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25 days hopefully more


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It has been 25 days since I have had a migraine.  I can not even begin to tell you what a milestone this is for me.  Best I can remember I was probably in college the last time I went this long without one.  Trust me, college was a very.long.time. ago.  I first started having migraines when I was around 16 years of age and they have rollercoastered since then.  Around 10 years ago they hit their peak, maxing out at 20 days of the month.   I added Botox to my regimen that knocked them down to 6-8 a month where they have stayed.  April 1 I added the new monthly injectable Aimovig to my daily Topamax and Botox (every three months).   I realize it could be the placebo effect but for now, I am beyond happy.   

If there are any other chronic sufferers, you might want to check out one of these new monthly injectables.  I think there are three different ones that recently hit the market.  

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1 hour ago, ZiMom said:

It has been 25 days since I have had a migraine.  I can not even begin to tell you what a milestone this is for me.  Best I can remember I was probably in college the last time I went this long without one.  Trust me, college was a very.long.time. ago.  I first started having migraines when I was around 16 years of age and they have rollercoastered since then.  Around 10 years ago they hit their peak, maxing out at 20 days of the month.   I added Botox to my regimen that knocked them down to 6-8 a month where they have stayed.  April 1 I added the new monthly injectable Aimovig to my daily Topamax and Botox (every three months).   I realize it could be the placebo effect but for now, I am beyond happy.   

If there are any other chronic sufferers, you might want to check out one of these new monthly injectables.  I think there are three different ones that recently hit the market.  

Have you gone through menopause yet?

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No.  Have started being irregular so guessing I am 'peri' at this point.   Of note, I did not become consistent until about 15 years ago.  Anywhere from 2-4 months before that.  My migraines are very much stress and hormone related so it will be interesting to see what happens.   This month has been just as stressful as others!  

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1 minute ago, ZiMom said:

No.  Have started being irregular so guessing I am 'peri' at this point.   Of note, I did not become consistent until about 15 years ago.  Anywhere from 2-4 months before that.  My migraines are very much stress and hormone related so it will be interesting to see what happens.   This month has been just as stressful as others!  

Same with me.  As a teen before I got married (at 18) my periods were wacked.  I would go like 9 or ten months between.  Then horrible, gushing periods.  And I had A LOT of bad headaches.  Then I got married, and I was on BC pills for about 12 years.  Regular through all those years and the headaches decreased.  Then my son was born and afterwards for about 3-4 years my cycles were like clockwork and no headaches.  Then around the time my periods stopped completely the headaches returned this time worse than ever.  Not as frequently necessarily (maybe once a month) but blinding pain that put me in the bed for 2 days at least.  Then one day they just stopped.  I haven't had one for several years and I do believe it is because I am completely finished with my periods.  I am 54 now and I haven't had a period in 10 years.

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Wow, that's really wonderful.  My dd started getting migraines at 16, and has had them almost every day since, for over 8 years now.  She's pretty much given up on doctors and meds, but I'm going to send her the info about Aimovig.  I believe I read about it before and encouraged her to try it when it first came out, but she was already taking a break from doctors.  Hopefully she'll come around to trying something again...

I'm really happy that you've finally found relief!

(My dd has tried Botox and Topamax.)

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20 days a month?? I cannot imagine! I've always gotten 2 migraines a month, each lasting for a few days, and that is bad enough! I am glad you're getting some relief.

Mine are definitely hormonal. I'm about to turn 50 and my periods are just starting to get irregular, and my headaches are getting less frequent, too.

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Thank you for the information.  It's good to know that I'm not at the end of treatment options.

My migraines are a lot better recently, but I still get a lot of them.  (I recently had nearly 3 years of daily migraines.  It was awful.)

I just checked my journal to see. So far this year.  # of migraine (#bad migraines = not able to function)

January --  17 (6 bad)

February -- 14 (3 bad)

March -- 8 (0 bad)

April (to date) -- 7 (2 bad)


I am finding that keeping a log is really helpful.  I know that some of my migraines are hormonal.  I'm beginning to guess that some of them are also weather related.

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47 minutes ago, Junie said:


I am finding that keeping a log is really helpful.  I know that some of my migraines are hormonal.  I'm beginning to guess that some of them are also weather related.


Yes, I always track mine.  I use an app now called Migraine Buddy.  I only count them if I resort to a prescription medication which is either the generic  Imitrex pill or most likely an Imitrex injection.  Of course, one week of the month I will generally have them 3 or so days in a row, more days than not.    The app also allows me to track other factors such as the weather, stress, sleep patterns, etc that might be contributing.  

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18 minutes ago, PrincessMommy said:

I'm so happy for you. My nephew suffers from terrible, debilitating migraines.  They're still trying to find the right mix of meds for him.  He just turned 18 and it's been about 8yrs or more that he's been suffering.


My son began with migraines when he was around 8.  Talk about guilt, thinking that I had passed along my migraines to him!!  Fortunately, his pediatrician was correct that he would likely outgrow them with puberty.   I do remember my mother having migraines occasionally but not near to the degree or as often as I do.   


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