More to say but I have to get back to work.   😘

cafe biblio...yumm....

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I finished my 10 Book Chain today!  I will admit I had three of them going and will only finish one......also planning to start fresh in the new year because I do not wish to finish the others but have decided they are good fun as long as one plans well.  I am hoping Robin will offer it next year and her explanation is better than mine but essentially you connect the books by words......can only use author name once.  This is mine......

Broken Ice by Matt Goldman

The Ice Princess by Camilla Lackberg

The Princess and the Pea by Victoria Alexander

A Murder for the Books by Victoria Gilbert

Murder of Crows by Anne Bishop

Wild Country by Anne Bishop

Death in a Strange Country by Donna Leon

Death of a Hollow Man by Caroline Graham

A Better Man by Louise Penny

Penny for Your Secrets by Anna Lee Huber


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Some bookish posts ~

@mumto2, have you seen this list?
5 Books that Belong on Any Time Traveler’s TBR

https://www.simonandschuster.com/getliterary/books-that-belong-on-any-time-travelers-tbr/?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=CYS - 121719&utm_term=BookRiot_CheckYourShelf_DormantSuppress

Out of sadness into empathy: the top 10 caregivers in fiction


Adventures in Retail! SFF Stories Set in Department Stores by James Davis Nicoll


10 Other Incredible Fantasies to Read If You Love Tamora Pierce Books

https://theportalist.com/fantasies-like-tamora-pierce-books?src=port-nl&utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=The Portalist Weekly Monday Newsletter 2019-11-11&utm_term=The Alt

A list from 2010: Top 10 Greatest Science Fiction Detective Novels Of All Time by Charlie Jane Anders




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I just finished reading Starship's Mage by Glynn Stewart. This book started out on a small scale (which I liked) but quickly got a lot more complex (while I still enjoyed it, I liked the beginning better). I'm unsure whether I'll continue on with the series. 

 "A ship that cannot leave
A Mage that will not stay
A meeting of desperations

In a galaxy tied together by the magic of the elite Jump Mages, Damien Montgomery graduates into their numbers—only to discover that without connections, he can't find a ship and is stuck in the Sherwood system.

Pirates attacked David White's jump freighter, leaving him with a dead Mage and a damaged ship—stuck in Sherwood, where a grieving father has blacklisted him from hiring a replacement Jump Mage.

When their desperate needs meet, Damien Montgomery is drawn into a conflict with the most powerful criminal organization in the galaxy—and to the attention of the Mage-King of Mars himself!"



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On 12/15/2019 at 1:57 PM, Robin M said:

Finished ebook Unlit by Keri Arthur in her Kingdom of Earth and Air series.   I enjoy all of Arthur's books. Always imaginative. 

"Though classified as having no magic, Neve March can hear the whispers of the wind and sometimes even control her. But it’s a secret she must hold close if she wishes to continue as Nightwatch—the soldiers who guard Winterborne against those who roam the wastelands and feast on human flesh.  When Neve investigates a faint SOS signal, she not only unearths a woman close to death, but a plot involving an ancient enemy long thought dead. In an effort to expose those behind the plot, Neve goes undercover amongst Winterborne’s elite—a dangerous step that could expose her secret and rip away all that she holds dear. The trail of treachery leads her from Winterborne’s golden halls to the heart of the enemy’s hive, and it will shake her belief of not only who she is, but also what she is."

Still plowing away with Knife of Dreams and I just might finish it before the end of the year. 

Worked on plans for 2020 a bit and come up with several categories for the 10 x 10 which I might play around with a bit and have 2 4 x 5 categories.  In my head I see it as 4 x 5  +  4 x 5 but probably would confuse my logical engineer husband.   😁 or have two main categories that are 10 x 2 and the rest 4 x 5.  Anyway what I have come up with so far is.

All about Eve  
Answer me this - writing craft and other non fiction
Clocks and Corsets (Steampunk)
Dragons and other fantastical Creatures
Epic Fantasy
Step into the Past (Historical Fiction)
Ladies of Fiction
Love and Mystery 
Revisit Old Friends

Have you ever read Lawrence Block's book on writing? Telling Lies for Fun and Profit? I've been casually reading through it the last month and I totally thought of you. I think you'd like it if you haven't read it yet. 

On 12/16/2019 at 12:29 AM, Violet Crown said:

Nice 10x10 list, Sandy! 

I'm only going to have one of my categories finished by the end of the year: Dramatic, Lyric, & Epic (poetry). Probably I'll just keep adding new categories as I finish old ones. Better work on The Brexit Deal (10 European countries not including the UK): time may be getting short.

Brexit list! Yes. Too clever!

On 12/17/2019 at 5:20 PM, mumto2 said:

I love The Hobbit best so I will read be reading The Hobbit.  😉.I don’t think the rest of the world feels quite my level of Hobbit adoration so I understand if others just want to start with Fellowship.  When do we want to start?

Every ten years or so I get the idea that I'm going to read Hobbit+LOTR because every ten years I decide I'm going to be literary and cultured. I've read the Hobbit four times and the first few chapters of LOTR four times. That's it. 


It's such a struggle to be reminded every decade that I am neither literary or cultured.

This decade will be different though! 


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I'm so impressed with everyone's reading this year. 

True confession time. I read fourteen books this year. 😞 I was shooting for 52 and failed. And the previous years I've easily read over a hundred. Yikes.


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2 hours ago, aggieamy said:

I'm so impressed with everyone's reading this year. 

True confession time. I read fourteen books this year. 😞 I was shooting for 52 and failed. And the previous years I've easily read over a hundred. Yikes.

I thanked you because suddenly I felt less guilty about work time eating out my reading time. It took me a month to read my last book, and currently I'm reading Mara, Daughter of the Nile for my sins. I'm not supposed to be negative about the curriculum but I'm anonymous here and I'm just going to say I hate this book for so many reasons and will never allow Wee Girl to read it. On to chapter 17. 

ETA: Hey I think my new 10x10 category has to be "books I read because I had to teach them and not because I particularly wanted to read them at this moment or possibly ever." Anyone have a pithy, witty phrase for that?

Edited by Violet Crown
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3 minutes ago, Violet Crown said:

I thanked you because suddenly I felt less guilty about work time eating out my reading time. It took me a month to read my last book, and currently I'm reading Mara, Daughter of the Nile for my sins. I'm not supposed to be negative about the curriculum but I'm anonymous here and I'm just going to say I hate this book for so many reasons and will never allow Wee Girl to read it. On to chapter 17. 

ETA: Hey I think my new 10x10 category has to be "books I read because I had to teach them and not because I particularly wanted to read them at this moment or possibly ever." Anyone have a pithy, witty phrase for that?

Confession time,  I never finished Mara so I get it.  I have been wondering but did want want to express my negativity!

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2 hours ago, aggieamy said:

Have you ever read Lawrence Block's book on writing? Telling Lies for Fun and Profit? I've been casually reading through it the last month and I totally thought of you. I think you'd like it if you haven't read it yet. 

Howdy!  Great to see you. I was just thinking about you and ready to send out the virtual posse to see how you are doing.  No, I haven't read that one yet. Will check it out. 


2 hours ago, aggieamy said:

Every ten years or so I get the idea that I'm going to read Hobbit+LOTR because every ten years I decide I'm going to be literary and cultured. I've read the Hobbit four times and the first few chapters of LOTR four times. That's it. 


It's such a struggle to be reminded every decade that I am neither literary or cultured.

This decade will be different though! 

Joining you in the neither literary or cultured class.  Since I watched the movies, it's given me a bit of incentive to read them. James may join me. 

2 hours ago, aggieamy said:

I'm so impressed with everyone's reading this year. 

True confession time. I read fourteen books this year. 😞 I was shooting for 52 and failed. And the previous years I've easily read over a hundred. Yikes.

But you are writing and making wonderful progress.  All balances out in the end.   I haven't written a thing in months.  🙃  However, doing the happy dance since the building is finished and we are all moved in. Still unpacking stuff upstairs but we're functional.  Broke now, (savings wise)  but can't complain. So gearing up for 2020 being a productive year writing wise. 

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1 hour ago, Violet Crown said:

I thanked you because suddenly I felt less guilty about work time eating out my reading time. It took me a month to read my last book, and currently I'm reading Mara, Daughter of the Nile for my sins. I'm not supposed to be negative about the curriculum but I'm anonymous here and I'm just going to say I hate this book for so many reasons and will never allow Wee Girl to read it. On to chapter 17. 

ETA: Hey I think my new 10x10 category has to be "books I read because I had to teach them and not because I particularly wanted to read them at this moment or possibly ever." Anyone have a pithy, witty phrase for that?

I just called my category like this "Pre-reading", but if you want something more creative maybe you could call it "Books of Obligation" or "Literary Duress".

Edited by Junie
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56 minutes ago, Junie said:

I just called my category like this "Pre-reading", but if you want something more creative maybe you could call it Books of Obligation or Literary Duress.

Ooh, I like Literary Duress. 

Then there's Educational Onus, Scholastic Slogs, Academic Angst, or Pedagogic Pap.



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