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Meal Kit Delivery - During a Romantic Getaway


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I thought this would be easy to google, but...sigh...I need your help.

DH and I are going on a wonderfully romantic, rare getaway.  Heading to Sarasota area.  We will be spending a lot of time doing.absolutely.nothing!  We thought it would be fun to get a meal prep service for a few meals that week - a way to surprise our tastebuds and make it yummy and easy.  We don’t mind the cooking, but ‘how fun’ we envision it to be to just follow the directions for a few gourmet meals while simply enjoying the experience, the company, and the view.

All the plans I see seem geared toward ‘Heathy’ as their selling point...we are fine with healthy, but that is not our aim necessarily.  And, of course, we only want maybe three meals, not a continuing service.


Thank you!

Edited by Familia
Editing grammar/spelling. It’s never ending.
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17 minutes ago, Liz CA said:

I would source a local market and get premade salads, chicken, whatever you like. I think most subscription / delivery services for meals are a month at a minimum.

That is what I initially thought of...but, I think DH is trying to give me a break from the shopping part.  And, there is just something so romantic about being surprised LOL

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We used Hello Fresh in the past and really liked it. While I wouldn’t call it gourmet, we did enjoy most of the meals and it really was fun to just cook using the items that showed up for us. Since I assume most of these meal services are similar, why don’t you look at several and choose the one that has meals that most closely matches your tastes. You can certainly  sign up for one week and then cancel. One thing to take note of is that Hello Fresh (and other meal services, I would assume) has you to use some items from home (basic seasonings, oil, etc). However, you could find this out in advance and plan to bring those items with you. 

Enjoy your getaway! Sounds lovely to me. 

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Check the grocery store.  Ours carried Hello Fresh meals for a while and some have their own they're bringing out.

Whatever you choose, make sure you have a pot, pan, baking sheet and basic seasonings/oil available.  Nearly every recipe I looked at in our Blue Apron book centered on using a combination of these items and most others do as well.

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I use both Hello Fresh and Home Chef. All you need to do is order one week and then cancel your subscription. I like both services but the Home Chef offers more meals each week than Hello Fresh does. Between the two services, we rarely order the same meal twice. I can recommend both. I've had two issues with Hello Fresh on the freshness of their produce. Each time I complained, they gave me a $10 credit towards my next box. Good customer service.

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