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Do your kids do weird things?

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Please tell me the weird things that your kids do so that I don't feel like the only one.


My three year old serenades my hair. He sings little love songs like, "Beautiful hair, beautiful hair, oh hair, lovely hair, hair hair," as he strokes my hair. He has always liked holding my hair - ever since he was a nursing babe, but now he sings love songs to my hair which, frankly, I find a little odd. Cute but, odd.


So please - tell me your kids do things as odd as this.

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My 5 year old puckers his lips, grabs my face, and turns his head sideways before he kisses me. It is CREEPY. I have to stop him in mid pucker! He has seen my dh do it and thinks nothing of it no matter how many times we tell him it is more than a bit inappropriate (disclaimer...he never tries to use his tongue or anything, just puckers and turns his head to the side all funny...just had to be totally clear on that!)

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Oh, wait until you have a teenage boy. You haven't seen weird until then. Thank God I have a husband that was once a teenage boy :D and can talk me down.


While I am curious, I'm also slightly relieved that you didn't elaborate :).


My three boys are still very much little boys. I can't even begin to imagine what it will be like to have teenage boys - I grew up with a sister; no boys in our house. I'm leaving my head in the sand until the teenage years hit.

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Yes. Whenever my daughter goes potty she talks about the "poop family" in the toilet. Last week it went like this - I helped her wipe her bottom and tossed the tp into the toilet. She said, "Look, mom, you tucked in my poopy." :D


My nephews had a strange quirk when they were small, around 3 yo, I think (teenager now, ooh boy do I feel old!) - they both loved to rub bare legs. If I was wearing a pair of jeans they would sit on the floor by my legs and reach up my pants to rub my legs. Strange kids! :lol:

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14 yo DD talks to the goats and sheep in their own language, loudly and without a care for what the neighbors will think. MAAAAA MAAAAAA! MEEEEEH MEEEEEEH! and the critters answer back :)


:lol: Now that's funny! I talk to my cat in cat language, but not in front of the neighbours :D.

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My 5 year old puckers his lips, grabs my face, and turns his head sideways before he kisses me. It is CREEPY. I have to stop him in mid pucker! He has seen my dh do it and thinks nothing of it no matter how many times we tell him it is more than a bit inappropriate (disclaimer...he never tries to use his tongue or anything, just puckers and turns his head to the side all funny...just had to be totally clear on that!)


:lol: My dd is a licker. She'll pucker up to kiss you and when she gets close to your face she sticks out her tongue and licks you instead. Grosses me out! She calles it "kitty kissing" :001_huh:

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My 5 year old puckers his lips, grabs my face, and turns his head sideways before he kisses me. It is CREEPY. I have to stop him in mid pucker! He has seen my dh do it and thinks nothing of it no matter how many times we tell him it is more than a bit inappropriate (disclaimer...he never tries to use his tongue or anything, just puckers and turns his head to the side all funny...just had to be totally clear on that!)



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:lol: My dd is a licker. She'll pucker up to kiss you and when she gets close to your face she sticks out her tongue and licks you instead. Grosses me out! She calles it "kitty kissing" :001_huh:


One of our other kids went through a licking phase. Thankfully it's over now :tongue_smilie:.

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DD still says bye to her pee and poop....I can hear her when she's in the bathroom. :lol:


And DS relates EVERYTHING to racing. He can turn any subject and make it racing themed. We have a journal that we take turns writing in each day. I will start a story, and he continues it. Today I started a story about a panda in the mountains of China......he wrote that the panda decided to move so he could be near a go-kart track where he could race go-karts!:tongue_smilie:

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My 3 yo has decided that it's funny to put his socks on his hands. When dh told him that socks go on feet and gloves on hands ds started asking to wear his gloves. He asks for them first thing when he gets up or finishes a meal (he is not allowed to eat with the gloves on). Is this weird or just a kid thing?

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14 yo DD talks to the goats and sheep in their own language, loudly and without a care for what the neighbors will think. MAAAAA MAAAAAA! MEEEEEH MEEEEEEH! and the critters answer back :)


Is this wierd?? We routinely roll down the windows and bellow MOOOOOO at any cows we pass... Hunh. I thought that was perfectly normal.

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Oh yes, licking is something he does too. One day we were in the school room and I was helping his brother with math. I looked around and little dude was licking his chair back from one side to the other...back and forth, back and forth. YUCK.


I nearly came out of my skin the time I finished unloading my grocery cart and turned around to see Moose licking the cart handle back and forth. I wanted to make him drink Lysol.

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My four year old boy likes to smell me. First thing in the morning, he'll come up, give me a big hug and sniff me. He'll sniff me while I'm reading to him or when he's snuggling on my lap. Sometimes he'll get up from what he's doing to come over and hug and sniff me.


He still puts things in his mouth, too. We were out for a walk one weekend and walked past a dandelion that had gone to see. He picked it up and brought it up to his face as if he was going to sniff it, but ate it instead!

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Pie frequently pretends to be an animal - either a cat (Warriors variety with a name like Shadowpelt or Thornpaw) or a wolf. This involves much crawling, paw licking, mewing/meowing/yowling/howling, and thankfully she has outgrown the phase of begging me to let her lick milk from a bowl on the floor. She has a pile of small critters (Beanie Babies, mostly) who are her prey and I find many of them in her bed each morning. "Got hungry lastnight, eh?" "Mrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrroooooooooooooowwwww."


Moose is the class clown and the list of his oddities is too long to post. I say that in all good humor - the kid is a crack-up. He has attempted the big head-tilt face-grab smooooooch but I recoiled. He is now in a phase of doing that 3-slap horse gallop noise with his hands wherever he goes.


Freaks. Both of 'em.


Then again, apples don't fall far........ :D

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Is this wierd?? We routinely roll down the windows and bellow MOOOOOO at any cows we pass... Hunh. I thought that was perfectly normal.


I learned to do this from my dad. We always did it when I was growing up. I taught it to ds when he was little.



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my 2yo will not stop sticking things in his nose. he prefers coffee beans. we were at storytime a few weeks ago and he was sitting away from me, with a friend and his mom. all of the sudden he started WAILING uncontrollably. it took me a good minute to figure out he had a coffee bean jammed up each nostril. he really gets some distance though when he shoots them back out, which is apparently hilarious, because he always cracks up laughing...maybe that is why he keeps doing it?


regarding the gloves...my 5yo has a pair that he lives in. we have the same rule, that he must remove them for meals. he puts them in the windowsill behind his chair and keeps one eye on 'em throughout the meal...:glare:

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Wow - this a distubing topic, with some disturbing habits! All of a sudden, my 13yo & 11yo chasing each other around the house, grunting to themselves and giggling like something out of a horror film seems positively normal. (It's hard to really do it justice - I guess you just have to hear it.)

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Ha! We're all weird here:D My 16yo constantly threatens that she is going to start carrying a video recorder around to capture all the bizarre things we say and do. My 14yo is the funniest of the bunch. He's always doing crazy things, but he can totally pull it off. I figure if he ever gets over his shyness (he doesn't do these things around just anyone), he'll be a hit as a comedian.


SIL (13 years younger than dh) was a licker, too, for the record. She went through a puppy phase where she wanted to pretend to be a puppy all the time. I thought 6 or 7 was old enough for her to curb it when requested, but everyone else thought it was cute. Then came the day when she started licking and I put my foot down--almost on top of her, but I controlled myself;)

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made a pretty funny picture last night. It is amazing the silly things my kids will do. This same 7 year old is always singing in the bathroom and last week we heard, "The toilet, the toilet, oh I ate the toilet, I didn't eat my mattress or my soup, just the toilet...." (The Veggie Tale Bunny Song). Last night all four age 7, 9, 11 and 13 staged a riot bullfight in the playroom. I loved seeing them laughing and being so silly. Right now those silly all kids together times are fewer since they are getting older.

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my 5yo has a list of strange behaviors...


His first (and lasting) was fondling ears. He loves to play with the ears of the people he loves.


He will do the sniffing thing, too...

us (me and/or hubby):"What are you doing?"

him: "Sniffing you."

us: "Why?"

him: "Because I like to."


He will sing about *anything*...sometimes I feel like I live in a musical!


His latest is "The Adventures of Flick and Hand"...this is a game he plays when he has nothing to do. He forms one hand into a flicking shape (like an ASL "F") and then his hands go on adventures, occasionally fighting with eachother complete with shields (shields are put on by changing hand shapes). These "adventures" are fully narrated.


I'm sure there are others, but these are the ones that I can remember at the moment!


My son is fondly nicknamed "freaklet" :lol:

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Ds13 loved a pair of winter pajamas I bought him a few months back. In a play fight with his sister, they tore. I kept meaning to get her to sew them up for him, since she ripped them- but didn't get around to it. Meanwhile the rip grew bigger and bigger and he kept wearing them because he just loved them. Finally a couple of days ago I said enough- they sure weren't covering much any more! then I thought, why not cut them off so they are shorts? So I cut off the legs- but they were ripped so badly that once the legs were cut off, they were now a short skirt, not pants. And so ds13 STILL wanted to wear them and said now they were his kilt! He wore them around the rest of the evening, proud of his kilt. He just loved these pajamas!

I did manage to disappear them this morning and put them in the bin. Fortunately his b'day is next week and I bought him a new pair of PJs today.

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