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The All the World's a Stage Teachers Lounge 9-25-2018


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Good moring, all! Hope you are well! Welcome to the Lounge!

Today's theme stems from a few things: 1) my son is quickly approaching his theater performance dates and this week they're to be completely off script. He's stressing about it already although 
I don't really know why, since he only has a few lines. 2) My daughter is applying for jobs and will be interviewing soon, I'm sure. She's not interviewed for a job before and I know how nerve-wracking that can be! So yesterday I thought I should set up some practice runs with her, and also tell her to draw on her extensive theater experience, if needed, to portray confidence within those interviews. Thinking about this, of course, led me to think of the Shakespeare quote, "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players".In some ways that's very true. I think it's especially true in a job interview, as one must perform to convince the interviewer/panel that he/she is the best for the job. That is why today's theme for the Lounge is what it is.

Anyone in your family, including you, in theater? Here: I think all of us have had theater experience and one is still currently involved.

If theater is not your gig, what extracurricular activities were/are more your style? Here: we've also done martial arts, soccer, baton twirling, cheer, and volleyball. Currently my extra is writing.

Did you know that on Veteran's Day this year, you can get into U.S. National Parks for FREE? Which is your favorite? Here: I just found this out a day or two ago. Thinking of camping near or in one. Not sure where yet, though.

Talk to me! ?

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Morning! Off to a better start than usual, so checking in before it gets too crazy ?

I didn't do theater, but did musicals in high school. I did visual arts as well, and was president of the Nat'l Art Honor Society for the school. No sports, though. Now, I put all my effort into business stuff, which means marketing and coding. Kids used to do dance but transitioned to TKD. They also do piano and choirs. 

Wish we could go camping but too much to do right now. I know that places get pretty packed around here on holiday weekends with people trying to escape the heat. Hope you get to go camping!

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34 minutes ago, scrapbookbuzz said:

Moonhawk, I consider musicals as part of theater, so welcome to the club! ? (On a side note, how did I not realize you live in the same state as me?? Or did I know that and just forgot??)

JEAN! So nice to see you in the Lounge! What was your favorite production?

It's hard to choose a favorite.  I think that my favorite character was in a play called "Old Doc".  I played a rich "-itch" and it was soooo much fun to play!  I could let out that side of me that I try so hard to suppress. 

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Good morning Scrap and everyone,

I never did theater, but my kids have done drama classes since they were about eight and Dd is taking Musical Theater at her tutorial. We won't find out what the show is until after Christmas. I think the teacher wants to get to know the group before she chooses. Ds is a total ham and loves being up front. Whether he will want do the work theater requires remains to be seen. We are looking forward to seeing a local production of Newsies at the end of October with many of my kids' friends in it. Dd want to see Phantom at our downtown performing arts center this fall, but we can't swing the cost. 

Extras for me growing up were mostly reading and playing outside. 

My kids do Scouts, church stuff (choir, youth group), piano, and some low-key sports. They both volunteer too, one at the Zoo and one at a local historical site. 

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My husband and I met doing theatre in college.  So far neither of the boys has caught the acting bug, but my youngest is in dance.  Dh and I were also in band.  We are introducing the boys to instruments this year.  I am very excited because we were recently given a beautiful upright piano!

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My 3 boys are involved in community theatre, and my youngest is in a main-stage production this Nov. He's totally cool about it so far. I also do back-stage stuff like painting and set construction, some Front of House stuff, and I've tried sound production in one show. I really enjoyed that as it was for a musical.

Sports - my thing, and I need more time to add details. 

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Oldest dd was in the school musical in high school and did the talent show, was a competitive dancer, did sketches for things like Greek Week in college (even choreographed the winning Greek Week routine her senior year), and has a ton of friends very involved in theater.   I did stage crew in high school, then track team (shotput, discus and javelin), and that was about it.

Younger dd does tai kwan do.  Both younger kids do 4-H and have done a few years of Christmas pageants and choir but that was the only stage stuff they've ever done.

We're pretty much boring home-bodies around here.

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