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The Tired Warrior Teachers Lounge 5-8-2018


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Happy Tuesday!

Do you ever feel that as a teacher and a parent you are in constant warrior mode? Do you feel perpetually exhausted? You cannot live as a warrior all the time and not expect
to feel worn out! Give yourself grace, sister and mister homeschool parents/teachers! Give yourself rest and PERMISSION to rest. Only when we rest can we then recuperate and recharge!

Where were you last week? Here: I was in northern California at a camp called Enlightened Warrior Training Camp. The basic premise of it is to help you get out of your own negative headspace, open your eyes, and see not only the beauty of the world, but the purpose and beauty you bring to it, as well. Pretty darn amazing!

Where are you this week? Here: I am home in Arizona with a more dedicated purpose in various things. Time to challenge the family to really be a family and not just four individual people who happen to live under the same roof!

What's coming up for you? Here: a few short weeks until my dd graduates high school! WOW! Time to buckle down and get 'er done!

Talk to me! :bigear:

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Sounds like a wonderful experience.  I'd love to do something like that.

I was home last week and I'm home this week.  Teaching my classes and getting ready to wrap things up for the summer.  3 days of classes finish this week, 2 days finish next week (snow days).   Then I spend the summer looking at rental spaces to open in my own location in September.

I will be teaching Sunday School for May, and have three more 4-H meetings plus prep for Fair, and school with the kids but my schedule will be a little more relaxed.  I plan to take advantage of it to clean my house.

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Good afternoon!

That sounds like a great thing to experience, Scrap!!

Last week I started off in TN helping dd get some things moved. Then, I was back here doing school, church, tutoring, all the usual suspects.  I ended the week shopping with dd for her Italy trip coming up next week. 

This week, I'm home all week with school and tutoring. Yesterday was ds' birthday. I teach at church tomorrow night. Dd will be back home sometime Friday night. 

Not much coming up for me anytime soon. We will go all month finishing school. 

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Glad you got a refreshing break, Scrap!

I was home and crazy busy last week. Home and enjoying a not busy week now. 

Coming up: summer! Swim team will start in two weeks, VBS and camp follow soon after. In the meantime May is basic school work with nice weather, some yardwork and no extra curriculars.

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Tired warrior here!  Yesterday I hit a wall and went for a walk with the kids then had a sleep instead of doing science.  And this morning I started late.  I felt a million times better after the sleep but feeling frazzled again.  Dh was late home from a work dinner and we currently have sports nearly every day.  There's a massive pile of laundry to fold and my bedroom is a bomb. 

How do you all handle the late nights and kids sport running without losing your mind!? I think we are hitting the mums taxi phase of life.  

Last week we were mostly home because dhs car was out of order and it was lovely.  We did go to a medieval fair on the weekend to tie in with history and had guests over.

this week we are home except we are also everywhere else!

I feel a bit depressed when I look at our curriculum and realise how far behind we are!  I think it's week 12 and we're in week 6 on a lot of stuff.

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Your title caught my eye!

The camp sounds great!

This time of year I am a tired warrior.

Last week I was right here at home and am in the same place this week.

My oldest graduating in 2 weeks!  

We are  going to the beach in 3 weeks. I'm so ready to relax.  


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