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Which adapted version of Pilgrim's Progress for 12 y.o.?


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I have in hand from interlibrary loan:

Pilgrim's Progress as retold by Gary D. Schmidt (recommended by WTM)

Little Pilgrim's Progress by Helen L. Taylor (highly rated on Amazon)

Surprisingly, the Little Pilgrim's Progress appears to be a more lengthy book.  


Does anyone have an opinion one way or the other? This is for my 12 year old as assigned reading. TIA!!!

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29 minutes ago, cintinative said:

I just learned about Dangerous Journey last night--is that for the full book or only part? I thought I read it doesn't include Christiana's journey?



You are correct. DJ only includes Christian, not Christiana. 

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10 minutes ago, kristin0713 said:

Is Dangerous Journey the only one that is illustrated in color?

The Gary Schmidt adaptation has color illustrations. I don't have Dangerous Journey in hand yet, so I am not sure about that one. The Little Pilgrim's Progress has black and white illustrations.

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I came to the Schmidt version late and LOVED it. A local cs near us uses the Helen Taylor version in 4th grade for a study over the whole year. 

I think I'd look at the student. Like you know them and are in tune with them. There are "modern english" versions of PP that would work very well for an 8th grader. How long are you wanting to spend on it? https://www.amazon.com/Pilgrims-Progress-English-Updated-Classics/dp/0882707574/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1523842831&sr=8-3&keywords=pilgrim's+progress+modern+english  Here's one, but there are others. For a super strong reader who's crazy into lit, it would be fine. With enough supports (breaking it into chunks, spreading it over a year), it would be fine. Just depends on how long you want to spend on it and what you want to do with it.

If you're wanting to go faster, yeah the Schmidt version is lovely. Just roll with your dc. Maybe just ask them?

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