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Daily Goal and Inspiration


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My goal today is to double my word count to 4000 for the day. 

My hope is that writing even faster will do more to quiet my inner editor and also may then make 2000 seem easier and less grueling. 

Wish me luck!

And good writing to all of you!

Morning cheer:


write ✍

Write! ?

Sis boom boom bah!

write team, write!

Writer, writer, writer!


(((Group huddle, hands to center stack, now High fives all around ))))  Yay!!!!


And now a challenge:  every time you see this thread write 20 words on your NaNoWriMo project (s)  !!!




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32 minutes ago, Pen said:

My goal today is to double my word count to 4000 for the day. 

 Wow!  Impressive.  Good luck! 

My dd woke up not feeling well and went back to bed so school may not happen here today.  That means I may be able to catch up on my word count. ?

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4 hours ago, Nemom said:

 Wow!  Impressive.  Good luck! 

My dd woke up not feeling well and went back to bed so school may not happen here today.  That means I may be able to catch up on my word count. ?

I can't "like" this because poor dd, but glad you may get some extra time in the morning.

@Pen A 4000-word goal is seriously impressive!

I've wrapped up my day over here, getting my 2000 in.  I can (usually) easily get about 1500 and have to stretch myself for the last 500.  But it seems to be a good exercise for me, to push myself just a little bit more, to reach goal....

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1 hour ago, vmsurbat1 said:

I can't "like" this because poor dd, but glad you may get some extra time in the morning.

@Pen A 4000-word goal is seriously impressive!

I've wrapped up my day over here, getting my 2000 in.  I can (usually) easily get about 1500 and have to stretch myself for the last 500.  But it seems to be a good exercise for me, to push myself just a little bit more, to reach goal....


Result so far is that I got around 2800 with it feeling more like the first 1000 or so on previous days. I now would have to push a lot to get the next 1200, I think. But I’ll take a break and maybe some more will come later. 

If not, I will let it be as it is but try again for 4000 tomorrow. 

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I'm up to 11,478 as of now, so a tiny bit behind.

I feel like my story is just about done. And it's a mess. junk. ? probably editable junk though. and super excited about the word count! I don't think I've ever written a story this long before.

My MC developed a tiny bit over the course of the story. He started out as a blah cardboard cut-out. He's still pretty blah though.

IDK whether to go back and give him a proper personality from the start or to start over with something more grown-up/dark. My original story is modeled after magic treehouse books (in length and voice), and i'm feeling annoyed by the style, lol.


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36 minutes ago, Petrichor said:

I'm up to 11,478 as of now, so a tiny bit behind.

I feel like my story is just about done. And it's a mess. junk. ? probably editable junk though. and super excited about the word count! I don't think I've ever written a story this long before.

My MC developed a tiny bit over the course of the story. He started out as a blah cardboard cut-out. He's still pretty blah though.

IDK whether to go back and give him a proper personality from the start or to start over with something more grown-up/dark. My original story is modeled after magic treehouse books (in length and voice), and i'm feeling annoyed by the style, lol.




Keep going. Change character personality if you want, but don’t erase delete.   


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48 minutes ago, Nemom said:

@Pen I checked your word count on NaNo.  Excellent job!!  You are almost there.  Keep going!  Find a writing prompt if you need some help.  Kill a character-it's fun!  LOL


Just learned there’s a community Thanksgiving thing happening. ... I think that may mean no more gets written today. But it was still one of my most productive days. 

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OMG! I did it. I was so close to 17,000 I thought maybe I could just get there before going out—. And ended up with enough to go over 18,000.  But now I am not sure about energy for the Thanksgiving thing ...  

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So, I did not make it to the Thanksgiving thing—a learning experience. Then again maybe I would not have made it anyway since Ds didn’t want to go and my chronic illness was acting up ...

 I listened to audio version of Grant Faulkner’s book Pep Talks for Writers which I recommend if you need pepping! 

 I found it helped free me to do more exploratory writing rather than trying to work on scenes.

To the extent that I was working on a scene, I switched from trying to do it in likely book order to trying to figure out the center .  

 I was basically going as fast as I could go for short stints (10 minutes) several times in the day.  And started with text to speech followed by typing in more material. So that it probably took the same time in total for the 4000 as it had for the 2000. 

My goal today is 4000 again. 

Plus home management paperwork and bill paying type stuff. Plus laundry etc. Plus maybe helping Ds work on studying .  ?

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Wrapping up over here. Only made it to 1400 words but that is 1400 more than I thought I'd get when our guest due to arrive tomorrow unexpectedly arrived today.

@Pen When you wrote you had some "text to speech" did you mean that or the reverse, you say something and it gets typed?  If the latter, could you tell me more about how it works, how well it works, and what program(s) you use?  TIA.

@Nemom 10 words.  You can do it. 

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5 hours ago, vmsurbat1 said:

Wrapping up over here. Only made it to 1400 words but that is 1400 more than I thought I'd get when our guest due to arrive tomorrow unexpectedly arrived today.

@Pen When you wrote you had some "text to speech" did you mean that or the reverse, you say something and it gets typed?  If the latter, could you tell me more about how it works, how well it works, and what program(s) you use?  TIA.

@Nemom 10 words.  You can do it. 


I meant speech to text.   It is far from perfect, but I can go in and correct things or add in after. 

I am using an app called OtterAI. (Which I learned of on NaNoWriMo forums a couple of days ago). I have the free version with limited minutes .  So I think, then turn it on and talk for a few minutes.  Then off and think again. To not waste my minutes .

It is doing better way way better than my cellphone’s built in speech to text at Not badly garbling everything.

But I have not been teaching it to recognize frequent words I use. And, there are some problems such as Apparently it thinks when I say stars and stores they are the same word. And it cannot catch onto my main character’s name.   ...  still it did help me get to 4000 yesterday and over 3000 so far today. 

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Also a problem with speech to text is personal embarrassment. For example this evening I am hiding away as I try to speak a dialogue section out loud involving two Male characters each with an accent different than mine and different than each other. I feel very ridiculous. 

I hope this will get better with practice. 

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5 hours ago, happi duck said:

Saturday is a writing marathon for me.  I'm planning to write at least 500 words, do something else, write 500 words, do something else etc all day!  I need a lot to catch up to par.

Wish me luck and write on everyone!!


Absolutely!!!  Go for it!!!

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Thanks @Pen! I will definitely take a look.  I sadly overestimated how much I could get done with having guests....  I did add a paragraph or two.  But, with needing (and wanting!) to interact with our guests, I can't get in my head and stay there long enough to come up with something worth writing down....

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I spent the day reading a book.  But in my defense, it was a really good book.  ?

0 words so far.  I may not worry about it until tomorrow.  Kind of nice to take a day off.  

ETA:  Had to get a few words done so I could update my word count for the day.  lol  Wouldn't want to lose that badge.  

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11 hours ago, Nemom said:

I spent the day reading a book.  But in my defense, it was a really good book.  ?

0 words so far.  I may not worry about it until tomorrow.  Kind of nice to take a day off.  

ETA:  Had to get a few words done so I could update my word count for the day.  lol  Wouldn't want to lose that badge.  


I listened to an audio book while my son ice skated. I was planning to write but couldn’t seem to focus. 

ETA. I’m also doing a few words minimum to keep my streak toward badge ?

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I attended a “virtual write in” yesterday and got a lot of words for the day. If you have virtual write in options and feel stuck you could try one out. 

I liked today’s pep talk:  https://nanowrimo.org/pep-talks/justina-ireland?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=NaNo 18 Engagement 1112 Defined Novel&utm_content=NaNo 18 Engagement 1112 Defined Novel+CID_1b603b1f5a18ea71c741724453807ded&utm_source=Email marketing software&utm_term=Read Justinas full pep talk

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As I wrote earlier, I overestimated just how much I could write while hosting guests this week.  Ah well.  I decided to not just skip it, though, but to aim for at a 1000 words per day.  I don't think I'm writing good prose, but I'm hopeful that by at least putting the kernel of an idea down on paper NOW, I'll have something to work with later. 

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I spent yesterday working on dialog between my characters.  I will probably do the same again today.  

@Seasider too You can also find NaNo on Twitter.  But...that's a whole nother rabbit hole you can get sucked down (at least I can!).  ?  I'm curious what writing course you are taking.  Is it something that is available online?

@Pen  Fantastic word count!  

@Ravin  I see you are plugging along.  Keep adding to those words.  It's all about consistency.

@vmsurbat1 1,000 words a day with guests!  ? That is awesome!



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Yesterday I only managed to get 564 words done.  I did not feel well and my brain would just not work.  I have fallen behind from where I was at this time last year which sucks but I'm not going to give up.  

Today is a new day and I've got this!  ?

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1 hour ago, Nemom said:

Yesterday I only managed to get 564 words done.  I did not feel well and my brain would just not work.  I have fallen behind from where I was at this time last year which sucks but I'm not going to give up.  

Today is a new day and I've got this!  ?


I wish you a very wonderful wordy day!!!??

I had fewer than 500 words yesterday, and am having a migraine now, but I too am aiming for more words today.   Even if I have to write about not feeling well and assign it to a character ?.

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I wonder if we are not just going through a slough of despond and we just have to keep going, knowing it won't last. I managed to get another 1000 words but I I'm not particularly pleased with the writing.  It's more that I now have written down what I'm going to have to go back and shape up into enjoyable, readable prose.  

I can say that this NaNoWriMo push is (slowly) shaping my mental image of "being a writer."  A writer writes even when inspiration is low, is not particularly exciting,  and feels like work.  It IS work.  Just like pretty much everything else in life.  Now to decide (after NaNo) if I actually "want to be a writer."

Well, Ladies, I hope you do get an overflow of words, and hope you feel better soon @Pen.

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I made it to 25,082.  Past the halfway mark.  I'll take it!  lol

Happy with what I wrote today from the standpoint that I think the scene will become an important one in the story.  Needs to be cleaned up a lot though.  lol

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2 hours ago, vmsurbat1 said:

I wonder if we are not just going through a slough of despond and we just have to keep going, knowing it won't last. I managed to get another 1000 words but I I'm not particularly pleased with the writing.  It's more that I now have written down what I'm going to have to go back and shape up into enjoyable, readable prose.  

I can say that this NaNoWriMo push is (slowly) shaping my mental image of "being a writer."  A writer writes even when inspiration is low, is not particularly exciting,  and feels like work.  It IS work.  Just like pretty much everything else in life.  Now to decide (after NaNo) if I actually "want to be a writer."

Well, Ladies, I hope you do get an overflow of words, and hope you feel better soon @Pen.


I think slough of despond is supposed to be common for NaNoWriMo week 2!

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Good morning (and evening).

I have a lot going on today and tomorrow I have a medical treatment that will leave me exhausted and sleeping most of the day.  So, I'm afraid I am going to have to work really hard to get my words done in the next two days.  

My goal for today will be working on showing the different stages of anger through dialogue and description with my characters. I'm hoping I can get ten minute writing sessions in here and there throughout the day and make it to my word goal.    

I will be using the following as my stages:

bothered; mild irritation; annoyed; indignation; frustrated; infuriated; hostile; wrath; fury; and rage  (found list online)

Wrath, fury & rage seem like they would be very similar if not identical to me.  I may tweak the list some once I get started.  

Happy writing everyone!

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Congrats @Nemom for making over the halfway point!  And your writing challenge sounds fun!  Good luck with it!

Between final day with guests, having to do some writing for work, and generally just not feeling it, I only added a measly 500 words or so to my NaNo count yesterday.  Next goal: 2000 today, 3000 each day over the weekend.



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Well, I did it.  Reached 2000 today, just a tad over 24,000 total.  I think my weekend goal of 3000/day is unrealistic now that I cranked out 2000.  An extra 1000 on top of that is at least double the work and thought process!

Still seriously impressed, @Nemom with your 25,000 and counting.  Hope you feel better soon!


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@vmsurbat1 Awesome!  Tomorrow you should be able to hit the 25,000 mark yourself!  ??

I'm going to try and get some writing while I'm at the dr's office today.  I have yesterday and today's words to get done.  I will try to spread out yesterday's over the weekend.  I still need to work on my exercise as well.

I heard on some podcast that I was listening to that 350,000 people will sign up for NaNo but only 15% will actually finish the 50,000 words and "win".  Hoping we will all be a part of that 15% this year.


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I essentially missed some days (other than slight blip up toward my 30 day badge) due to being too sick to write anything. Today I am trying to get back to it. Maybe even still be able to hit 50k before tgiving.   And then creep along till 30th. 

I hope you all are moving forward!

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Ugh!  Family emergency is definitely gonna derail me.  Unexpected 10 days away starting next week (plus having to put everything into order/prepare for our transatlantic trip).  New Stretch

Goal:  Make it to 35,000 (by using that airport lounge time wisely!)

But keep on ladies!  I'm rooting for you!


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48 minutes ago, vmsurbat1 said:

Ugh!  Family emergency is definitely gonna derail me.  Unexpected 10 days away starting next week (plus having to put everything into order/prepare for our transatlantic trip).  New Stretch

Goal:  Make it to 35,000 (by using that airport lounge time wisely!)

But keep on ladies!  I'm rooting for you!



Oh no!!! Hope all is okay. New goal sounds good. 

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Is the NaNoWriMo website working for you last night/ this morning to update word count ?  I can’t seem to make it update my word count. 

Edit: never mind the above it seems to be working now  .  Possibly it is just very busy as people started verifying official word counts  


I guess I will need to learn how to do that given that my writing is in pieces in lots of little documents 


I’m hope to make a hard push today and reach 50k. I was almost at 49k yesterday, but unable to update. 

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I didn't have any problems last night or this morning.  I use Scrivener so verifying is fairly simple.  Good luck on compiling everything in to one document.  Double check your word count before you send it just in case.

Congrats on being so close!!

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