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Shooting at NIU

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There was a shooting at Northern Illinois University around 3:00 this afternoon. We live about 20 miles east of there. Please pray for the students. The gunman had a shotgun and opened up in a lecture hall. So far I've heard there have been 15-18 people brought to the hospital with injuries. There may be more.


We're trying to get a hold of friends of ours because their dd goes there. How can this happen? It's so scary. I know so many people who went there. My dd plans to go there.

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My parents' home is approx 20 min. from there also (Belvidere). DB & DSIL are both police officers who were awaiting word to go help. What a horrible, catastrophic event. My heart goes out to the students and their families. It's such a quiet school (relatively speaking) and community. Nobody deserves to be put in a situation like this.

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Thank goodness she is safe. She lives in the dorm right next the building where it happened. I can't imagine what the families are going through. We're having a hard enough time dealing with it knowing so many people who go there or have gone there. It is probabably where my kids will go too.


It's hard on the kids who go there going on lockdown twice this in the past couple of months. It has been very scary for them.

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camp there this summer. I'm not going to drop the idea entirely, but I am going to wait a few months and find out what they've done to beef up security.


Oddly enough, the latest Reader's Digest issue just came out with an article on campus safety. I need to read it!


I'll definitely be praying for those kids and families.

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It is legal in TN to carry a gun, but not at the university my dh attends. Concealed weapons are not allowed. But what if one person in that auditorium had one and was able to get that guy before he killed so many innocent and unexpecting students. He had a gun.

I guess I understand the university having that rule due to immature people who would pull it out without a thought in their brain to settle a dispute with another. But what if...

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I think I read somewhere that Utah is the only state where concealed weapons w/carry permit are allowed on college campuses. I'm thinking Utah might be a good place to look at schools.


I feel sorry for our law abiding citizens who end up being defenseless victims.


And I'm afraid that these incidents will only fuel the demand for stricter gun laws that will ensure only law-breakers have them.

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