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The Farmers Market Teachers Lounge 5-23-2018


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Welcome to Wednesday at the Lounge!

We are fortunate to have a few year-round farmers markets here. DD and I will be going to one later this morning for some fresh,
local, organic produce. yumm!

Do you have farmers markets near you? Here: some year round, some only during our fall/winter/spring. Summer is just too hot! 
Those that run through the summer move inside.

Plan for today? Here: farmers market, swim, possibly some academia (for both kids and myself). I did just get done working on notes
for an herbal monograph (basically a white paper about a single herb). I'm currently studying brittlebush.

What book are you currently reading? Here: two. True Fiction by Lee Goldberg and The Black Country by Alex Grecian.

Talk to me! :bigear:

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Good morning, Scrap!

Do you have farmers markets near you?  Yes, several excellent ones! This is a four season climate with moderate winters and there are many, many small, biodiverse, family farms here.  I love to shop at the FM! We also get a CSA share from a farm about an hour from here. In the winter, we can only get meat, eggs and preserved foods, but it is still fun. The market I enjoy most has live music many Saturdays and fun festivals throughout the growing/harvest seasons. 

Plan for today? I've already done some errands and paperwork. Kids slept late and did some school work. Next up: lunch, RA then away for the afternoon and evening. Piano lessons and VBS prep at church. 

What book are you currently reading? Hannah Coulter by Wendell Berry (listening to the Close Reads podcast too), LOTR, Teaching What Really Happened by James Loewen, and Smart but Scattered. 

Have a great day!

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We don't have large farmer's markets near us, but there are very small ones. 

Today includes a hair cut for ds, school, and church. The hair cut was late morning, so we got lunch out and stopped by the library.

I'm reading Making Jesus Lord by Loren Cunningham. He's the founder of YWAM. 

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We have a few small farmers markets.  But, most of them sell more crafty stuff like candles and soaps rather than vegetables and fruits.   Produce is usually at stands or pick-your-own places.  We have a relatively short season though.

Today we did school, I did some cleaning, then the kids were driving me nuts complaining about boredom (and I'm not ready to loosen screen restrictions this early in the summer) so we ran out to a local place to paint ceramics.  Dd got a gift card for her birthday last year and we still hadn't used it.  Then we walked across the street for ice cream.  Exercise (parking wasn't that close since it was lunchtime and this little downtown gets very busy), creativity, fresh air.  It was great.  Shortly I'll take dd to TKD and drop off some donation stuff while she's there, maybe run to Walmart to return some stuff.

I'm actually not current in the middle of reading anything.  Well, I've been flipping through a book on local hikes (we joined a homeschool hikers group), and I'm reading textbooks to set up the outline for my classes for next year but no pleasure reading.  Which is extremely unusual for me. 

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Farmers Markets: One really big one downtown that's open daily, another daily one close to city centre, and several others open on Saturdays. Our growing season is short. Now they are mostly selling plants to put in gardens and grow your own veggies, herbs and annuals. They may have "fiddle heads" (very young ferns ) for the Quebecers who eat them sauteed in butter. I'm not a fan, but they do look nice. 

I haven't been able to do much, as I'm fighting off some kind of flu or reacting to the allergens in the air. I'm supposed to play a tennis match tonight, so I hope I survive it. ?  

I'm currently reading "The Whispering Land," by Gerald Durrell. It's a story of him in Argentina collecting wildlife for his wildlife refuge centre in Jersey. 

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 I wish we had a good farmers market nearby! There are two small famers markets here, but they are only open a few hours a week and aren't that great. Like another poster said, they sell more craft items than produce.

Plans for today? I just got back from taking my hyper dog to the vet for a checkup, and I'm relaxing for a few minutes to try to recover from that ordeal.:laugh: Next, I plan to do some cleaning and horse chores.

I am currently reading Zen Mind, Zen Horse: The Science and Spirituality of Working With Horses by Allan J. Hamilton, Epigenetics: How Environment Shapes Our Genes by Richard C. Francis, and Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease by Caldwell B. Esselstyn Jr.

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Selkie, those books sound interesting!

Kids and I have run our errands. Now it's time to veg in front of the tv to cool down.

Sadly, it's getting to that time of year here where I may need to hibernate for the next 3-4 months.
I get cranky because I prefer to be outside but it's too hot outside. But I don't like being inside then because I don't
like artificial cold. *sigh*

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