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The Tired Teacher Teachers Lounge 5-16-2018


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Welcome to Wednesday in the Lounge!

I'm tired, how about you? Yesterday, I went on a short hike with the dog before a breakfast meeting. Went pretty well. Today, we headed out for another short, albeit a little bit longer, hike,
at the same place. Slower getting started and slower getting going. But we did it. I came home, dropped the dog off, and decided to jaunt to the grocery store for a quick trip. Got what I needed.
Came home and proceeded to make gluten-free lemon poppyseed muffins. After I put all the dry stuff in, including poppyseeds, I realized I had already put in cacao, as well. Hmm, okay, so I'll add lemon instead of chocolate chips. Then I proceed to add chocolate chips. *sigh* They're cooling on the stove right now. Not sure how they'll taste. Can you tell I'm tired? Oh, and yesterday I old my 13yo ds that I was tired of getting yelled at by my son (him). He is SO hormonal right now! and thinks he can't do anything right . . . God willing, today will be better!

What are you up to today? Here: today is supposed to me gym day for ds and I but I've postponed that until tomorrow since friends are coming over to swim this afternoon. If I can get my brain to work, I might do some Greek with dd today, before lunch, or maybe during. No time later as, after the swim gathering, I need to shower, get dressed, get ready for this evening's Desert Sleuths meeting (monthly meeting for authors and readers of crime fiction/mysteries/police procedurals/etc), and I have to pick someone up.

Who needs a nap already? Here: oooh, pick me! ?‍♀️

Who wants the old forum emojis back? Here: ?‍♀️

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Yes, I'm tired!  It's pouring rain so that doesn't help.  I have some clearly defined chores to do today.  I think if I just got up and did them I would feel much better.  LOL

DD finished her very last high school thing this morning taking the AP lang exam.

DS1 has math and science finals tomorrow at his hybrid school

DS2 has kindergarten work all over the table.  I think I'm going to pick all that up and set out only the bare minimum school work for the next 2 days.  I think I'm ready to go on summer 3R's schedule with him.  

Hope your muffins taste good, because it's a perfect day for muffins and coffee!

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1 hour ago, scrapbookbuzz said:

Son's not awake yet but I might wake him up anyway. Wednesday mornings we like to watch the new episode of FLASH together before we get started with the rest of our day!

My Dh and kids love the Flash! 

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Good afternoon, Scrap!

Today has been a stay at home for school, bills, and not much else day. 

I could use a nap. I missed some sleep Sunday night, and I'm still missing it!

Yes, for the emojis back! ? (this is supposed to be tired face...)


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Exhausted.  We had some really heavy storms come through pretty quickly yesterday late afternoon.  Evidently there were actually a couple of tornadoes in the area, and extremely high winds.  We lost power.  And it's still out.  

We have a generator since the last time we lost power so we have internet, our fridge is okay, and we can do some basic cooking but I can't do laundry and no water pump.  All the cleaning I had planned has to be postponed, and the weather is still crappy - all gloomy and rainy and gross.  Plus the barometric pressure with this type of weather gives me headaches.  Air conditioning helps but that's not one of the things connected to the generator.  I've been sleeping crappy too.

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