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May need a new car -- Where do I start


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We have a 2010 Chrysler Town and Country (Touring model) with 130K miles on it.

We really love it. We'd love to keep it another year or two before replacing because the miles seem low. We love sliding doors in parking lots and the ability to put down the back seats for space when we go camping. We really don't use the Stow and Go on the 2nd row seats. But we do transport my parents, my sister's kids, etc. sometimes when they come over. But it has some sort of issue that causes it to not start intermittently.  I've taken it to two different mechanics and replaced the battery. One told me that it was not throwing up any codes on the computer so nothing was wrong.  The second mechanic kept the car for a day and tried starting it intermittently, trying to get it to replicate the problem for them. They ran tests on the battery ("Better than good"), the starter, and a couple other things. But they could not find anything wrong and they can't fix what is not broken. But then the car refused to start again on Monday.  I turned the key off-on a couple times and the third time it started and ran perfectly after that. But it is nervewracking that every time I get in the car I can't know for sure whether the car will start or not!


So we're talking about replacing it -- probably with another van to continue to have room for camping and the higher wheelbase because one of our camping spots involves driving through a riverbed where our car (2010 Chevy Malibu) does not handle well.  I'd love to get something much newer so we will have some time with it before we have to worry about mechanics bills again.  We have $10K plus the trade in value of the van. Anything more than that would have to be in a car loan (And I haven't had a car loan since 2004... so I'd like to keep it as small and quickly paid off as possible)

So where do I start in even seeing what the options are now?

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here's one useful site for comparing cars.  new, used, otherwise.  you can also zero in on trims.

just do a search of "top ten minivans" or whatever.  read multiple rating sites, since no "one site" will have all the answers, and they will have different things on which they focus.

I loved my van too.  I'm finally going to sell it. (hopefully I'll have it listed this weekend.)  19 years and only 160K miles.  it took me three years to let go of it enough to replace it, as I really haven't loved anything else out there.  I only have one kid that goes places with me.

Chrysler makes a pacifica van that is the "new" T&C.  I really liked it when we rented it last year (for a weekend).  dh didn't, but much as he claims he doesn't dislike the highlander, he's been avoiding driving it.  I really don't need a van anymore. - the highlander *is* a downsize! (it's also not as comfortable - and I got a platinum!)

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some of the online sites, will let you look for "used" cars, and what dealers have in your area.  since we don't buy current year (someone else can pay to drive it off the lot), we did three used cars this year.   cars.com, cargurus.com, CarMax.com, Edmunds.com, . . . . there are more.  put in your max price, type of car if you want a general search, you can narrow it down to max mileage, color, trim, etc.

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16 minutes ago, gardenmom5 said:

some of the online sites, will let you look for "used" cars, and what dealers have in your area.  since we don't buy current year (someone else can pay to drive it off the lot), we did three used cars this year.   cars.com, cargurus.com, CarMax.com, Edmunds.com, . . . . there are more.  put in your max price, type of car if you want a general search, you can narrow it down to max mileage, color, trim, etc.


I'm with you and not really wanting BRAND new :)


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I've been keeping my eye out for a new mid-sized SUV as I'm thinking mine has another year on it.  First dh needs to replace his car.  I'm letting him take care of his own choice though.  

Cars.com has a Youtube channel where they compare similar types of cars (Mid-size SUVs, etc).  You can also search by year ("mini Vans 2016").    

I also do Google search of  "Top Minivans in >>>>>" whatever year you're thinking about.   

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If you want to keep the car, you need better mechanics.  Saying there's nothing wrong because there's no code is stupid, there is (almost?) never a code thrown for no start. almost by definition without getting in to deep in the explanation.  The second one tried, halfway.   There's lots more that can be done to figure this out.  It's not like you're the only person experiencing this problem,  car makers publish these things called technical service bulletins that describe any problems that have cropped up that are somewhat difficult.  Any mechanic should be able to find a top three list of places to start, and check from there. 

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