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If you have a gated driveway, how are your packages delivered?


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Yippee!  Our fencing is nearly complete.  The only part needed to button our property up is the driveway.  DH will be installing an auto gate and the small usps mailbox will stay at the curb.  Right now, packages are delivered way up the driveway to our front porch.  This will no longer be accessible.  If someone is home, we could let someone in via remote, but that won't always happen.  We've considered package vaults from Amazon, but can't figure out how/where to install since there is hilly grass on both sides of drive.  There will be just enough space for someone to pull into our driveway and press the intercom while staying away from the swinging (forward) gate.  

If you have no access for UPS, USPS or others up to your house, how do you get your packages?  Thanks!

Edited by Familia
grammar - which still may need assistance!
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My brother built a decorative "dog house" right outside their gate for packages. For them the gate isn't so much the problem (they often leave it open during the day) as the steepness/curve of their driveway. Delivery trucks almost always either can't make the hill or get stuck in the curve. The regular drivers know not to try. My nephew had to rescue one of those self-employed Amazon delivery people who was in a non-4wd vehicle.

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4 hours ago, Pawz4me said:

My brother built a decorative "dog house" right outside their gate for packages. 

Love this idea.  Husband is thinking he'd rather buy a vault than build something...first time I heard him prefer buying to 'do it yourself'!  Anyway, I've wondered how vaults work - what if the package is too big (like an Amazon Prime Pantry box).  It is very close to the road and, although we are way out in the country, I do not trust packages right at the street.  I guess if they don't fit, they will just leave them against the fence...what choice would they have?   Do not want to give anyone, even professionals, the code.

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Lots of people around here build little shelters at the end of their drives for packages.

We have a gate but usually leave it open. Our driveway is long (almost 1/2 mile) and I don't want packages getting stolen if they're left out by the gate. I also worry about the fire dept. or EMS not being able to access our property.

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3 hours ago, KungFuPanda said:

Why doesn’t the gate swing in? I think this might cause more annoyance than the packages. 

Driveway is going up a hill; terrain on both sides of drive do not allow for sliding gate.  In case you visit, you will see a sign on gate alerting you that gate swings open and to stay next to/behind keypad.  

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