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When insomnia tanks your best intentions - crybaby whining ahead JAWM


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I do like to get up nice and early and accomplish a bunch of tasks (reading, coffee, meditation, yoga, shower, dress) early in the day. I feel on top of my game and accomplished. But today was the anti-accomplish, because of last night’s insomnia. 

Fortunately, it doesn’t happen constantly. Unfortunately, it does strike about two or three days per month. Last night just sucked. I woke up around 3, sweaty (night sweats) and a ball of anxiety. Cue the picture show of all the crap I gotta get done, take care of, plan, figure out.


Not that I have some unusual load; just making mountains out of molehills...how many pounds of meat do I order for the grad party? I have to follow up with a bunch of people who haven’t rsvp’d. Should I see if my friend can make her decorated cookies? They’re expensive, though...my sister needs GF cookies. Maybe forget the cookies. What other sides will I make? My dang refrigerator is still broken and isn’t supposed to be repaired until the day before the party. That stinks! Maybe I should rent tables and chairs. This is the most people I have ever invited here. Maybe I should pay for complete catering and not just meats. But I still have five or six vegan guests, so I have to do those....JUST SHUT UP, BRAIN! Shut up! Go to freaking sleep! 

So anyway. I turned off my alarm preemptively, slept for about thirty minutes and then some annoying person who sleeps with me jolted awake and said, “Oh! I overslept! Honey, you’re oversleeping!” SHHHHHUUUUUUTTTT UPPPPPP! I’m not “over” sleeping! I’m *finally* sleeping! 

I give up. But my ass is draggin.’ I couldn’t make a latte because I’m out of Lactose-free milk. I have fallen down on grocery stocks because my @%$*#! fridge has been screwed up since EASTER and Sears is the worst company in the universe for warrenty work. So - no milk for a latte. I weed my garden for an hour, promising to come back out in the afternoon, but we had a torrential T-storm with local tornadoes, so that didn’t happen. I learned at 9:30 that the insurance auditor was expecting to meet at 2:00 TODAY. Apparently, I forwarded a message about this to my husband, which I literally cannot remember doing or seeing at all. Maybe I did that the *last* time I spent half the night awake. Fortunately, he was amenable to rescheduling. 

So now it is merely 7:10 and I could legit go to bed right now. (I won’t, though, because it would throw everything off.) I’m tired and grumpy. My eyes feel like they are made of concrete. It shouldn’t be this big a deal to have a bad night’s sleep but it is what it is, I guess. 

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We had the tornado warning today, too. This is the second one I have been through here, and I don’t feel like we have a great safe space.

Hugs! On days like that I usually challenge myself to stay up until 9 so that I don’t wake up at three AGAIN.

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There must be something in the air. I slept about 30 min last night. I finally got a break at 4pm to nap and dh came home early and promptly fell asleep and started snoring next to me. I felt a bit stabby.

1. Sleep in the guest room or any spare bed and leave a DND note on the door.

2. Buy a mini fridge. Life is too short to mess around with a lack of refrigeration (especially when this is a $100 problem). Or borrow one from someone with a college student home from the summer.

My minifridge holds my special treats. 

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oh I'm sorry.  I've been dealing with this for the last several nights... aided by our A/C dying.  But, also, my hot flashes wake me up with anxiety first, then hot flash, then my brain will not shut up!.  I find that turning on an audible (nothing exciting) helps distract my thoughts.   But dh and I have separate rooms.  We both have sleep issues.

Hope you slept like a baby last night.

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I wake up regularly between 2 and 3 most nights. I get up and do stuff. If I stay in bed fighting the insomnia, I won't be able to go back to sleep. 

I also hear that the 8 hour uninterrupted sleep is not how humans slept for most of history; biphasic sleep in shorter chunks with a waking period in between seems to have been the more common pattern. Upon quick googling, I found these articles:



I have no time to do a more thorough search, but you may find it comforting that it's actually normal to wake.

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48 minutes ago, PrincessMommy said:

oh I'm sorry.  I've been dealing with this for the last several nights... aided by our A/C dying.  But, also, my hot flashes wake me up with anxiety first, then hot flash, then my brain will not shut up!.  I find that turning on an audible (nothing exciting) helps distract my thoughts.   But dh and I have separate rooms.  We both have sleep issues.

Hope you slept like a baby last night.

I did sleep much better last night. I woke at 4, needed to use the bathroom, but was able to shut my brain up once back in bed. 

I often listen to sleep stories on my Calm app when I go to bed. Haven’t ever tried that in the middle of the night, but I do share my bedroom with dh. I have long thought it would make much more sense not to share a bedroom. Maybe in the future when kids start moving out. (Right now, with both big kids moving back from college - holy moly, the clutter! Like seriously...

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3 hours ago, Quill said:

I did sleep much better last night. I woke at 4, needed to use the bathroom, but was able to shut my brain up once back in bed. 

I often listen to sleep stories on my Calm app when I go to bed. Haven’t ever tried that in the middle of the night, but I do share my bedroom with dh. I have long thought it would make much more sense not to share a bedroom. Maybe in the future when kids start moving out. (Right now, with both big kids moving back from college - holy moly, the clutter! Like seriously...

I know! Right?  We just added one more person home from college, but it's a disaster.  

Long before I actually got my own bedroom, I ended up on the couch most nights.  In fact, my couch requirements are that it is also comfortable for sleep.  I still end up on the couch when we have guests (dh sleeps in the guest room).  

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I struggle with this too.  I often move to a couch, go to the bathroom, get some cool water, maybe make some chamomille tea, watch or listen to something mindless on my iPad and I can usually get back to sleep within a reasonable amount of time and allow myself to sleep in a bit.  Getting out for a walk helps me a lot so I try to make some form of movement/exercise happen even if I'm dragging a bit.   I have to force myself to stay awake until like 10 or 10:30 or it's a disaster.  I slept from like 10:30 last night until 7:30 this morning.  I feel like I need a cape!

Anyway - I sense this is a common phenomena with us possibly approaching menopause types.  It stinks for sure!  Misery loves company!

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