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Book a Week 2019 - BW32: Whodunit Bookology - Jean-Baptiste Adamsberg

Robin M

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Hello. Busy week.  Celebrated James 20th birthday on Monday. We had a movie mini monster marathon and watched 2008 remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still, 1958 version of The Fly, and then Godzilla vs Megalon.   Our money pit is getting closer to being done.  Our contractor found an AC guy who has been working the past three days to finish installing. Yeah!!!!  Been working away on current WIP.  Wrote a story but never typed up the story so have been diligently typing away and expanding as I go.  Made it through two notebooks and added over 30,000 words in July. This month is a little bit slower.   

Reading Keri Arthur's Lizzie Grace Series and finished #3 Hunter Hunted and currently on #4 Demon's Dance


Oh, almost forgot. Finished The Chalk Circle Man.  Rather odd ball group of people made for an interesting and different read. 


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8 hours ago, melmichigan said:

I did a complete reread before Dark Queen came out (with my memory being an issue).  I just finished another reread of Dark Queen, and still found something new.  My ARC copy of Shattered Bonds should be here Monday. 🤞  I've already warned my husband and kids.  When I read the ARC for Circle of the Moon I hibernated with it for three days. ☺️  

How fun to be one of the first!  When you come out of hibernation let us know........I did end up putting the first Jane Yellowrock on hold.

7 hours ago, Robin M said:

Takes place in both England and Scotland so your good.  

Thank you so much!  I spent most of my free time yesterday finding books for my Asian Detectives, Scotland, and Nordic Noir categories and writing them down.....I have a bad habit of putting them on wish lists and having problems sorting the books out.    I did Sci Fi too.......

Happy Birthday to James!  

Glad the Money Pit is almost done.......all I can say is a/c is a wonderful thing.  I am looking forward to returning to mine, couldn’t sleep last night because I was too warm.

7 hours ago, Pen said:

The only Commisaire Adamsberg audiobook I can download now is A Climate of Fear—should I go for it or wait for first of series?

I think it depends on if this series really appeals to you.  I am not sure which Commisaire Adamsberg I will be reading but my libraries don’t have the first.  I put a couple paper copies on hold that are before Climate of Fear which my Overdrive has.  I plan to try the earlier paper books first because I want to be able to read what I have access to in order and Have Mercy on Us All https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/128894.Have_Mercy_on_Us_All?ac=1&from_search=true sounds so good. I plan to read more than one.


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My Saturday Brit Tripping........

Today we stopped at an old favorite Roche Abbey.........my Ds loved ruins as a child and this was possibly his favorite. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roche_Abbey. We took so many boys there over the years and never lost any in the canal!😉. I plan to remove my dc’s pictures in a couple of days so please don’t copy............I couldn’t resist a picture of the road in.







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