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What's your favorite hs magazine?

Jayne J

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I like this one - Secular Homeschooling - beacuse a - it's secular, and b, it's very well written. My only complaint is that I want more of it!


:iagree: I really like this one. I also used to get Home Education Magazine, but it was getting a bit too far into the unschooling spectrum for me, plus I couldn't afford both. Secular Homeschooling won out.

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My favorite homeschooling magazine is The Link, which I've been getting for some time now. Call me crazy, but I love the ads too. For me, whenever I'm pursuing something that is outsid the mainstream, you don't see ads that are pertaining to what you're interested in, except when you subscribe to a magazine.


I subscribe to Practical Homeschooling. I think the tone is so religiously conservative it borders on silly for me, but I like the contests, a few thought-provoking articles, their experience and the reviews. I also like "A Day in the Life" of a homeschooler. I like to know what people do -- hihi :D


BTW, I just asked dh to get me a subscription to Secular Homeschooling for Christmas.

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Another Secular Homeschooling magazine fan here. Everything else that I had tried was either too religious for my taste or too unschooling-oriented to be helpful to me. This one is just right. I am so excited to find it in my mail, and I read it from cover to cover.

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Love Secular Homeschooling here! It takes me a week to read through it...the articles are great and very relevant to what I need. If you are concerned b/c it is secular and you are christian, don't let that bother you, it is just articles and stories that every homeschooler can relate to, secular or not.

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