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Here Comes the Rain Again Teachers Lounge 2-21-2019


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Good morning and welcome to the Lounge!

Today's theme stems from the fact that we're getting more rain! Since we live in the desert this is a GOOD thing!
However, it's a bit chilly as our low temps this week are in the 30s and highs are in the mid-50s. But we'll take the rain.
Promises of a beautiful spring!

What's the weather like where YOU are? Here: see above.

What's for breakfast? Here: I'm going to head to the store soon so I'm going to grab a cinnamon roll. Today seems to be starting out as one of those days where you blink and 
a half hour has gone by. And in that time, you have no clue what you even got done, if anything.

Any plans for the weekend? Here: I know there are but I just don't remember them at the moment!

Talk to me!

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It was an interesting trip to the store this morning in the cold and rain, and necessary!
Glad we have food stuffs. Now to go put the chuck roast (grass-fed beef) in the Crockpot with some potatoes, onions, carrots, and celery for dinner!
I may do a rub on the chuck roast first. I did that before and it was lovely!

What's for dinner at YOUR house tonight?


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Morning, Scrap!

Last night was snow to rain, so this morning I had an inch of slush to shovel out of my driveway before it iced over again.  I tried to get it done before the plumber got here, but when I went back inside he had already canceled due to an emergency.  Oh, well, at least I have a clean driveway!
Breakfast was a granola bar I grabbed on my way out the door to run some errands about 40 minutes away.  I was starving by the time we finished, but held off for lunch at home: hot soup and sandwiches.  Tonight we're having meatloaf, roasted potatoes, and carrots.  Dh is in charge of the menu from now until Sat night, because we have a busy weekend of ds' activities and now the plumber, plus the usual taking trash/recycling to the dump, housework, etc.  Since he's better in the kitchen he'll take that over and I'll run ds everywhere.

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Hey Scrap! Same weather here, it's beautifully overcast and threatening to start the storms soon, really looking forward to it. I drove over the river earlier this week and it was really running (and it's normally dry), it will be exciting to see it after the weekend.

Breakfast was a bagel from Starbucks. I'm camped here for the day until close, supposedly making progress on the business but I've hit a wall, and am trying to find a way around.

Kids have the weekends booked through at least March, so the plan is just to survive 🙂

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Bright, sunny and about 55 degrees here.   Which came after snow, sleet and freezing rain yesterday and last night.  Our weather has been really screwy lately.

Breakfast was an omelette with cheese, and tea with honey.  Dh makes me breakfast before he leaves for work most mornings and I reheat it when I wake up.  Usually it's an omelette or oatmeal with fruit since those reheat the best.  

Dinner is in the crockpot.  I think it's a pork loin but I'm not sure.  Dh does all the cooking around here.  

Weekend plans are I have a mom's night out Friday night and a workshop Saturday morning at the science center.    Then preparing for classes, trying to get through the business Quickbooks entries, setting up school (the kids are unexpectedly getting this week off since I'm off from classes and have been sick).   Mostly the usuals.

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