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AP exams at different schools

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Interesting...can you tell me more? My daughter is taking two exams this year, U.S. Government and English Language, at two different schools in different states. For the Government test she is testing in TN because her softball team is playing in a tournament there during testing week. The English test will be taken when she returns home. 

Any information would be helpful to know as this is her first time testing. Thanks!

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The student gets an AP Number wherever he takes his first AP.  The number is used to get test scores later.

There's usually a little booklet thing with a page of stickers w/ that number on it that he can peel and stick to whatever other APs he takes. One of our sites said that the student really only needs to know his number so he can write it in on the APs.  My kids have always just brought the booklet they've received at their first test site to the other test sites and used the stickers.

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Just something to consider... while trying to find a test site for my young man to take an AP Exam, the only place I could find that even offers AP Computer Science A is a government school who would agree to let him take the exam with one stipulation: he would have to take any and all AP exams for that year at their school, no exceptions. Thankfully, they offer a large variety of AP courses/exams, but if they didn't have another exam that he'd need to take, then it could be a problem.

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40 minutes ago, NCAmusings said:

Just something to consider... while trying to find a test site for my young man to take an AP Exam, the only place I could find that even offers AP Computer Science A is a government school who would agree to let him take the exam with one stipulation: he would have to take any and all AP exams for that year at their school, no exceptions. Thankfully, they offer a large variety of AP courses/exams, but if they didn't have another exam that he'd need to take, then it could be a problem.


How would they even know if he took any other APs anywhere else?! 

Why would they even care?  How could it possibly affect them if he did?

I hate arbitrary rules.

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20 minutes ago, yvonne said:

How would they even know if he took any other APs anywhere else?! 


‘The school code for the AP Exams. My kids forgot the homeschool code last year and just put the center code instead.  Then we called CollegeBoard to change it back to homeschool for their score reports. The center would have gotten a copy of their results if we didn’t change the school code. 

‘California homeschool code is 990598 according to page 142 (144 of 155) of the AP Coordinator’s Manual 2017-18 https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/pdf/ap-coordinators-manual-2017-18.pdf

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But homeschoolers usually put the homeschool code, wherever they happen to take the test first, right?  So, if NCAmusings DS took the test at the government site, he'd put the homeschool code and the scores would only go to NCAmusing's address, right?  If her DS then took the test somewhere else, regardless of the original gov. site's insistence that he ONLY test at their site, her DS would put the homeschool code again and those scores from the second (or third or fourth) site would still only go to NCAmusing, wouldn't they?

Maybe I'm missing something completely obvious. I can't imagine why it could possibly to the govt. site where else the student tests? They'll lose out on the testing fee. Maybe that's it?

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On 4/24/2018 at 1:01 PM, Arcadia said:


‘The school code for the AP Exams. My kids forgot the homeschool code last year and just put the center code instead.  Then we called CollegeBoard to change it back to homeschool for their score reports. The center would have gotten a copy of their results if we didn’t change the school code. 

‘California homeschool code is 990598 according to page 142 (144 of 155) of the AP Coordinator’s Manual 2017-18 https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/pdf/ap-coordinators-manual-2017-18.pdf


question - a bit off-topic, sorry. but search even in google is not finding me what i was looking for.

my ds's ap coordinator at local private school gave him this homeschool code for CA: 990599 (the printed out slip she gave him clearly indicated that). i remember a previous year's thread about 990599 and 990598. does it matter if he put the 599 one? and can anyone find that past thread that talked about the change in CA homeschool codes? help!

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5 hours ago, mirabillis said:

my ds's ap coordinator at local private school gave him this homeschool code for CA: 990599 (the printed out slip she gave him clearly indicated that). i remember a previous year's thread about 990599 and 990598. does it matter if he put the 599 one? and can anyone find that past thread that talked about the change in CA homeschool codes? help!


I know which thread you are talking about but I can’t find it this morning. The school code error doesn’t matter as much as we got that amended during the phone call with CollegeBoard. We just told the customer service rep that our kids are homeschooled and the person just change it to homeschool California for us. Our kids score reports were correct when it came by mail and also online when DS13 finally turned 13 and has his own CollegeBoard account. 

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Dd was just telling me that the wrong California homeschool AP code is still out in the internet on some College Board site.

Adding to our complexity is dd will be taking her first AP exam at our local public school.  Then because they don't offer AP physics E&M (only Mech), she'll be going to another high school for both AP physics exams.  The problem is that high school #2 uses Total Registration, which means her answer sheet will be preprinted with her name and other info including her AP number.  But she's supposed to use the AP number of the school where she takes her first AP exam of the season.  We think we have a workaround, because she walked out of high school #1 today with 2 extra answer sheets (for both physics exams...we aren't actually sure if we need 2 answer sheets) to take to the second high school.  Then she'll need to explain to them that she needs to use her own answer sheets if the ones theirs has her AP number already on it.  I've got a feeling we'll need to be printing out some documentation to make sure this all goes smoothly.  


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