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Anybody have a great smoothie recipe/formula?

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I'm looking for something I can whip up in the morning for the kids to have as a mid-morning snack. I'm thinking bananas, yogurt, some kind of protein powder (is this safe for kids?), maple syrup, etc. I have a hard time experimenting - I need to know how much of each ingredient!

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My kids love these:


1/2 bag frozen strawberries

1/2 bag frozen mangoes

1 can pineapples

1 serving of Trader Joes whey powder

a spoonful of OJ concentrate

1 cup water

1 t. vanilla


Yum!!! No sweetener needed. I'd add a banana, but one child doesn't like them. Sometimes I add a carrot or two. I also add vitamin C if we're getting sick.

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My standard lately has been a container of plain yogurt (2 cups, creamline), some frozen fruit, and a drizzle of honey.


A good formula that I used to use is: 2 bananas, 1 cup or so frozen fruit, and then soymilk or kefir for liquid.


It's hard to screw up a smoothie, really. Start safe - bananas, yogurt, fruit - and then experiment a bit more as you get more comfortable.


(BTW, these generally make smoothies for me and two kids.)

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We just throw in a scoop of Jarrow brand whey powder

Yougurt or Keifer

Oj, coconut milk, or juice if needed or wanted (you can add concentrate if you want a stronger flavor)

a couple large handfuls of frozen fruit (frozen fruit eleminates the need for ice)

a fresh banana (if we use frozen banana we usually add juice to help the blender run)

Sometimes ds adds a squirt of liquid vitamin (NOW brand is berry flavored)



For fruit we usually use:





any berry-blue, rasp, black, marrion....



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Here's one:


Chocolate-Peanut Butter Smoothie


* 8 oz fat-free milk or soy milk

* 1 very ripe banana

* 1 TBS natural peanut butter

* 1 serving chocolate protein powder (according to the directions of your brand)



You can always experiment with different frozen fruits and different protein powder flavors.

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I dont measure.

About a cup of juice and a cup of plain yoghurt.

A banana- and/ or handful of frozen berries.

protein powder (I use golden pea protein powder, but I have used other types- fine for kids- check sugar levels though, I always make sure its got no sugar).

Then I add a green powder (such as spirulina)- about 1/2 to 1 tsp.

Its called a green smoothie.


My dd likes to add rolled oats.

Sometimes I add nuts.

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Guest janainaz

I get a big bag of mixed berries at Sam's Club - it's the one with blueberries, blackberries and raspberries. I blend it with plain yogurt, soft tofu and about a tablespoon of sugar. That's it! You can use regular yogurt, too. But the berries are loaded with antioxidants and the tofu has tons of protein. You can't taste it at all, but it's very good for you.



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I get a big bag of mixed berries at Sam's Club - it's the one with blueberries, blackberries and raspberries. I blend it with plain yogurt, soft tofu and about a tablespoon of sugar. That's it! You can use regular yogurt, too. But the berries are loaded with antioxidants and the tofu has tons of protein. You can't taste it at all, but it's very good for you.




Tofu!! Brilliant. I've been tempted to add some tofu to my diet, but this is the easy way. Thanks!

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My boys' favorite recipe:


1 cup pineapple juice

1 cup blueberries (fresh or frozen)

1 ripe banana

2 tbsp almond butter


It sounds weird, but it is so good!


Other than that I just try different juices with different fruits and/or soymilk/tofu/yogurt. I also throw in cod liver oil or flax seed oil. Orange juice with mango and strawberries is another good combo.

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I get a big bag of mixed berries at Sam's Club - it's the one with blueberries, blackberries and raspberries. I blend it with plain yogurt, soft tofu and about a tablespoon of sugar. That's it! You can use regular yogurt, too. But the berries are loaded with antioxidants and the tofu has tons of protein. You can't taste it at all, but it's very good for you.




How much tofu exactly do you put in? Any special kind? As you can tell, I'm not a tofu user.



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We do smoothies several times a week around here.


I just do frozen fruit, two cubes of pureed veggies (I steam veggies, puree them and pour into ice cube trays. Pop them out when frozen and keep in freezer. You can do any veggies but I mostly do spinach and carrots b/c it works well in the smoothies we like.) mixed with orange juice. We don't like smoothies with dairy in them so we stick with fruit only.


Here are our 3 favorites:


Frozen organic blueberries, 2 cubes of spinach and enough oj to make it drinking consistency.


Frozen organic strawberries, 2 cubes of carrots and oj.


Frozen mango, 2 carrot cubes, 1 can mandarin oranges, frozen pineapple and oj.


If I have extra fresh fruit that is passing it's prime I'll add that in too.


I typically add a tablespoon of flax seed in the smoothies as well.

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