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The Did You Miss Me? Teachers Lounge 1-24-2019


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Hello and Happy New year to the Lounge! Sorry I've been MIA. No good excuses for that!

No refreshments in the Lounge today, since I am out of town and am battling some sort of virus. 
Working on kicking that one in the butt!

How are you all? Here: see above.

How's homeschooling going? Here: ours has been schoolus interruptus since October and still hasn't changed. All the part of the most recent interruption is a GOOD thing.

Anyone ever visited or lived in Wyoming? Here: that's where I am right now, visiting.

Talk to me!

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Hullo, Scrap!

We're back to our usual daily grind here.  It was a welcome relief after the holidays and all the excitement around that.  In fact, next week is our last week of the semester.  A little later than we thought, but we'll still finish before the summer starts. 🙂

Where at in Wyoming are you?  I once lived for a while in the 2nd largest county there.  That's not saying much except we had more than 10 people in town. 😄 It's pretty cold there!  And there's enough wind to blow you over!  Keep warm!

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Good to "see" you all! I don't really have any other symptoms besides the post-nasal drip that racks my body in coughs every hour - so now I'm wondering if I might be allergic to something in my friend's house. No idea, though. All I know is I'd really like to get some solid sleep but really haven't been able to this week! Ugh.

Moonhawk, thank you for the kind words!

Jean, may you and I get over what ails us PRONTO.

Opening the Lounge may be sporadic over the next few weeks but it will be open on occasion!

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Great to hear from you, scrap! Hope you're feeling better soon. 

I've driven through Wyoming many times (I grew up in western Canada), and visited Yellowstone N.P. once.  Growing up on the prairies, I never realized how much I missed out on varieties of trees. I really like trees! I love all the varieties in the region I live now. And we have lots of here water, too. 

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