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Need fencing /stable ideas for toy horses

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My dd has been using the cardboard box the Our Generation horse came in as a stable. It's getting ratty, but she insists she has to have a stable for her horse. Dh isn't likely to want to build something from wood. Has anyone found a creative and cheap way to stable their toy horses?

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Rats. I looked at the AG stable too late. This would have been perfect, but it's sold out. It's more than I would have wanted to pay, but the grandparents would have loved to give it. Has anyone ever seen AG relist something when it's been sold out and not back-ordered? http://store.americangirl.com/agshop/EndecaForwardServlet?dest=%2Fagshop%2Fhtml%2FProductPage.jsf%2FitemId%2F140649&event=topRecordsReport&sku=F9181

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we bought a really cute wood stable with fences from Hearth Song a few years ago. It was kind of expensive, but we figured the 3 girls would get years of play from it.


you might look at it and then make your own. They really got a lot of use out of the fences.


Hearthsong stable link


The stable was 3 separate buildings that would hook together, and the best part was that the roofs came off.

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We've done different things for different sized horses. For the smallest ones (Schliech, Papo, smaller Breyer), I used a shallow cardboard box and put in other pieces of cardboard to make "stalls".


For the Barbie horses and larger Breyer horses, we've taken Lincoln logs and built stalls for them. My daughter has never been much of a builder, so it was nice to find a use for them. I recently picked up this http://www.drugstore.com/products/prod.asp?pid=204620&catid=143284&aid=335933&aparam=zhe_jiang_xiny_large_woo&CAID=7fbe2abe-ca24-49b7-aab4-2df0e7b40aa3 at a consignment sale for $25. It's a little small for the Barbie horses, but they can fit in---actually made for the larger Breyer horses.


For the Our Generation ones, they've mostly lived in the closet without actual stalls. If you can find a sturdy large cardboard box, you could cover it in the wood-look contact paper or paint it. To make something like Felicity's stable backdrop, you could get one of the smaller foamboard trifold display boards at someplace like Michaels or AC Moore and, again, use wood-look contact paper or paint it.

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I think the issue is more what to do with the extremely large horses that fit the 18 inch dolls like the Our Generation ones from Target or the American Girl ones. Most of the stables out there are for Breyer or smaller. We also have the Maxim stable (in looking at the two links, they both have the same dimensions, btw, so I don't think there're different sizes?).

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Someone already suggested what I was going to suggest which was Lincoln Logs.


You can get a large set of them off ebay and build it however you want. You can either rebuild them over and over again in different ways or you can glue them together for stability.

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KarenNC: do you like the Champion's stable? That looks like a really nice one for the price.


I don't have one, just saw it when I went poking around online. Looks like it might have been a Target item made for those horses. Our horses this size just live in the bottom of the closet, I'm afraid:).

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