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Criminal trial question: Updated

Violet Crown

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A question for anyone who knows how these things work, and/or how trials are reported. A capital murder (though with the dp off the table) retrial, in which I have a strong personal interest, began Monday [edit: rather, Wednesday]. I can't attend in person because of Wee Girl, but I followed on twitter. 5 pm Wednesday it halted to restart Thursday; there's been no reporting of any kind since. What could have happened?

Edited by Violet Crown
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Lots of motions, and potentially a delay. Lots of lawyers have more than one case going to court at a time so trials have to accommodate the fact that prosecutors and defense attorneys can't be in two places at once. My mom was once on a jury in a case that had to be delayed twice due to attorneys having to be in two different courthouses at the same time.

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It could be anything listed above, or something unrelated - another case that has scheduling priority, a lawyer granted a delay due to another scheduled trial, a juror with an ethical concern, any number of other secret things that are going on out of the public eye.

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Suddenly reappeared in the news after a week's blackout: guilty, life without parole. 

EDIT: Which, I should make clear, is a good thing. He is a serial killer (though the jury wasn't told about the other killings) who got a mistrial the first round, apparently because he's intelligent, educated, and well-spoken. 

Edited by Violet Crown
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