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I got a storage unit! Booked for tomorrow!


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This is really happening folks!

Contractor is booked for January to do general repair on the house to spruce it up.

Storage unit is booked and we will be moving everything already boxed up in the basement and attic, etc....to storage starting tomorrow!   I have 2 weeks of Christmas break and plan to do a couple of hours per day on packing/boxing/moving out.  

House is slated to go on the market in February!  

I keep looking at houses for sale and am getting excited!

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1 minute ago, Scarlett said:

Wow I didn't realize you had made the decision to move!  I knew you wanted to but wow this is fast.  🙂


When I know what I want and get a green light, I floor it!  🤣

Now watch it all come to a halt because my house won't sell.......grrrr......

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I'm so excited for you, Dawn! I remember discussing decluttering with you four or five years ago in preparation for a move. And then we moved, and you didn't.

Actually, we've moved twice since then, because we discovered we didn't like the school district we first landed in (haven't recovered fully from the stress yet).

I'm glad it is finally happening for you and hope you find a house you love and sell your home, all with the perfect timing.

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7 hours ago, Storygirl said:

I'm so excited for you, Dawn! I remember discussing decluttering with you four or five years ago in preparation for a move. And then we moved, and you didn't.

Actually, we've moved twice since then, because we discovered we didn't like the school district we first landed in (haven't recovered fully from the stress yet).

I'm glad it is finally happening for you and hope you find a house you love and sell your home, all with the perfect timing.


Well, It was only 18 months ago actually that I hired a woman to help me organize and do a bit of decluttering.  I can't say it has "stuck" though!  HAHAHA!  I am a bit of a hoarder (not literally, but I tend to keep way too much.)

My son thinks we are getting rid of stuff, and we are getting rid of some, but with working full time,  I just don't have the time to devote to full on organizing and decluttering.  There are a bunch of rubber made type boxes on the shelves in the basement.  He still thinks we are going to go through them and sort.  We aren't.  I am popping the lid on those suckers and taking them to storage THIS WEEKEND!  It will give me room to take any packed boxes and store for the next trip to the storage unit.  

I am hoping as we unpack this summer I will have more time to sort.  

But, our next house will be a bit larger most likely.  Well, about the same, BUT, it will seem larger since all the square footage will be above ground.  Our basement is somewhat worthless overall.  There is a gym area, a man cave, a large storage/pantry area, but we don't use it all that much really.  I hate it.  It feels like a cave to me.  No bedrooms, no bathroom, etc.....and it is 1,000 sq. ft.

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oh wow. I didn't realize you had finally gotten the green light.  Yay for you!!  Are you moving locally?  I know you've long wanted to move to the west coast.    I'm so happy for you. 

FWIW, I miss having a basement.  Not a finished basement, but someplace temperate to store stuff.  I have a lot of weaving things that I can't put in attic (yarn, reeds, warping sticks) plus sewing machine that gets used 3-4x per year... plus...plus..plus.  I really didn't think I'd miss a basement. I also hated our old basement - so much wasted space.  It was a finished basement but since the kids moved out it was never used.  I only used about 1/4 of it for storage - in our furnace room (it was also nice having the furnace/water heater in the basement rather than taking up precious space on the main floor).  My dh installed big wooden shelves to hold boxes and storage items.   I miss having that extra storage for non-everyday things.


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3 minutes ago, PrincessMommy said:

oh wow. I didn't realize you had finally gotten the green light.  Yay for you!!  Are you moving locally?  I know you've long wanted to move to the west coast.    I'm so happy for you. 

FWIW, I miss having a basement.  Not a finished basement, but someplace temperate to store stuff.  I have a lot of weaving things that I can't put in attic (yarn, reeds, warping sticks) plus sewing machine that gets used 3-4x per year... plus...plus..plus.  I really didn't think I'd miss a basement. I also hated our old basement - so much wasted space.  It was a finished basement but since the kids moved out it was never used.  I only used about 1/4 of it for storage - in our furnace room (it was also nice having the furnace/water heater in the basement rather than taking up precious space on the main floor).  My dh installed big wooden shelves to hold boxes and storage items.   I miss having that extra storage for non-everyday things.



The basement wasn't finished when we moved in.  My husband finished it.  He uses it more than anyone else and has put his office in the man cave and works from home 3 days per week. However, even he is looking forward to having a real designated office space.  Most of the newer homes have an office on the main floor.

And no, no West Coast.  We tried for the past 12 months or so to find him a job back there.  He was offered one in San Fran, which was weird because he interviewed for LA.  But we didn't think we could make it financially in San Fran and honestly, it isn't my first or second choice on the West Coast, so it didn't make sense to take the job.

So, about a month ago, we went to dinner, and I said, "Ok, I am tired of living with the we might move limbo, if I agree to stay here, I want to move houses, I have hated this house for about 8 years and I want to move."  He looked at me and said, "Ok!"

That was my long way of saying this is a local move.

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1 hour ago, Seasider too said:

If the storage facility doesn’t provide them, might want tonscout around for some wooden pallets to put under the boxes in the storage unit. That way if any water trickles in, the boxes aren’t directly in the ground to soak it up. 


Good idea.  We do plan to put the heavy plastic containers on the bottom, but if we run out of those, we should get some pallets.

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Christmas break starts TODAY!  I am going over at 1pm to get the lock, the keypad combo, and secure the unit.   

My goal is to spend 2 hours packing and taking over to the storage unit, about 4 days per week......so.....16 hours with 2 of us packing......can we get the bulk of the excess junk out?  What do you think?

After Christmas break, the following two weekends will be spent getting college boys back to college, so those weekends will be shot.  Then we will be almost to the end of January!  UGH!  I want the house on the market by the end of Feb at the latest.

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Ok, First SUV load out to the storage unit, then an SUV full trip to the thrift store done, and tonight I will fill up some more boxes!  Then I will be out of boxes, but I plan to find some freebies on a sales' site and have a space cleared out for them by then.

Oh, and we filled a large trash can

Edited by DawnM
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I am trying to bring home boxes from work, but I don't think it will really be enough.  I am trying to find them on Craigslist and sale sites for free, but I am not finding much yet in my area.  I may have to go buy some.  Not thrilled with that, but not sure what else to do.

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For boxes check a local gas station/minimart.  I got all of my moving boxes from them.

I loved that you mentioned the thrift store load and the trash can.   My encouragement to you was to being twice as much to those places as the storage unit.

I just moved and downsized to a home about half the size.   I can't find my Scotch tape and one backpack but I know they are here.  Other than that the only thing I have had to go out and rebuy was a 97¢ package if finish nails......which we found in a box last night (I was almost sure I had kept those).

I love love love the freedom of less stuff.....and still need to downsize some more.

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